Savior Simulator

Chapter 667 Multiple Transformations

Chapter 667 Multiple Transformations
Stalker Shark (Large Animal): Natural Armor +4, Swim 60 ft.; Str 22, Dex 15, Con 16; Smell, Alertness.

大型章鱼(大型动物):天生防御+7,爬行20尺/游泳30尺;力量20,敏捷15, 体质13;攫抓,喷吐墨汁云(20尺扩散)。

Dire Crocodile (Large Animal): Natural Armor +8, Crawl 20 ft./Swim 30 ft.; Str 27, Dex 12, Con 21; Amphibious, Alertness, Grab.

The third category is flying animals.

There are few large birds in nature, and their attributes and abilities are generally weaker than those of land and aquatic animals.

Gao Fei searched the monster illustration book for a long time, and the first "Giant Eagle" and "Giant Crow" that came to his attention looked like birds on the surface, but they were actually magical beasts whose intelligence was not inferior to that of humans, beyond the scope of wild transformation .

Pick and choose, only one dire bat is okay.

Dire Bat (Large Animal): Natural armor +5, fly 40 ft.; Str 17, Dex 20, Con 17; blindsight, alertness.

Dire bats are actually not birds, but it doesn't matter, as long as they can fly.

Finally, for large plants, there is only one best choice, which is the upgraded version of "Killer Vine" - creepers!
Scrambler (Large Plant): Natural Armor +11; Str 23, Dex 10, Con 20; Climb/Swim 20 ft.; Absorb Electricity, Fire/Cold Res. 10; Blindsight, Improved Trip, Multistrike (2 times 15-foot vine slam/trip).


Gao Fei looked at "Wild Transformation" and then at "Master of Disguise". Suddenly, he had an idea and thought of a "new way to play the boat"!
The druid's "wild transformation" can temporarily change the species type, so what will happen if a layer of "transformation" is superimposed on the basis of "wild transformation"?

Ah... this familiar feeling... this damn sweet smell...

That's right, Gao Fei has keenly grasped the possibility of "whoring for nothing"!
His little brain is the only one that can make such a leap forward at the level of opportunism.

Imagine, first use "wild transformation" to transform yourself into a dire bear.

At this time, Goofy's species type has changed from "humanoid (human)" to "animal (violent subspecies)".

Then, in the form of a dire bear, he can use the "transformation technique" to transform into any medium-to-large animal, such as... a dire bat.

After transforming, Goofy maintains the physical attributes and talents of the dire bear form, and at the same time gains the natural defense, flying ability, and two specialties of "blind sight" and "vigilance" of the dire bat.

After completing the above operations, Goofy appears to be a dire bat, but actually possesses the power of a dire bear!

Except that the natural defense has been weakened by 3 points, it is almost a flying bear with a strength attribute as high as 31 and disguised as a bat!
According to the above example, an infinite variety of "multiple transformations" can be combined, and learn from each other as needed.

For example: dire crocodile (wild transformation) + dire bat (transformation)

Isn't it a super monster that can live in water, land and air? !
But don't get too fancy just yet.

The question is, is the above-mentioned multiple transformation operation really feasible?

There is one thing to say, according to the normal casting process, this kind of operation is impossible.

The reason is very simple.

When Goofy transforms into an animal form, he loses his ability to speak, and his forelimbs are often not as flexible as human fingers.

Unable to speak, one cannot chant spellcasting incantations.

Even with the clumsy bear paw, he couldn't make a spell-casting gesture.

Then how to perform the "transformation technique"?
Conventional solutions, not for nothing.

For example, with the help of the two metamagic specialties of "Spell Silent Spell" and "Spell Fixed Shot", spells and gestures during the casting process can be dispensed with.

To make it easier, a part-time druid, or learn a "wild spellcasting" feat, can use the roar of wild animals, the rustle of leaves shaking plants instead of chanting spells, and simulating spellcasting gestures by waving animal claws, tails or branches.

Gao Fei's imitator, without learning these specialties, can still perform "transformation" in the form of a beast.

Because his "transfiguration" is obtained through the professional ability "Master of Disguise", it does not need spells, gestures and spell-casting materials, which is equivalent to having three items of "silent hair", "fixed hair" and "material-free" Metamagic expertise.

In addition to animal and plant forms, Gao Fei can also use the "Druid Mask" to transform into the four elements of water, fire, wind and earth.

"Multiple transformations" also applies to elemental forms.

Assuming he first becomes a "medium wind elemental", the species type will change from human to elemental creature.

Next, it is logical to launch the "Master of Disguise" to turn into any small to large elemental creatures, such as fire elementals.

Wind element + fire element, and then switch to the whirlwind form, it can become a "fire tornado"!
On this basis, further deduction, "magnification" or "reduction" can also be integrated, and finally achieve "triple transformation"!
Gao Fei also thought that the effect of "Transformation" could be shared with animal companions, paladin mounts and magic pets.

In this way, wouldn't Brother Niu and Pearl be included in the above-mentioned "multiple transformation" system?

The Celestial Bull is a large "magic beast" with the "animal" subspecies, and can transform into a medium-sized to super-large animal or a magical beast.

Gao Fei patted himself a "transformation technique", and by the way, Brother Niu could be turned into a shark-lizard beast with natural defense +12, proficient in digging and burrowing, or a griffin that can fly and "swoop".

Turning into a magical beast is too much, let's take it easy and turn Brother Niu into a super-large animal, such as a Triceratops with a natural defense of 11 and three talents of "Strongness", "Perseverance" and "Powerful Charge", like a jeep Upgrade into a tank!

The magic pet is also the same operation.

Pearl's biological classification belongs to "Weird (beholder subspecies)".

It's a pity that Gao Fei lacks understanding of beholders and strange creatures, so he can't think of any new tricks that Pearl can conjure up for the time being.

Miss Lisa participated in the incident of catching the shapeshifter as an undercover agent, and followed suit, and was promoted to level 6 adjudicator.

HP +7, attribute +1 (perception 21).

Acquiring the professional ability "telepathy".

Within 120 feet, you can communicate mentally with any intelligent creature.

Level 6 "Adjudicator" can also learn a second-level magic spell, Lisa chose the most practical "attribute enhancement".

This chapter passed the level perfectly, and Gao Fei got a reward job, which is Major Henry Frame's "Arcane Knight".

The three bonus feats for candidates are all seen before, "Strongness", "Iron Will" and "Brutal Strike".

There is nothing to hesitate, Gao Fei can only choose "Brutal Strike" and increase the damage die of a melee weapon, which is upright and simple.

According to the prior agreement, Mrs. Dreyfus paid Goofy a commission of 7000 gold pounds, plus a “small gift” worth no less than 7000 gold pounds—a pair of magic boots.

(End of this chapter)

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