Savior Simulator

Chapter 675 The Fierce Little Woman

Chapter 675 The Fierce Little Woman
A little observation will reveal that the raindrops seem to be hindered by obstacles in mid-air, and their trajectory changes irregularly, thus outlining a hazy silhouette of a human figure, which is clearly the posture of a little devil!
Martin Page, the son of Orion, pulled the trigger in time.

Martin's choice of sniping angle is clever.

The bullet hit Duck's chest at an angle, repelling it towards the left rear—not directly rearward—so as to avoid breaking the glass window, allowing the cunning little devil to escape through the window.

The moment he was shot, Dak lost his invisibility, was blown away by the strong impact of the bullet, hit the wall with his back, and slid down again.

The moment it landed, the little devil's body swelled rapidly, transforming from a one-foot-tall toy soldier into a spider bigger than a wheel!

At the same time, the physical attributes of the little devil also changed to strength 16, agility 17, and constitution 18.

With the growth of body size and physique attributes, Dark's HP increased to 37 points.

The shot just now, deducting 5 points of damage-reducing armor, only caused 7 points of damage to Dak, and it was not fatal.

His "quick self-healing" physique is still effective in the transformed state, and his health is recovering rapidly.

Martin fired again.

The little devil in the form of a giant spider reacted super fast, turned around to avoid bullets, moved its claws together, and quickly climbed up the wall.

Jiang Feng made a spell-casting gesture, ready to release a "tracer bullet" to attack Dak.

The giant spider's eight single eyes flickered, observing three enemies on the ground at the same time.

Goofy held two guns, Martin raised his shotgun, and the black muzzles were pointing at him.

However, Dake was even more afraid of the brilliance emerging from Jiang Feng's fingertips.

The devil who lives with the darkness is very sensitive to the magic power of the light system.

Darke recognized that the nun was going to cast "tracer bomb", this spell could penetrate his damage-reducing armor and cause full damage!
Don't let her shoot "tracer bombs"!
A gloomy look flashed in the giant spider's eyes, and suddenly it spewed a thread towards Jiang Feng, wrapped around her wrist, tried to drag her over, and pierced the girl's neck with its fangs.

Unexpectedly entangled by the spider silk, Jiang Feng's focus on casting spells was interrupted, and the magic backlash caused a strong headache, and his feet were dragged off the ground by the spider silk.

Gao Fei found out that his girlfriend was in danger, so he didn't care to shoot, and instead cast "scorching rays".

call out!
A line of fire burned through the spider's thread, and Jiang Feng, who was free from entanglement, landed safely.

The other two rays hit the giant spider, but failed to cause the slightest damage.

Gao Fei frowned secretly.

"Scorching ray" is ineffective against Dark, so it can be seen that after the little devil turns into a giant spider, it still retains the natural resistance of fire immunity.

As soon as the prey from his mouth was snatched away, the little devil was so angry that he jumped off the ceiling and jumped towards Gao Fei in the air.

Gao Fei hurriedly rolled sideways, narrowly avoiding the giant spider's fangs.

"Landlord, go!"

Martin blessed the hound with the "Giant Scale" technique, urging it to pounce on Duck and bite him. Standing at the door, he shot and sniped under the cover of the hound, taking care of protecting Alice behind him.

This shot was dodged by the little devil who had the talent of "Proficient Dodge".

The hound seized the opportunity, bit the giant spider's leg, and tripped, trying to knock his opponent to the ground.

The hound blessed with the "Giant Enlargement Technique" has a strength attribute of 21, which is 5 points higher than the giant spider that Duck turned into.

The eight-legged spider was so stable that the hounds failed to trip it and only broke one of its legs.

Taking advantage of the fierce scuffle between the giant dog and the giant spider, Jiang Feng was able to cast spells without interference.

The "tracer bomb" dragged a shining trail, like a miniature comet hitting a giant spider, playing a "sneak attack" special effect.

The "brilliance" attribute of "tracer bombs" is also effective for the additional 3d6 sneak attack damage dice, and is not hindered by the devil's damage reduction armor.


Dak's blood bar was knocked out by more than half in an instant!

The resilience of "quick self-healing" is nothing compared to a huge trauma.

Goofy's pistol doesn't have silver-plated bullets, which won't penetrate the Imp's damage reduction armor.

"Scorching Ray" has also been proven to be ineffective. Among the remaining attack spells, the most reliable one is "Magic Missile".

Missiles with force field attributes can penetrate any form of damage-reducing armor, and there is no need to pass the saving throw, and it will not be hindered by magic resistance.

But before releasing the missile, Goofy has one more thing to do.

The little devil's spells are not appreciated by Gao Fei.

However, it does not prevent him from performing "long-distance techniques", stealing "invisibility", "suggestion" and "divination" from the opponent, and throwing them away.

You don't have to, but you have to steal. This is called "thieves don't leave empty space"!
"Stealing" combined with "Smart Hands and Empty Hands" only needs to spend a bonus action.

Goofy also has a standard action this round, which happens to be used to fire magic missiles.

Five balls of purple light flew out of their hands, whistling and hitting the giant spider.


The little devil's health was only at the last 2 points, and he hurriedly tried to hide himself, but found that his "invisibility" had disappeared inexplicably.

After a short period of shock, Duck had no choice but to take the next best thing, turning into a crow form, trying to bypass Martin's obstruction, and flew out the door.

As soon as he flew to the door, a broom slapped him head-on.

The crow was shot down in the air and fell to the ground, dizzy.

Before he regained consciousness, he was hit by a "tracer bullet" flying from behind.

At the last second before losing consciousness, the little devil vaguely saw Alice holding a broom, with a tense little face, guarding the door of the house angrily.

Jiang Feng looked back at the little girl who was beating the crow with a broom. He didn't know whether to praise her for being brave or blame her for being reckless.

"When this little girl grows up, she will definitely be a fierce woman." Gao Fei wiped off his cold sweat.

Jiang Feng turned his head and stared at him with a murderous look in his eyes.

"I'm curious, when you said 'yes', who was the other fierce woman you compared to Alice?"

... If you check your seat, it belongs to yes.

"Strange! Why is the crow's body smoking!"

Martin's eyes widened in surprise.

The body of the crow that was shot down by Alice was disintegrated into a cloud of black smoke with a choking sulfur smell.

The mischievous laughter of the little devil Duck came from the smoke.

When the black smoke dissipated, so did the laughter.

"God... that bad guy, is he still in the house?"

Alice gripped the broom tightly, looking around in horror.

Martin also raised his shotgun, looking wary.

"Don't worry, Alice, Duck is no longer here." Jiang Feng comforted the little girl softly.

"Is he dead?" Martin asked anxiously.

"To be precise, he hasn't died yet." Gao Fei explained, "Demons and demons from other worlds are summoned into our world. Even if the physical body is destroyed, the source of life similar to the soul will return. The plane of its birth."

"For example, Darke has fled back to Bator Hell. Only by killing him in Hell can his soul be completely destroyed."

(End of this chapter)

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