Savior Simulator

Chapter 630 Father and Son Dispute

Chapter 630 Father and Son Dispute
"Mr. Lucas, your criticism has gone too far." Director Gordon quickly interrupted Lucas' extreme remarks, "In fact, both the province and the cabinet have received reports on Gilbert Bagham many times. letter of complaint, that’s why he was dismissed, and I was sent to rectify the police affairs in Binhai City.”

"The question is, is it enough to just be dismissed?" Mr. Lucas insisted, "Based on what Gilbert Bagham did, it would be considered light to sentence him to life imprisonment. Take a step back and say, At least his illegal income should be confiscated, right?"

"Hey, Mr. Lucas, you don't know enough about the situation in the province." Commissioner Gordon pointed to the ceiling, "The ignorant money that Bagham has made over the years is not enjoyed by himself. After receiving his filial piety, it is still useful to speak for him at a critical moment, do you understand what I mean?"

Mr. Lucas sneered, showing the expected expression, and turned to Louise: "Miss Quinn, you are a devout lay nun, I guess you must believe that evil is rewarded with evil."

"I believe, Mr. Lucas." Louise replied seriously, "My Lord taught believers, 'If you do unrighteousness, you will get the wages of unrighteousness'."

This scripture is translated into the vernacular, that is, whoever harms others will eventually harm himself, and the unrighteous will surely reap the consequences.

"Really? Look at our venerable Mr. Bagham, isn't he a living example of the opposite?"

Mr. Lucas shrugged and spread his hands.

"Even a person like him can land safely and die well, so it can be seen that 'good and evil will be rewarded' is just an empty phrase used to fool honest people."

Louise smiled awkwardly, and didn't make any excuses, but her heart was full of anger, she must not let this moth, Bagham, go easily!
She had already made up her mind that after tonight's banquet, she would try to steal the ill-gotten gains that Bagham had collected in Binhai City over the years, send them to the church, and ask her uncle to help give alms to the poor.

At this moment, Mr. Athos, the old butler of the Lucas family, hurried into the banquet hall and whispered in the ear of the host.

Mr. Lucas's complexion changed slightly, he nodded slightly, stood up and said that he had some matters to deal with, and he was temporarily excused. The guests can enjoy the food and wine, and he will be back for the dance soon.

Lucas left the table and followed the butler into a small living room next to the banquet hall.

The living room door was not closed tightly.

Louis happened to be sitting nearby again.

There is no need to deliberately eavesdrop, the fierce dispute in the living room will naturally reach her ears.

The two people involved in the dispute were Mr. Lucas and his father, the founder of the company, John Lucas Sr.

"Dad, aren't you recuperating at the beach house? Why did you come back suddenly without notifying me?"

In the small living room, Lucas poured his father a cup of coffee.

"I don't drink such sissies, get me my brandy!"

The old man Lucas tapped the coffee table with his cane, angrily reprimanding his son.

"If I don't come back, you bastard, you might cause a lot of trouble!"

"Father, you have a bad heart and gout. The doctor has advised you many times not to drink strong alcohol..."

"The doctor knows nothing! I'm in good health!" Old Lucas looked impatient, "I handed over the business to you, definitely not because of health problems, but just to give you a chance to exercise. I'm disappointed."

"Father, that's too harsh for you to say that." Little Lucas looked aggrieved, "It's only been three years since I took over the family business, and I don't need to brag about how beautiful the performance growth in the past two years is, you I know it."

"You can't just look at the data, my boy! That kind of brutal growth is unhealthy, and there are huge hidden dangers hidden in it! I'd rather make less money than see a big ups and downs in business!"

Old Lucas sighed.

"I have taught you a lot, but you don't take it to heart at all. You still don't understand that if a person's ambition exceeds the limit of his ability, it will bring disaster!"

"Boy, a 10% annual profit growth rate is not something to be proud of. What is more important is a balance of payments and a stable cash flow, coupled with a good network of people. I am sorry to see that you did not care about the last two years. This is also the root cause of the company’s performance collapse this year.”

"Dad, I admit that the company encountered some difficulties in the first half of this year, but it was not because I made a mistake. Who would have thought that the 'Raging Waves Pirates' would become so crazy, disregarding their past affection, and robbing twice in a row? Looted the freighter underwritten by our company."

"I sent two letters of protest to Solomon Raging, but did not get a single word of reply."

"Father, how can a decent person tolerate such humiliation? I don't want to succumb to the pirate's power for a long time. The arrogance of the black dragon has given me a reason to break up completely!"

"Idiot! Why don't you understand? It's all because of your self-righteousness and ignorance!"

Old Lucas slapped the table angrily.

"Why did the pirates turn their faces? The reason is obvious!"

"First of all, the police chief of Binhai City has changed. The pirates don't know whether the new chief will continue Gilbert Bagham's friendly attitude, so they have to demonstrate in advance and show off their muscles to the new chief. As for those unlucky cargo ships, just It’s just a target for demonstrations.”

"More importantly, son, how could you break the agreement between the company and Mr. Solomon on your own initiative after I left, and refuse to pay him the protection fee? I really doubt that your brain is flooded!"

"Dad! Listen to my explanation. I'm not trying to tear up the agreement. I'm just begging Mr. Solomon to re-sign the agreement. The protection fee will increase by 12% every year, which has exceeded our profit growth rate."

"This unequal agreement is becoming a burden that crushes the company. If we don't change it, won't we become servants working for the pirate group? Can you bear this tone?"

"It's not a question of whether we can bear it or not, but that we have no choice!"

Old Lucas took a swig of brandy.

"After paying this blood tax, the company can still survive, but if you don't pay the money, you will have to close down before the end of the year! You still have to negotiate with the black dragon Solomon Rage? Ridiculous! What are you, you don't have the qualifications, you know? !"

"If that's the case, Dad, I'd rather let the company go bankrupt and close down than endure it!" Little Lucas also became angry, "I'm doing a clean and legitimate business, why should I endure the collusion of officials and bandits?" Why come to skin me and endure the pirates riding on my head as a domineering power!"

"Hey, my son, you are already 30 years old, but you are still as childish as a 13-year-old boy. How can there be so many beautiful things that are so evil? It's almost the same in reverse."

Old Lucas sighed in disappointment.

(End of this chapter)

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