Savior Simulator

Chapter 626 The Truth (For Subscription)

Chapter 626 The Truth (For Subscription)

Gao Fei secretly applauded his girlfriend.

Comrade Xiaojiang has made great progress, he has learned how to ambush!
What I said above is that if I confess that I used a fake identity to communicate with the hero in the future, I have reason to ask for the other party's forgiveness.

I have to say that women are born to be dramatic!

The three of them brought the hunting dog to the backyard of the grocery store.

Tess seemed a little uneasy, she found an excuse to get rid of her parents, and followed Gao Fei and the others not too far or too close.

Gao Fei re-blessed "Detect Undead", and soon found the hiding place of the ghost baby, a warehouse used to store firewood and sundries.

Jiang Feng waved his hand to prevent him from entering the house, walked around behind the warehouse, and stopped under a fig tree.

Under the fruit tree, a small mound of earth was erected, and beside it was a bunch of withered daffodils.

Jiang Feng turned to look at Tess, and asked calmly and seriously:

"Mrs Gray, the little baby buried under the fig tree is your firstborn?"

"No... I don't know... It's not my fault!"

Tess was so frightened by this sharp question that she could not speak coherently.

"Mrs. Gray, it's pointless to cover up now. If you still refuse to tell the truth, I won't be able to appease the haunting ghost transformed from the resentment of a dead baby. Your whole family will never have peace because of this. Is this the truth? The result you want?"

Mrs. Gray is a woman with both rich and fragile emotions. Faced with the nun's stern questioning, her defense line of will immediately collapsed, she covered her face with her hands, and cried bitterly.

"Lord, I've had enough! Merciful sister, I want to confess to you...I want to tell the truth about the sins I committed...Yes, I killed my own flesh and blood..."

Tess cried and told what happened to her.

Things have to start from last spring.

That night, Tess' father, John d'Urberville, was spending time in a tavern, and overheard someone saying that the current port master of Marina City had the same surname as himself, and his ancestral home was in the same province, and he was also a noble baron.

The tavernkeeper asked Mr. d'Urberville if he knew the nobleman.

At that time, Mr. D'Urberville was so drunk that he couldn't help blowing the cowhide.

Although he had never spoken a word to the baron in his life, he had the cheek to claim that the nobleman was his distant relative, and he still had contacts during the holidays!

With the help of alcohol, Mr. Durbery had a mouthful, but was later treated as a laughing stock by the regular guests in the hotel.

Every time he came to the tavern, the waiter yelled in a strange way: "Hey! Isn't this a relative of the Harbor Master's family, our honorable Lord D'Urberville? Please come inside, please come inside!"

Mr. Germany was ridiculed by people, and when he was ashamed, he imagined that it would be great if he was really a relative of the Baron...

Things are always like this, it seems out of reach, but if you really want to do it, it may be easier than you think.

The baron's surname is Deber, and I am also Deber. The ancestors of the two families are from the same province. Is it possible that they are related?
Mr. d'Urberville made inquiries of his relatives, but he was disappointed that there was no evidence that his family was related to the baronet's family.

After all, Deber is a very common surname.

Mr. D'Urber still didn't give up. He felt that the aristocratic family attached more importance to the pedigree than a small family like himself.

Maybe in the baron's house, there is a detailed genealogy, from which you can find the relationship with your own family.

With this thought in mind, he discussed with his wife how he could step into the baron's house and climb up to this noble relative, so as to improve his social status.

The couple discussed and discussed, and finally they decided on their only daughter Tess.

Youth and beauty are capitals bestowed by God, and it is obvious that Tess has a better chance of reaching the top than the grocer and his wife.

Tess didn't want to do this kind of stalking at first, but she couldn't bear her parents' soft words, so she finally had to bite the bullet and visit the baron's house.

She originally thought that aristocratic families have strict laws and regulations, and they would not let a poor girl like herself in poor clothes at all.

Since I was rejected, I had a reason to ask my parents to persuade them to give up their unrealistic thoughts.

I don't know if it's lucky or unlucky.

When Tess was wandering at the gate of the baron's manor, a carriage stopped beside her.

A handsome young man dressed in fashion jumped out of the carriage, greeted Tess politely with a smile on his face, and asked her if she was in trouble at the gate of the manor, why not tell her, maybe I can help busy.

"It is my honor to have the opportunity to serve a beautiful lady like you."

Just a few polite words touched the girl's heart deeply.

At first, she thought the other party was a well-educated college student, so she told her why she came.

"What a coincidence that your last name is D'Urberville!"

The young man smiled happily.

"My name is Alec d'Urberville, and the Baron is my father."

Tesswan didn't expect to meet the young master of the Baron's family at the door, let alone that he was so kind and approachable, she couldn't help but panicked and saluted him in a hurry.

"Don't look out, Tess, I think you should call me cousin, after all, we have the same surname!"

Alec said kindly.

What Tess thought was impossible was achieved by a very dramatic coincidence.

Alec not only recognized her as his cousin, but also invited her into his home, held her hand, and visited this magnificent manor.

Tess seemed to be sleepwalking.

The daughter of a petty citizen, even in her dreams, dare not imagine such an adventure.

In the days that followed, Tess frequently visited the D'Urberville Manor as Alec's cousin.

At first she was on tenterhooks, lest she be found out.

Over time, I got used to it, and even felt that I was really a member of this noble family, the cousin of Master Alec.

Now, she did not visit the D'Urberville Manor under the pressure of her parents, but came to the tryst with a passionate mood.

Yes, Tess has fallen in love, deeply obsessed with "cousin" Alec.

The two had only dated three times before she fell completely and surrendered everything about herself.

This sweet love lasted until the day Tess found out that she was pregnant.

Cousin Alec swore to marry her more than once, but the day after Tess revealed that she was pregnant, he changed his mind and went abroad alone.

Tess had hoped that her cousin would write to her at first, but she waited for many days without hearing from her.

As a last resort, she had no choice but to go to the D'Urberville Manor to ask the baroness about her cousin's current situation, but she was severely humiliated.

"What cousin? The D'Urbervilles have no such poor relatives!"

Alec's mother turned her back on her and sent her servants to drive Tess out, saying that she would not be allowed to visit the house in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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