Savior Simulator

Chapter 644: Surrounding Backward Raid

Chapter 644: Surrounding Backward Raid
"You two, who has the final say?"

The scarecrow didn't waste his clever mind, and tried to provoke the wolf and the tengu on his back.

The wolf's face was ugly, his eyelids rolled up, and he gave a vicious warning to the tengu supervisor riding on his back.

"Stupid bird! If you dare to interrupt again, I will throw you down and bite your throat off!"

The pair of Tengu and Warg, the real superior, is actually the Warg who is being ridden by Tengu.

Tengu was so frightened by the wolf's warning that he closed his beak, not daring to imitate the tone of the other party.

His silence didn't last long, however.

"Why would a beast as strong and intelligent as you be a mount for a wretched tengu who only knows how to parrot?"

The question raised by the scarecrow made the wolf look embarrassed.

What made him even more embarrassed was that the tengu riding on his back couldn't control his beak, imitating and tampering with the scarecrow's questioning.

"Such a wretched beast that can only parrot, why can't it be used as a mount for a strong and smart tengu?"

"Aww~ Noisy stupid bird, I've had enough of you!"

The wolf couldn't take it anymore, suddenly shook his shoulders, and threw the deadly dog ​​off his back, pounced on him with red eyes, and bit his neck.


At the last moment of his life, the tengu could only scream like a crow in vain, and his throat was bitten off by the frenzied wolf head in a blink of an eye.

The rest of the tengus were all terrified by the bloody scene, so they had to control their mouths and keep silent.

"Excellent! I love how clean the ears feel!"

The wolf's fangs were stained red with blood, and he turned his head to stare at the mine where Gao Fei and the others were hiding, grinning ferociously, and his eyes looked particularly sinister.

"Dwarves, listen to me!"

"Before the first vulture comes down and pecks at this stupid bird's carcass, you must arrest all the strangers hiding in the mine and escort them out!"

"Otherwise I will light a pyre at the entrance of the mine, choke all you little fools to death, and bury those outsiders who dare to offend Lord Theodora!"

"This wolf is really cunning." Ma Yun said bitterly, "He even tried to sow discord between us and the dwarves."

"Miss Mage, on behalf of my people, I swear that I will never do anything like revenge!"

Gas patted his chest with a solemn expression.

"Don't worry, the evil wolf's plan will not succeed!"

"There is also a secret exit in the mine. Before Tengu ignites the firewood and pours the choking smoke in, I can take you out of the mine and fly away!"

"There is a way out, which is of course very good, but Mr. Gas, what are you and your people going to do next?"

Jiang Feng looked at the dwarves and asked softly:
"Are you going to escape the mine together?"

Gas shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Of course I want to leave, but where can I escape to? Besides, my wife is still in the town. I can't leave her and the baby in my stomach and run away alone."

"Escape is not the way, we have to get rid of the pack of wolves and tengus outside."

Gao Fei turned his head and looked out of the mine pit.

Under the command of the chief wolf, the tengus were stacking dry firewood at the entrance of the cave, ready to light it.

There were a dozen Wargs across the way, and even more Tengus.

It's not impossible to rush out directly, but it is very likely that there will be casualties.

If the members of the protagonist group die, they have to start over from the file.

The death of NPCs headed by Gas may also affect the subsequent development of the plot.

Out of the consideration of avoiding casualties as much as possible, Gao Fei felt that it was necessary to make a detour, so he asked Gas: "How far is the secret exit you mentioned just now?"

"It's not too far, run fast, we'll be there in six or seven minutes."

Vass replied.

Gao Fei stared at the dwarf's short legs. Converted to his own running speed, it should take less than 5 minutes.

"Where is the exit, will it be discovered by Tengu and Warg?" Gao Fei continued to inquire.

"The exit of the secret passage is an abandoned mine, just opposite, just behind the Warg and Tengu overseers."

Gas points out of the hole.

"Occasionally there will be tengu supervisors patrolling near the exit. Now most of the supervisors are attracted to come here, and no one should pay attention to the movement over there."

"Brother Fei, are you going to sneak behind the enemy?" Ma Yun asked.

Goofy smiled and nodded.

"It's a good idea, but we can't all participate in the raid, at least one person must be left here." Nick the Tin Woodman said thoughtfully.

"Why do you have to stay alone?"

asked the lion inexplicably.

The Tin Woodman looked back at the dwarves first, then cast his gaze out of the cave, and answered unhurriedly:
"If we all withdraw, it may cause the vigilance of the guys outside the cave, so it is necessary to keep one person here and scold the enemy from time to time, so that they will mistakenly think that we are all staying here."

"It turns out that's the case!" Lion was convinced, "Brother Nick, although you have a cold and iron face, your emotional intelligence is amazing!"

"My friend, Nick is more thoughtful than you think."

As soon as the Scarecrow interjected, he was interrupted by the displeased eyes of the Tin Woodman. He shrugged his shoulders and closed his mouth wisely.

Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, and Ma Yun exchanged glances, tacit understanding.

Although Nick often tells bad jokes and makes sharp complaints, his emotional intelligence is indeed high enough.

He said he wanted to keep at least one companion here. Apart from the ostensible reason of attracting enemies outside the cave, there was another more important factor that was inconvenient to explain clearly, which was to appease the dwarf laborers including Gas.

If everyone left through the secret passage, from the perspective of the dwarf workers, it is inevitable to suspect that the so-called "roundabout raid" is just a good excuse, but in fact they want to escape, leaving them alone to face the wrath of the wargs and tengus.

Leaving a companion and gaining the trust of the dwarf laborers is actually somewhat of a "hostage".

"So, who shall we keep?" asked the Lion.

"How about drawing lots?" The Scarecrow pulled out six straws from his body, "It's the fairest way."

"The firewood piles are all lit outside, so there's no time to draw lots! Dimitri, you stay!" Ma Yun called the names directly.

"Huh? Why me?" The lion was at a loss.

"A surprise attack behind enemy lines, the most important thing is the first wave of attack. You are the only member of the team who lacks long-range attack means, so you are not suitable for participating in raid operations."

"In addition, you have the loudest voice among all the people, and your roar can be clearly transmitted to the outside of the cave. It is most suitable to stay here to lure the enemy."

"The last and most important reason, Dimitri, haven't you realized that your body is too big for the tunnel? Today I don't prepare the 'reduction technique', in case you get stuck in the narrow tunnel , I am no different!"

(End of this chapter)

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