Savior Simulator

Chapter 684 Cyclops

Chapter 684 Cyclops
Martin was startled by the sound of gunfire overhead.

He hurriedly turned his head to look at Jiang Feng, whose body on the left was red with blood, and was so frightened that he was at a loss.

"Hawkeye" Hawke's +1 rifle has established a "weapon link", and the base damage roll is 3d6.

During the sniping just now, Hawke spared no effort to expend mana to infuse the rifle bullets with two enchanting special effects unique to the "magic shooter".

One is "higher energy shooting", which consumes 10 points of mana and adds 5d6 force field damage to the bullet, regardless of any damage reduction armor.

The second is "tracking shooting", which consumes 6 points of mana, and the bullet tracks the designated target within the range, automatically rounds the corner, and is not blocked by obstacles other than "full cover".

"Eagle Eye" Hawk's agility attribute is as high as 22, and his charisma attribute is 18.

This gun, in addition to the basic bullet damage and "higher energy shooting", also counts the +1 enchantment level of the rifle, the agility modifier, and the charm modifier brought by "weapon bond".

In the end, it hit Jiang Feng, causing 43 damage!
Jiang Feng only had 45 health points in total, and was almost killed by a single shot!

This is also thanks to her developed sixth sense, so she avoided the vitals in time, otherwise she would be shot in the heart with a single shot, hit four times critically, and die directly without a whole body!

Barely staying awake, Jiang Feng hurriedly slapped "Spontaneous Medical Treatment" on himself, racing against time to bring back his blood.

At the same time, Brother Martin finally recovered from his shock, and raised his gun to aim at the cliff top where the bandits were lurking.

"Despicable bastard! How shameless to shoot without saying a word!"

Martin cursed and fired back.

"Eagle Eye" Hawke was loading his sniper rifle with bullets. Feeling the sudden change in the airflow, he tilted his head calmly, letting the bullets whistle past his ears.

Not far behind him.

Cody folded his arms, leaning against a big tree, watching the excitement.

Noticing the bullet that Hawke dodged, he flew straight towards him, waved his hand, and the black gloves glowed with magic power, and even bounced the bullet back the same way.

After Martin shot, he lay down on the spot and luckily avoided the rebounding bullets, but he also broke out in a cold sweat.

Jiang Feng healed the wound hastily, then struggled to get up from the pool of blood, and shouted at Martin: "Quick retreat!"

"Ah? Aren't we going to buy time for Rogge?"

"Buy a hammer time!" Jiang Feng said angrily, "The enemy is too strong, we can't stand it at all, if we don't run away, I'm afraid I will have to confess my life here!"

"But Roger..." Martin was still hesitating.

"Rogge's progress is very smooth. He has already sneaked into the bear goblin's lair. It's up to him to do it next."

Jiang Feng avoided the big rocks thrown by the Cyclops and the javelins thrown by the goblin bears, turned his head and ran out of the valley.

Martin whistled for the hounds, picked up the shotgun and chased after Jiang Feng, and couldn't help but ask, "How do you know that Rogge has successfully sneaked into the gangster's lair?"

This is a good question.

Of course, Jiang Feng kept in touch with her boyfriend in real time through the astrolabe private chat channel to keep abreast of each other's situation.

However, Martin certainly couldn't understand it.

"This is my intuition!" Jiang Feng fooled Martin without turning his head. "Couples who fall in love will have a mysterious telepathy between each other. This is called 'heart-to-heart', don't you know it!"

"Ah...why do you say this to me, a bachelor? I'm so embarrassed..." Martin closed his mouth tactfully.

"Those two boys, ghosts and ghosts, run pretty fast!"

On the top of the cliff, Hawkeye frowned slightly.

"Should I take a few people down to hunt down?" Cody asked.

Hawk shook his head slightly, his eyes cold.

"Maybe there is another group of people hiding in the dark, sneaking into the valley while the two private detectives lure us away."

"You and I stay here and continue to monitor. Let Barry bring half a dozen bear goblins down the mountain to hunt down those two detectives. It doesn't matter if they can't catch up. They are just insignificant characters anyway."

Hawke's order was conveyed quickly.

Cyclops Barry picked up a big wooden club and brought six armed bear goblin thugs down the mountain road, chasing Jiang Feng and Martin aggressively.


In the grass shaded by trees, Martin ran with a gun in his hand, looking back from time to time.

The ranger's professional ability "Emerald Vision", in this environment, is equivalent to opening a perspective plug-in for Martin.

Across the dense branches and leaves, and the weeds as high as half a person, Martin had a clear view, and he could clearly see the pursuers behind him, but the opponent could only judge the direction of the prey's escape through the footprints left in the grass.

"Miss Quinn! The Cyclops is chasing up with a group of bear goblins. Do you want to lay a trap and show them some color?" Martin said to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng readily nodded in agreement.

"The woods are the home ground of rangers. Where do you think it is appropriate to set up traps, and where we set up an ambush, we will fight back!"

"Ha! You are right, no one is better at hunting in the wild than me! Come with me!"

On the way into the valley before, Martin had consciously observed the terrain along the way, and had already made up his mind about where to set up an ambush.

He took his hounds and Jiang Feng away from the valley and into a forest glade overgrown with wormwood, where he took three shots of the "entanglement technique" in succession, then he burrowed into the grass, lay down on the ground, and waited with a gun The prey came to the door.

Jiang Feng also hid in the bushes on the other side, lurking.

Only the hound "landlord" remained, obeying his master's orders, staying in the clearing on purpose, and barking loudly in the direction of the pursuers.

"Hoho! The dog is barking!" Barry's one-eyed eyes were shining with excitement, and he raised his stick and pointed forward, "Quick! Over there! Chase up, there will be dog meat to eat!"

The goblin bears clamored in unison and rushed forward in a swarm.

The "entanglement technique" set by Martin in the grass, the activated vines are mixed with natural weeds, and the camouflage effect is self-contained, which greatly enhances the concealment.

The goblin bears didn't even notice the abnormality under their feet, and they were too busy chasing the fleeing hounds wagging their tails. When they realized that their legs were bound, it was too late to evacuate.



Jiang Feng and Martin, who were hiding in the grass, clicked the trigger at the same time.

Martin's shotgun has a higher base damage dice, and can kill a goblin bear with two shots on average.

Jiang Feng's pistol has a slightly lower base damage than a shotgun, but taking into account the damage bonus provided by "Weapon Proficiency", plus the automatic sneak attack effect of sniping immobile targets, the final damage is higher than Martin's, which is also two shots Defeat a goblin bear.

Jiang Nvxia is a double-gunner.

After two shots, you can use the bonus action to add another shot.

Considering that it would be difficult for a single bullet to kill a strong bear goblin, Jiang Feng turned to aim at Cyclops Barry, intending to blow out the big eyeball on his forehead with one shot!

(End of this chapter)

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