Savior Simulator

Chapter 666 Tracking the Magic Explosion (for Subscription)

Chapter 666 Tracking the Magic Explosion (for Subscription)

There are as many kinds of exotic bloodlines as there are races.

The more mixed blood, the wider the scope of application of the "transformation technique"!
So here comes the question, whether in reality or in the game, Gao Fei plays the role of Musk, his ancestors are all human beings with good roots.

Some blood was taken for testing, and no obvious alien blood was detected. Wouldn't it be a disadvantage to learn the "transformation technique"?
This is indeed the case.

Transformation spells are not very friendly to creatures with pure blood, but it is not impossible to improve.

The most widely spread and simplest method is to obtain a warlock profession with mixed blood characteristics.

Such as "Dragon Blood Warlock".

After a person advances to "Dragon Blood Warlock", he can immediately find the figure of a certain dragon from the ancestral genealogy of many generations ago.

Even if the bloodline inherited from your dragon ancestors is so weak that it cannot be detected at all, the moment you obtain the Warlock profession, the dormant blood in your body will automatically wake up, allowing you to obtain the "dragon subspecies" bloodline.

Next, you can use the "transformation technique" to become a dragon.

In fact, Gao Fei has seen people play like this with his own eyes.

Lin Qi, the policewoman of the 01 special police team, used this routine to transform into a silver dragon.

If you don't want to be a dragon, but an elemental creature, that's fine.

It is enough to be the first level "Elemental Bloodline Warlock".

For example, "Fire Elemental Warlock" can use "Transformation" to become a small and medium-sized fire element in the early stage.

As the level increases, it can become a more powerful fire elf in the future!
The profession of warlock is characterized by tapping the potential of blood.

Theoretically, as many supernatural creatures as there are in the world, there are as many corresponding warlock professions.

From this point of view, no matter what weird creature you want to become, you can do it in just two steps.

The first step is to advance to the Warlock profession corresponding to the bloodline of the species.

The second step is to try to get a "Transformation" scroll.


Level 7 imitator, add a 2nd-level spell slot, applicable to both "mage mask" and "warlock mask".

How to configure these two 2-ring spells?

Gao Fei hasn't made up his mind yet, so let's let it go.

As the imitator's level increased, Gao Fei also discovered that several "magic masks" had developed new abilities.


Warrior Mask: Starting from level 7, you can get "First Aid", which can be used for 3+ constitution correction times per day.

Monk Mask: From level 7 onwards, "Duqi Strike" evolves again, which is equivalent to a magic weapon with the special effects of "Cold Iron" and "Alchemy Silver".

"Cold Iron Weapon", which can penetrate the damage reduction armor of most demons and goblins.

"Silver weapons", which also includes silver-plated weapons, are capable of piercing the damage-reducing armor of certain demons and undead.

Warlock Mask: Starting from level 7, you can choose the third "Sorcerer".

Gao Fei had learned "Magic Lance" and "Repulsive Magic Explosion" before, and this time, of course, he will continue to choose the sorcery that strengthens "Magic Explosion" - such as "Tracking Magic Explosion"!
Tracking Magic Explosion: "Magic Explosion" deals an additional +1d10 damage and automatically tracks targets within range.

After superimposing three magic spells, Gao Fei's "Magic Energy Explosion" has been strengthened to far exceed the limit of a 0-ring magic.

Range 300 feet (fel lance).


The damage counts additionally towards the Charisma modifier (Fel Lance).

Knockback 10 feet, plus knockdown (repelling magic blast).

In addition, it can automatically track the target (track magic explosion).

Similar to "Magic Missile", unless the target is fully covered, such as hiding indoors, closing the door casually, and cutting off the effect line of the spell tracking, it will definitely be hit!

The "Magic Energy Explosion" enhanced by three types of sorcery, as a 0-level trick that does not consume mana at all, its comprehensive performance has surpassed the recognized strongest 1-level spell "Magic Missile"!
Finally, there is the Druid mask. Starting from level 7, the "wild transformation" is further enhanced and can be transformed into a large animal or plant.

There are too many large animals and plants in the natural world. Gao Fei divides them according to their habitats and summarizes several commonly used transformation types.

First up are the large land animals, Dire Bear, Dire Ape and Dire Tiger, representing three different fighting styles.

The "violent animals" in the Vales world correspond to the real world, which is equivalent to the mutated animals that emerged in large numbers during the outbreak of the demon tide.

This kind of animal that has been infected and mutated by magic power does not have any supernatural ability, nor can it cast magic, but it is larger than the same kind of non-mutated animal, has higher physical attributes, and has more talents.

For example, the dire bear with the strongest strength attribute among large animals has a natural defense of +7, a walking speed of 40 feet, and is naturally good at "sensitivity" and "grabbing". The three physical attributes are: strength 31, agility 13, constitution 19.

As for mental attributes such as intelligence, perception, and charm, dire bears are no different from ordinary brown bears, and "wild transformation" will not change mental attributes, so there is no need to consider them.

If Goofy turns into a dire bear, the main reason is to prostitute up to 31 strength attributes and +7 natural defense.

Next up is Dire Ape.

Natural defense +4, comes with two specialties of "vigilance" and "grab", strength 22, agility 16, constitution 16.

Apart from its good agility, the dire ape was mediocre in other aspects, far less powerful than the dire bear.

Why is it listed separately?

Dire Ape actually has two less obvious advantages.

For one, dire apes are good at climbing.Crawling on trees and even cliffs, as fast as the ground moves, can be described as "like walking on flat ground" in the literal sense.

In an environment that requires difficult climbing, turning into a dire ape form can provide great convenience.

In addition, dire apes are primates that can walk upright and use their hands flexibly.

No matter how strong the dire bear is, it cannot be equipped with weapons, but the dire ape can perfectly inherit the weapon proficiency items before the transformation. It can wield knives and swords, and even shoot and shoot arrows.

Being able to use weapons and tools proficiently is of course a huge advantage.

The last one is "Dire Tiger", with natural defense +6, strength 26, agility 16, constitution 18.

The attributes and natural defense of the dire tiger are between "dire ape" and "dire bear", and its two talents are the most outstanding - "grab" and "pounce"!
With "Pounce", Gao Fei's series of tactics around "Lion's Charge" can be perfectly transplanted into the Dire Tiger form.

After "Pounce", the Dire Tiger will automatically add "Grab".

If the "grab" is successful, it can bite the prey's arteries and continue to bleed until it dies.

The next type is macroscopic aquatic animals.

Goofy also selected three representative creatures - the hunting shark, the giant octopus and the dire crocodile.

(End of this chapter)

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