Chapter 643
Jiang Feng was really right.

In fact, the lion with the hottest temper in the adventure team was already irritated by the tengu's prank. With a cry, he threw down the thin monkey-like tengu, raised his casserole-sized front paws, and bowed left and right.

Crackling! !
Tengu received two big slaps in the face, staring at his eyes, and then he was picked up by the lion, shook his head and threw it out.

With blood streaming down his face, Tengu struggled to get up, trying to pick up the whip.

The Tin Woodman strode forward, stepped on the whip, and glared at the Tengu.

Tengu's strength attribute is only 9 points, which is not as good as that of ordinary adults.

He grabbed the whip and pulled it hard twice, but it didn't move at all.

He raised his head angrily, met the sight of the Tin Woodman, saw the gleaming tomahawk in the other's hand, couldn't help but trembled, dropped the whip in fright, turned his head and ran away.

"A group of disrespectful people dare to beat people!"

"Look! Master Overseer...will never forgive you!"

As for these two scenes of honour, Tengu Overseer couldn't organize it in his own language, but from what Vass, Nick, and Dimitri said to him just now, he took out a few words and pieced them together bluntly.

Gao Fei and the others could barely understand this collage-like way of speaking.

However, Tengu also has a speaking habit that makes it even more unbearable.

When he quotes someone's words, he not only simply copies and cuts the text, but also deliberately imitates the tone of the other person's speech.

For example, in the short two sentences just now, the tengu overseer changed his accent three times, imitating the accents of Nick the Tin Woodman, Dimitri the Lion, and Gas the Dwarf Miner in turn. The whole stitching monster is really tormenting the audience's ears!

"Oh my God! It's all my fault, it's all my fault!"

Dwarf Gass looked remorseful.

"Ms. Mage, and all the well-meaning ladies and gentlemen, let's go! Get out of here as soon as possible before things get serious!"

"Mr. Gas, we don't intend to leave." Jiang Feng used spontaneous healing to heal the whip wound on the dwarf's back.

"If you don't leave, I'm afraid you won't be able to escape!" The dwarf said eagerly, "The supervisors arranged by the old witch in the mine are not just tengu, but also a group of ferocious wolves!"

"Haha! 'Vicious wolf'? I've seen it a lot in the forest!" Dimitri the lion laughed, "I hope there are a few more wolves, so everyone won't have to worry about lunch."

"Mr. Lion, I'm not talking about an ordinary wolf, but a talking, very cunning wolf!"

Gas hopped his feet anxiously.

"So should we be shocked?" The Tin Woodman shrugged and said flatly: "If I have never seen a talking lion, maybe it is worth making a fuss about. Cunning, it's quite possible, but it's not going to be any smarter than our scarecrow friend, let alone Miss Wizard."

"Mr. Vass, since we are here to attack the old witch Theodora, how can we be afraid of her minions?"

Ma Yun's rhetorical question left the dwarf speechless.

Sighing, Gas said to the adventurers: "Follow me quickly and hide in the mine to avoid being surrounded by evil wolves!"

"That's a good idea!"

The scarecrow nodded and followed the dwarf into the mine.

Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, Ma Yun, Nick and Dimitri also got into the mine one after another.

The tunnel in the mine is narrow and low.

A small gnome who can come in and out with ease.

Gao Fei and the others had to walk in the tunnel hunched over.

The burly lion is the most aggrieved in this environment, complaining repeatedly that his beautiful golden fur is dirty by the sand and dust in the mine tunnel.

As soon as everyone hid in the mine, there were one after another howling wolves outside the pit, mixed with piercing squawking.

Gao Fei stood near the exit of the mine pit, poked his head out to have a look, and there were no less than ten black beasts galloping towards this side.

On the back of each beast is a tengu holding a spear.

These wolf-like beasts were stronger than ordinary canids. They were three meters long from head to tail, and stood about five feet tall at the shoulders, not much different from the lion Dimitri.

This group of black-haired ferocious beasts are what Gass called "talking wolves", and their scientific name in the monster illustration is "Wolf".

Gao Fei has seen this kind of large magical beast in the Berserker module, the challenge level is 2, HP is usually around 65 points, and the average attributes are: Strength 19, Dexterity 16, Constitution 18, Intelligence 7, Perception 14, Charm 10.

In addition to being exceptionally developed in intelligence, the Warg does not possess any supernatural powers, nor can it cast spells, and its fighting style is similar to that of other canids, which is equivalent to a smarter dire wolf.

In the mine pit, the dwarf workers have noticed that a large group of wargs and tengu supervisors are blocking the door, gathering around the gas, and having a fierce dispute.

Gao Fei used the built-in translation function of the astrolabe to translate the language of the Winkies into a common language, and learned that they had split into two factions with opposing positions.

One of them believed that the big trouble caused by strangers including Goofy had nothing to do with dwarf workers.

The laborers should continue to mine and work obediently so as not to be whipped by the supervisor.

As for the conflict between the outsiders and the overseers, the laborers should not interfere and have no ability to intervene.

At the same time, another group of dwarves headed by Gas insisted that the outsiders were besieged by the overseers only because they stood up for them to defend themselves against injustice.

The dwarves, who have been bullied by the supervisor for a long time, have long held a fire in their stomachs. They should stand by the side of the chivalrous outsiders and help them deal with the evil wolves and tengu. At the very least, they should try to escort them to escape pit.

How can you be willing to be a turtle and watch a kind-hearted person being killed by a pack of wolves?
After a brief dispute, the dwarf workers still could not reach a consensus, and finally broke up unhappy.

Hundreds of little dwarfs, about 40 of them chose to stand by and leave, and went back to work in the depths of the mine.

Most of the dwarves showed rare courage, picked up their pickaxes, held homemade slings, filled their pockets with stones, firmly stood on the side of Gas, determined to fight side by side with Gao Fei and others.

At this time, one of the strongest wargs came forward and roared menacingly towards the mine.

The tengu riding on the back of the wolf is the supervisor who was beaten away by Dimitri and Nick just now.

"You gutter rats out of nowhere, listen up!"

The alpha wolf roared arrogantly at the entrance of the mine in human language.

"Listen to me!" The tengu overseer on the wolf's back imitated the wolf's tone, scratching his neck and howling.

"Hand over the beating guy immediately, or all of you will die!" The wolf issued an ultimatum.

"You all have to die!" The tengu on the back of the wolf screamed in a fake tiger's prestige.

(End of this chapter)

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