Savior Simulator

Chapter 664 Electric Shock Whip

Chapter 664 Electric Shock Whip

A 15-foot long whip, tearing through the air, and screaming piercingly!

Goofy's imitator, with the "Weapon Focus (Slash)" feat, beats the opponent with a whip, and has an advantage in attack rolls.

Frim has lost +1 shield and defense drops by 3 points.

Seeing the whip coming, he hastily blocked it with his sword.

The soft leather whip touched the hard long sword, the whip curled slightly inward, and slapped on Frim's body.

Beating an arcane knight in steel armor with a leather whip seems like a performance art to please the public, and it seems that it cannot cause effective damage.

Most of the audience on the sidelines, as well as Frame himself, have such thoughts.

It turns out they were wrong.


The basic damage dice of 1d4 for the whip is indeed not worth mentioning.

Counting in the +6 Dexterity modifier, it's no big deal.

However, Gao Fei incorporated the paladin's signature stunt "Holy Slash" into the whip, and also inspired the "Electric Shock Ring" incidentally.

The long whip is also a melee weapon and can also conduct "electric claws".

But isn't the whip an insulator?
Just kidding, folks!
Gao Fei has studied electrochemistry for four years, how can he not understand this?

Before the duel started, he wrapped the steel wire around the whip just to conduct electricity!
Holy slash adds 6d6 radiant damage.

The ring of shock adds 5d6 points of shock damage.

Neither can be cut by Frim's "Blade Protection".


Gao Fei's whip took out one-third of Frame's health and knocked him stupid.

Come on, hurt each other!

Gao Fei sneered and swung the whip, making a crisp crackling sound in the air.

If the fight continues like this, it's not certain who will hit the street first, brother Niu or Frim!

Frame didn't dare to gamble.

Gao Fei lost the bet, all he had to do was sacrifice a cow.

He lost the bet, but he lost his own life!

When it was Frame's turn to make a move again, he jumped over the bull and shot a gray ray of negative energy towards Gao Fei.

This move was somewhat unexpected.

The moment Gao Fei was hit by the gray ray, Gao Fei couldn't help shivering. He inexplicably felt that his hands and feet were weak and he couldn't use his strength, as if he had a sudden hypoglycemia symptom.

Quickly cut out the status panel to check, it turned out that he was hit by the 1st ring necromancer magic "weakening ray".

This malevolent spell causes the subject to suffer a disadvantage penalty on attack rolls for 1 round/caster level.

The good news is that Gao Fei passed the fortitude saving throw, but the bad news is that even if he passed the saving throw, he still has a disadvantage in the attack roll within one round, so the double dice take the lower.

After a moment of hesitation, Gao Fei put down his leather whip and used "Scorching Ray" to attack Frame.

The attack roll of the magic ray also suffers disadvantage penalty.

However, the ray is a long-range contact attack, ignoring Frim's armor defense, even if it is punished, the hit rate is still higher than whipping.

On the other hand, "Scorching Ray" fires three shots in a row, with each ray making a separate attack roll.

As the saying goes, "shooting birds indiscriminately", as long as there are enough attacks, you can always get one or two shots.

Gao Fei understands these principles, and so does Frame.

So when Gao Fei's fingertips surged with fiery magic power, he didn't dare to neglect at all, and quickly prepared to counter it.

This is indeed a steady approach, but it's a pity that Frame pays too much attention to Gao Fei, but ignores the two supporting roles in the duel arena.

At the same time when Goofy was casting a spell and Frame was preparing to counterattack, the bull and Pearl both received spiritual commands from their masters to attack Frame from the ground and the sky respectively.

Frame managed to avoid the bull's ferocious collision, and then was hit by the "freezing ray" from the air. It was cold from head to toe, and it seemed that even his mind was frozen in an instant.


Pearl's attack did not cause serious damage to him, and what was even more serious was that it interrupted his concentration on casting spells.

Compared with the failure of counter-spell, what made Frame even more depressed was that the three "scorching rays" shot by Gao Fei actually hit all of them.


Frame, who had been baptized by the "two heavens of ice and fire", now had only 30 health points left.

He was so frightened that he quickly poured down a bottle of "Powerful Healing Potion", and he was still worried, so he used "Fate to Demon Transformation" to transform it into 8d4 vitality at the cost of 6 points of magic power.



Finally brought his health back to the safe line, but Major Frame's heart was gloomy.

The thrilling situation just now shook his tactical confidence.

Frame stopped casting "Enfeeble Ray", and went back to the old way, swiping his sword and attacking the bull that stood between him and Goofy.

"Magic" chained with "Electric Claw", plus "Slash", Frame slashed at the bull with two swords in succession, blood spattered three feet high.


With one final cry of grief, Brother Niu, who was conscientiously serving as a meat shield, finally fell down.

Frame was overjoyed, and decisively triggered the "offensive like a tide", grabbed an attack opportunity, strode up to Gao Fei, and stabbed with his sword!
Another "magic" + "electric claw" lore!

What should come will come, Gao Fei has already made preparations, and now his mentality is as steady as an old dog, and he will respond calmly.

As soon as Brother Niu fell, Gao Fei put the long whip and the armor on his body into the magic ring "Masquerade Ball", and replaced it with an armorless combat mode.

At the same time of changing clothes with one click, Gao Fei also switched the "Paladin Mask" to the "Druid Mask", performed wild transformation, and turned into a "Killer Vine".

The sword that Frame placed high hopes on stabbed in a pile of messy vines, causing only 18 damage.

Goofy's Killer Vine form is immune to "Electric Claw", and he activated "Intuitive Dodge" in time, offsetting half of the damage.

Even so, this sword also cut off 1/3 of his health.

No way, the only weakness of the "imitator" is that the life value is too low.

Pearl, who was in the air, sent out a "stunning ray", trying to rescue the master.

This time, Frame couldn't bear it, and finally got hit, falling into a round of dizziness.

With the offensive interrupted, his fate was sealed.

"Big-eyed girl, great job! After this battle, please drink 82-year-old Lafite!"

Gao Fei was very satisfied with Pearl's divine assist, and he didn't sit still. He threw out two vines, entangled the opponent who was still in a dizzy state, and hit the ground heavily on his turn.

Frame fell to the ground, and the long sword fell from his hand.

When he regained consciousness, he realized that he was entangled by vines, and struggled in a hurry.

The "Giant Enlargement Potion" was still in effect, and Frame's body was bigger than Goofy's killer vine, and his strength attribute was also 2 points higher.

Under normal circumstances, it would be difficult for Gao Fei to suppress him.

However, this duel is not a two-person duel in the true sense.

Goofy also has a right-hand man.

The "eye of the ball" in the air emits "rays of thought power" at the right time, like an invisible boulder, pressing on Frame's back, preventing him from getting up.

(End of this chapter)

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