Savior Simulator

Chapter 663 The Righteous 3v1 (Subscribe)

Chapter 663 The Righteous Three-on-One (Subscribe)

Countless activated vines crazily climbed up Frame's feet, making it difficult for him to move.


Frym roared furiously, and suddenly swung his sword in a swirling sweep. The sword aura was mixed with soaring flames, cutting off all the surrounding vines and burning them to ashes!

Gao Fei saw that he was using "Whirlwind".

However, "Whirlwind" is just a pure physical attack, and Frim's long sword does not have special effects of fire enchantment, so how can it release the terrifying sword energy like raging flames?
Quickly checked the battle report automatically included in the astrolabe, and then suddenly realized that Frame's sword just now jointly launched the two unique skills of "whirlwind" and "magic technique"!

The spell that is paired with magic is exactly "Scorching Ray".

This method of casting spells is equivalent to converting the rays into pure fire energy, which is attached to the blade and emitted with the sword energy, just like holding a long sword that can breathe fire!
Worth!There is such a trick?It's a bit fierce!
Gao Fei can be regarded as stabbing his ass with a knife today, and his eyes were opened.

Frame launched two waves of flame whirlwind in a row, burning away the vines that entangled him, and rushed towards Gao Fei with murderous aura.

"Go back to me!"

Gao Fei sneered and snapped his fingers.

Pearl shot a purple ray from the air and shot it straight at Frim.

Frame had been on guard for a long time, and calmly raised his shield to block.

He thought Pearl was sending out freezing rays this time.

Unexpectedly, the moment the ray hit the shield, it turned into heavy pressure, almost pushing him down.

Pearl shares Goofy's "Eagle's Majesty", and the charm attribute is increased by 23 points.

The maximum load of the "mind ray" she sent out also increased to 2300 pounds.

Fram used his shield to block Pearl's thought power, which was equivalent to lifting a weight of more than one ton with one hand. Even with his tyrannical strength attributes, it was a bit overwhelming.

Just when he was struggling against the psychic ray, the Celestial Bull had already responded to the master's order, and rushed forward with a roar.

Constrained by the psychic ray, Frame could not be distracted to dodge. He was hit by the bull's powerful charge and fell back to the vine-grown area on his back.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough to throw away the shield decisively before many vines wound up, and jumped up with one hand on the ground, with horror in his eyes.

Umberto, who was watching the game from the sidelines, couldn't help laughing out loud when he saw this scene.

"Brother Musk, you can always come up with something new for me!"

Gao Fei on the duel field also laughed.

The smile is a little shameless.

Is this the legendary "just three against one"?

Loved it!

Isn't it much more enjoyable than one-on-one with a group of us fighting against you alone?
The shield abandoned on the ground has been submerged by vines.

Major Frame simply held his sword in both hands, roaring and slashing at the bull standing in front of him.

The bright sword light stung Gao Fei's eyes, and he couldn't help but shudder.

At the same time, the scream of a bull came from ahead.

There is also the crackling sound of electric flickering.

A one-handed longsword has a base damage roll of 1d8.

In both hands, the damage roll increases to 1d10.

Frim blessed the "Giant Enlargement Technique", the weapon increased by one level according to the size, and the damage dice of the two-handed long sword became 2d10.

The specialty "Brutal Strike" can also increase an additional weapon damage die, which is 3d10.

Frame has +8 Strength modifier, +7 Charisma modifier, +4 Proficiency modifier, and +1 sword enchantment.

Computing all the bonuses together, the physical damage of this sword is 3d10+20.

This is not finished.

While swinging the sword, Frame also activated the "magic technique", infusing the 1st-level spell "Electric Claw" on the blade. In addition to the above-mentioned physical damage, an additional 5d6 electric shock damage is added!

This sword with all its strength cut on the bull, and blood spattered on the spot.

The "blade protection" on the bull offset half of the physical damage, but it couldn't resist magical attacks like the "electric claw", and finally suffered 33 points of damage.

With a murderous look on his face, Major Frame stabbed the bull's neck with a "flying cut" with his sword.

Fortunately, the bull shared the master's "Mage Armor" and "Shield Technique", and its defense was high enough that this sword failed to break through.

Gao Fei checked the status panel of the bull, and found that he had 42 remaining HP, so he quickly added a "sword protection" to it!
Frame's attack power was too abnormal. If it wasn't for the "blade protection" and the fact that the second sword missed, the high-flying bull couldn't even last a round, and would have to fall under his sword.

With the MT down, Goofy has to face Frim's blade.

With my crispy body...

MMP, it's a bit difficult!
Pearl, who was in the air, also sensed that Brother Niu was about to be overwhelmed, so he quickly shot a "stun ray" to help Brother Niu share the pressure.

Major Frame possesses "Iron Will". Even though Pearl's ray has been enhanced with "Ability Focus", there is only a 45% chance of stunning him.

It's a pity that the luck flowed to Frame this time, and he successfully passed the will save.

"Little monster, die for me!"

Major Frame raised his head, glared fiercely at Pearl, and shot three "burning rays" at her.

The defense of the "Eye of the Bead" is very high, but the sky defense, armor and shield are all ineffective against ray magic. In case all three projectiles are hit, with her little blood, she will definitely be killed on the spot. Spike.

Gao Fei had no choice but to switch the anchor point of the spell to the magic pet, and countered the "Scorching Ray" by "staring at the spell", which consumed another 5 points of mana.

Do you want to put Pearl away and switch out the "priest mask" to heal the bull?
This idea broke into Goofy's mind.

But after a little thought, he gave up.

Changing to a priest mask to add blood, just looks safe, but actually points to a "slow death" road.

The "spontaneous healing" of the priest's mask also costs mana.

All of Goofy's magic masks share the same magic power pool. No matter whether he is healing or casting spells, the magic power reserve will continue to decrease until it is exhausted.

Even if he switches out the priest mask and heals with all his strength, the amount of healing will never catch up with the damage that Frim caused to the bull.

Doing so is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst, which is in the arms of Frame.

He only needs to chop the bull brainlessly, and Gao Fei will not get milk back at all. In the end, the bull fell down, and the magic power was wasted in vain. He lost his wife and lost his army.

Gao Fei has realized that the longer this duel drags on, the worse it will be for him.

Instead of taking care of the treatment, it is better to output with all your strength, use violence to control violence, and see who can beat the opponent to the ground first!

After making up his mind, Gao Fei switched from the storage gloves to the refined animal taming whip presented by Sister Claire, and whipped it towards Frame through the bull.


On the first day of April, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass.thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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