Chapter 674
Despite his humble origins, the Imp enjoys freedoms and privileges disproportionate to his class.

They don't need to go to the battlefield to fight against demons or angels. Even if they serve, they will act as fools around the devil's officer, and occasionally come up with bad ideas and engage in espionage.

Life is more comfortable than those higher-ranking devils.

The reason why they enjoy such special treatment is because little devils often play the role of "pets" in the eyes of high-ranking devils.

Just like in the real world, cats and dogs do not enjoy human rights in theory, but as pets at home, their status in the mind of their owners is far more noble than that of homeless people on the street, although the latter should theoretically deserve more rights than cats and dogs. kindness.

Little devils are different from each other, even more different than cats and dogs, and their external forms are also strange, but most of them look like red-skinned fat dolls with wings and horns.

Dak doesn't look like the little devil in people's impression, because he used magic to disguise his true face, so he can deceive Alice, put down his guard and treat him as a friend.

Dak is an ultra-small demon with a challenge level of 2 and 20 HP points. He comes with two talents, "Proficient Dodge" and "Weapon Proficiency".

Duck's various attributes are: strength 10, agility 18, constitution 15, intelligence 13, perception 13, charm 15.

All baatezu, including the lowest imps, are born able to see through darkness, whether it is a naturally formed dark environment or a dark enchantment created by magic or supernatural forces.

This is the famous "devil's vision".

Devils are naturally immune to fire and poison, 10 points each to cold and acid resistance, as well as magic resistance and damage reduction armor.

Devils of different classes have slightly different damage reduction armor performance.

The imp can only reduce the damage by 5 points, and the damage reduction armor will be penetrated by the shining or silver weapons.

Although short in stature and low in health, the little devil has a special physique called "quick self-healing", which can automatically restore two points of health every round.

The imp's claws and tail are magic weapons.

Especially the poisonous needle at the end of the tail. When stinging a creature, if the opponent fails the fortitude saving throw, it will be poisoned, and the wound will continue to fester.

The imp is also good at changing shape.

Through this supernatural ability similar to "transfiguration", one can change into four forms of crow, mouse, wild boar or large mutant spider at will.

Imps can even cast magic, most of them are good at 0-level "detect alignment" and "detect magic", 1-level "disguise", 2-level "divination" and "invisibility", 3-level "suggestion" , and the 5-ring "Spiritual Ability" that can only be used once a week.

Seeing Dak's spell list, Gao Fei suddenly realized.

No wonder this guy can turn into a living toy soldier, who is good at "disguise".

Alice was confused by him, believed his nonsense, and regarded him as her friend, probably because of the "suggestion".

As for Dak's disappearance without a trace just now, it is obvious that the "invisibility technique" was activated.

Goofy scratched his head.

Neither I nor my companions have mastered the anti-invisibility skills, so how do we find out the invisible little devil?

He turned to look at the door.

A hound with a keen sense of smell may be able to smell the unique smell emitted by the devil, and help search for Duck who is invisible and lurking.

At this moment, Jiang Feng suddenly tugged on his sleeve.

"I thought of a way to crack the invisibility, but I don't know if it will work."

Yes, Comrade Xiaojiang!IQ is online!

"You try it first, if it doesn't work, let's find another way." Gao Fei encouraged his girlfriend.

Jiang Feng nodded, turned around and walked to the toy box that was knocked over by Martin, picked up the music box, and began to cast spells.

Level 5 "Temple Raiders" has two first-level spells, and Jiang Feng's electives are "Tracer Bullet" and "Reduction".

In addition, she also learned an additional 1-ring protection spell "Magic Alarm" through the specialty "Sentinel".

Now, she puts the "magic alarm" on the music box and sets the trigger conditions.

The monitoring mechanism of the "magic alarm" is related to the size of the creature. The caster can set the creature smaller than a certain size to enter and exit the monitoring area without triggering the alarm.

In this way, false alarms can be effectively avoided.

Otherwise, any ant crawling in and out would trigger a piercing alarm, and it would be impossible to live this day.

In addition, the caster can also pre-set the exemption list, so that he and several trustworthy creatures can freely enter and exit the monitoring area without triggering the alarm.

Jiang Feng put himself, Gao Fei, Martin, and the hound "landlord" on the alarm exemption list.

Creatures with a body length of less than one inch will not activate magical alarms.

The little devil Duck is more than one foot tall in normal state.

Transformed into the smallest mouse form, the body length is also more than an inch, and it is absolutely impossible to escape the alarm monitoring.

The monitoring radius of "Magic Alarm" is up to 60 feet.

Jiang Feng didn't need such a large monitoring range, so he reduced the radiation radius to 1/10, which is about 2 meters (6 feet).

She handed Gao Fei the music box with the alarm on, and told him what to do next through the astrolabe chat channel.

Astrolabe exchange is the player's privilege.

The NPC characters in the game cannot hear.

This avoids eavesdropping by imps lurking in the dark.

Hearing his girlfriend's exhortation, Gao Fei used the "Hand of the Mage" again, grabbed the music box from the air, and slowly moved around.

If the music box with the magic alarm is just placed in place, unless the little devil actively breaks into the monitoring area, there will be no reaction.

This "mousetrap" passive alarm mode is too inefficient, and Gao Fei adopts a more efficient "active early warning" mode.

When he remotely controlled the music box to move indoors, it was like holding a detection device with a detection radius of two meters. Once suspicious creatures were detected, an alarm would sound.

"Invisibility" is a kind of illusion, which can distort light so that the subject cannot be imaged in the eyes of others.

"Invisible" does not mean "non-existent".

The "magic alarm" is not human eyes, and will not be confused by hallucinations. As long as the little devil enters the detection radius, even if it is in an invisible state, it will still send out an alarm.

Facts have proved that this trick really works!
Gao Fei remote-controlled the music box, just approached the window, the alarm suddenly sounded!

Invisible imp, near the window!
Jiang Feng was already prepared.

As soon as you hear the siren, immediately release the "Water Creation" towards the window!
"Water Creation"...can also be used to counter-invisibility?
of course can!

The moisture created by the magic power forms rainfall indoors.

Drizzling rain fell from the ceiling, concentrating on the window and its surrounding area.

The raindrops opened an even and dense curtain between the ceiling and the floor.

(End of this chapter)

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