Savior Simulator

Chapter 629 The Night Banquet

Chapter 629 The Night Banquet
Louise came to Lucas's house on time, got out of the car and took a look.

The number of carriages parked at the door was much less than expected.

At least half of the people who received the invitation declined Mr. Lucas' invitation for various reasons.

That's not to say everyone ganged up on boycotting the new police chief, or disrespecting the shipping insurance tycoon.

No one wants to offend big shots like Gordon and Lucas, but people are more afraid of being retaliated by the gang.

After all, Gordon and Lucas are decent people, and gangsters don't play by the rules.

Louise walked into the banquet hall to greet tonight's hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Lucas, as well as a few old acquaintances, all of whom she had met in the church, and chatted casually.

After a while, tonight's guest of honor also came.

The slender Director Gordon has a mustache, and despite wearing casual clothes, he still exudes a distinct military temperament.

Mrs. Gordon is fair and plump, not very beautiful, but she has a sweet smile and a gentle and charming ladylike temperament.

The Gordons were accompanied by their two children.

The eldest son, William, is 12 years old and looks exactly like his father, with an overly plain brass brooch pinned to his tuxedo.

This brooch is the championship medal of the Boy Scouts Summer Camp fencing competition. The rebellious adolescent boy is showing off his personality in this seemingly inadvertent way.

The daughter of the Gordon couple, Alice, just turned nine years old, inherited her mother's fair complexion and black hair, dressed up like a cute doll, with big black eyes looking around, showing a strong interest in the social life of adults curious.

The tall and handsome Mr. Lucas warmly embraced Director Gordon and delivered an impromptu welcome speech.

In addition to routine polite remarks, the main theme of Mr. Lucas's speech is still around the fight against gangsters and pirates.

This generous millionaire publicly expressed his willingness to fully support Director Gordon in his fight against crime.

Not only did he donate generously himself, but he also planned to take the lead in raising donations and soliciting anti-crime funds.

Taking the lead to do this kind of thing will inevitably become a thorn in the side of the gang, and the risk is very high.

Mr. Lucas admitted that he was young and vigorous, and sometimes acted out of blood and righteous indignation.

However, he also frankly told Director Gordon that he was not a knight-errant, a model of morality.

The reason for supporting the police to crack down on gangsters is mainly out of self-interest considerations.

A good security environment and safe shipping routes are of great benefit to his shipping insurance business.

Mr. Lucas's remarks are tantamount to indirectly verifying a rumor.

All the guests present, including Louise, have heard that in the past two years, due to rampant gangster and pirate activities along the canal, shipping insurance business has become more and more difficult to do. Many companies with insufficient capital have declared bankruptcy after a claim.

There are also some insurance companies that simply cannot afford the compensation and go bankrupt directly.

Although Lucas Company is the industry leader, life is not so easy.

Take this year as an example, the two insured cargo ships were ransacked by the "Raging Sea Pirates" during the voyage. The casualties plus the loss of cargo, the final calculation of the claim amount is equivalent to the waste of the past six months.

If things go on like this, Lucas Company may not be able to last long, and it will have to withdraw from the shipping insurance industry sadly.

From this point of view, John Lucas II and James Gordon have the same interests, and it is reasonable to take the lead in supporting Director Gordon to fight crime and evil.

Influenced by her uncle, Louise is also a relatively enlightened clergyman, and she doesn't care about a person's evaluation.

Although Lucas Jr. funded the police to suppress bandits mainly out of the protection of his own commercial interests, he dared to take the risk of retaliation from the gangsters and spend real money to do practical things, which is worthy of admiration.

Louise herself has no investment in the shipping and insurance industries, and there is no relationship of interest.

However, compared to Mr. Lucas or even Director Gordon, she has more reasons to hate pirates and gangsters who collaborate with pirates.

After all, her parents were killed by pirates.

In her heart, the flame of hatred has never been extinguished.

I'm alone and alone, and I don't have the ability to seek revenge against the evil "Raging Waves Pirates". At least I can support those who are capable of fighting pirates.

For example, Director Gordon and his anti-smuggling maritime police.

Louise signed a check for 1000 gold duga and stuffed it into the fundraising box.

"Mr. Gordon, I hope this meager donation can provide some help to your anti-smuggling cause." Louise said.

"You are so kind, Miss Quinn, on behalf of all my colleagues in the police station, I thank you for your generosity!"

Commissioner Gordon toasted Louise with a grateful face.

Mr. Lucas also joined the conversation.

"Miss Quinn, as a donor, you have the right to know more about the real situation of the anti-smuggling team, lest your enthusiasm be wasted...Mr. Gordon, do you mind if I talk too much and say a few words that spoil the scenery? Honestly?"

"Of course I don't mind, my friend." Commissioner Gordon said earnestly, "You know, I'm also a newcomer, and I don't know enough about the situation in Binhai City. Maybe some of my subordinates are not as reliable as they seem on the surface. But I don't know what they really think, because most of them are reluctant to confide in front of the new boss."

"You've got to the point, Mr. Gordon. Among your subordinates, I dare not say that at least half of them are not trustworthy." Mr. Lucas said in a low voice.

"Is it really that exaggerated?" Louise raised her eyebrows.

"Hehe, Miss Quinn, are you starting to regret your generosity?" Lucas smiled self-deprecatingly, "Don't worry, I'm still the number one bully here."

"If I understand your intentions correctly, there are quite a few guys in police uniforms who have actually become the umbrella of gangsters and pirates?"

"That's the reality, Miss Quin, thanks to our former Police Commissioner, Gilbert Bagham, under whose wise leadership the Police Department and the Smuggling Squad have degenerated into a smog, a hive of snakes and rats. chaos!"

"Mr. Lucas, you seem to be quite critical of my predecessor." Commissioner Gordon inquired implicitly.

"Hehe! Let me tell you straight, Bagham is a corrupt official through and through! From the first day he took office, he has no intention of doing anything serious, and all he thinks about is making money!"

Mr. Lucas became more and more angry.

"Other corrupt officials at least know how to maintain dignity and put on a show. Bagham didn't even bother to pretend, and he personally ended up colluding with pirates and gangsters, and became the chief sales agent of Binhai City!"

"I am not surprised by his greed and arrogance. What is unexpected is that this kind of person can retire safely after making enough money. It is said that he plans to return to his hometown after leaving office and spend his old age in peace!"

(End of this chapter)

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