Savior Simulator

Chapter 685 Counter Ambush

Chapter 685 Counter Ambush

Unfortunately, affected by the sudden strong wind, the aim of Jiang Feng's shot was slightly off, and it hit the left side of Barry's forehead, wiping out a deep groove of blood.

The Cyclops was taken aback, and hurriedly stopped.

Looking down, he realized that the bear goblins under him were all entangled by the activated vines emerging from the grass.

Under Barry's feet, countless vines also sprouted, winding and climbing up the giant's feet, entangled in circles.

The Cyclops let out an annoyed growl, and kicked his feet, snapping the vines with ease.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but secretly startled when he saw this scene.

This big guy has so much strength!
Seeing that the Cyclops was about to break through the entanglement of vines, she quickly raised her left hand and flicked her fingers.

call out!
The spider silk ring was activated, and a large spider web was ejected, covering the Cyclops head.

"Entanglement Technique" plus "Spider Web Technique", still can't control the huge Cyclops with natural power.

Jiang Feng quickly took out the wand that Gao Fei gave her, and cast two "greasy spells" under Barry's feet, finally causing the giant to fall to the ground and temporarily control it.

Jiang Feng wiped off his sweat and took the time to open the astrolabe and check the data of Cyclops Barry.

This guy belongs to a super giant, with a life value of 175 points, which is a bit exaggerated at the current level!

Barry's Challenge Rating is 7, Strength 27, Dexterity 9, Constitution 20, Intelligence 6, Wisdom 10, and Charisma 6.

Cyclops' natural defense +10, leather armor +3 defense, 1 point of agility penalty and 2 points of size penalty are deducted, and the overall defense is 20.

In addition to the "stone-throwing" skill that the giants are very good at, Barry also mastered the talents of "Strength", "Long-range Shooting", "Clicking", "Whirlwind", "Powerful Attack" and "Multiple Attacks".

In addition, Cyclops also has a natural weakness, that is, its narrow field of vision, if it attacks from behind or from the side, it will automatically gain an advantage in the test.

While Jiang Feng was investigating Barry, the Cyclops had already stood up from the greasy trap using a big wooden stick as a crutch.

"Damn it!"

Cyclops flew into a rage.

Although his brain is not very smart, Barry also knows that if he trudges through the triple trap formed by vines, cobwebs and grease, he will definitely fall again.

He simply stood where he was, tore a stone from the necklace around his neck, and threw it at Jiang Feng with all his might.

Jiang Feng quickly rolled on the spot to avoid the roaring boulders.

The stones hit the ground like a bomb blooming, blasting away all the weeds and trees within five feet, clearing a large open space.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng couldn't help crying secretly.

Cyclops, just like a humanoid catapult.

If he allowed him to throw stones, the bushes where he and Martin were hiding would soon be leveled and there would be no shelter.

At that time, it is very likely that you will be hit directly by a stone, and you will be seriously injured if you don't die!
Martin was also aware of this crisis, and hastily slapped the hound with the "growth technique" to make it rush out to restrain the Cyclops and prevent him from throwing stones.

At the same time, Martin also marked Barry with the "Hunter's Mark", and shot the giant frequently, trying to kill him as soon as possible.

Reluctantly, the Cyclops had rough skin and thick flesh, and the natural defense was too high. Martin fired two shots in a row, but failed to break through the defense.

The sound of the gunfire revealed his hiding place instead, attracting a shower of flying stones and javelins. He had to pick up the shotgun and trot in the grass, shooting a shot to change places.

Hound "Landlord" stands on the edge of the greasy trap, keeping an eye on Cyclops' movements.

When they realize that the opponent is trying to throw a stone, they immediately launch an attack of opportunity, stretching their necks to bite, and stumbling along the way.

It's a pity that even with the blessing of "Giant Enlargement", the hound's size is still one size smaller than that of the Cyclops, making it difficult to trip the opponent.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Feng made a series of gestures and cast the "reduction technique" on the Cyclops.

The "shrinking technique" applied to the enemy must pass a strong saving throw to take effect.

Jiang Feng's spell DC is 18, and Barry's Fortitude save is +8.

The chance of failing the saving throw is only 45%.

Jiang Feng didn't expect to succeed once, but when luck came, even the city walls couldn't stop him, so he shrunk the Cyclops down by one level at the first attempt.

Now, Barry is only nine feet tall, and his strength attribute has dropped to 26 points.

The hound on the opposite side was about the same size as Barry. Including the "Giant Enlargement Technique" and the "Power of the Bull" that Jiang Feng blessed for it, the strength attribute was also 26 points, which was on par with Cyclops.

Barry was bitten by the hound's thigh and pulled it hard, almost falling on the spot.

The Cyclops managed to keep his center of gravity stable, so he didn't care about throwing stones, picked up the big wooden club, and roared and slammed it on the hound's back!
Jiang Feng had been paying attention to his actions for a long time.

Seeing the Cyclops holding up the big stick, he quickly showed his wand, imitating Gao Fei's usual tactics, and released the "greasy technique" on the big stick!
Cyclops' agility attribute was the biggest shortcoming, and his reflex save was very low, so he was hit without any suspense.

The big stick slipped out of his hand with a chirp, and he waved it lonely with his empty hands.

The hound took advantage of the situation to launch an attack of opportunity, and finally knocked the big man to the ground.

With the clumsy figure of a Cyclops, once he fell on his back in the slippery grease, he would never get up again.

At this time, all the goblin bears on the battlefield had been killed by Martin.

The Cyclops fell on his back to the ground, flailing his hands and feet indiscriminately, and basically lost his fighting power, reduced to a large piece of meat on the chopping board.

Jiang Feng stood up from the grass, unleashed his two guns in a leisurely manner, pointed at the Cyclops' head and fired continuously.

Bang bang bang!
All three shots broke the defense!

Counting the sneak attack and various damage bonuses, it caused a total of 84 points of damage, directly killing half of the Cyclops' life!
Jiang Feng reloaded the revolver and continued shooting.

On the other side of the battlefield, Martin also joined the ranks of shooting.

Intense gunfire echoed over the valley.

Two rounds later, Cyclops Barry was covered in bullet holes and lay in a pool of blood, not breathing.

The fourth-ranked leader of the Blood Anchor Gang and a gold medalist, just died aggrieved.

As Barry and the six goblin bears fell under the guns, the game perspective switched again, and the camera re-locked on Goofy, the male protagonist.

(End of this chapter)

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