Savior Simulator

Chapter 625 Encounter Again

Chapter 625 Encounter Again

"Father, we need your help."

"I've seen it, boy, come into church with me, and talk slowly."

Goofy and Martin followed the priest into the church.

When passing by the scripture copying room, through the half-open door, Gao Fei inadvertently saw a familiar figure sitting in front of the desk with his back to the door, holding a letter in his hand.

Gao Fei stopped at the door, hesitating whether to say hello to Jiang Feng.

The priest looked back at him and asked softly, "Son, do you know my niece Louise?"

Goofy shook his head.

As far as his current role is concerned, he has not officially met the heroine Louise Quinn played by Jiang Feng.

In the previous encounter on the road, the other party was wearing a mask and did not reveal his identity.

Following the principle of role-playing, the relationship between the male and female protagonists is still at the pen pal stage. If you pierce this layer of window paper by yourself, you will commit the taboo of "super travel".

"Her back is very charming, priest, I guess your niece must be a beautiful and dignified nun."

"Beautiful and dignified, I agree. As for the nuns..." Father Gallup shook his head and smiled, "Louise is not considered a formal nun, and I don't agree with her wasting her beautiful youth in the monastery. Alright child, let's go."

Martin saw that Gao Fei was lingering, and sarcastically said in a low voice: "Just a few days ago, you were still in love with the black cat lady, and then you fell in love with the priest's niece, my friend, you are such a scumbag! "

Goofy smiled and didn't make any excuses.

After the two left, the game perspective switched to the heroine Louise Quinn.

Jiang Feng cut the No.1 scale in seconds, and found that the letter in his hand was signed by Roger Wayne.

An hour ago, the postman had just delivered the letter to the church, asking the priest to forward it to the so-called "Mr. Quin".

Louise happened to visit her uncle in church and brought him some fine rum, which was received in time.

At this time, she had read Rogge's letter and learned about his identity and occupation.

After thinking about it for a while, I suddenly realized that on the roadside of the farm the day before yesterday, I met two young people who were hunted down by kobolds, and I even helped them out.

It turns out that the more handsome one among them is his pen pal Roger Wayne!
Just when Louise was thinking about how to reply to the letter, something even more coincidental happened.

Roger and his partner Martin even came to the church at this juncture, seeking help from Louise's uncle.

In fact, Louise could hear clearly what Rogge said to his uncle at the door just now.

Especially the comment of "beautiful and dignified", she couldn't help feeling a little elated.

At that time, she wanted to turn around and greet Roger, telling the young detective that she was "Mr. Quin" who corresponded with him.

However, the girl's reserve, coupled with some concerns, prevented her from doing that.

If Rogge knew that his pen pal's real name was "Louis" instead of "Louis" and "Miss Quinn" instead of "Mr. Quinn", would he feel that he had been played by her, so that he would lose his temper and accuse him in person? Is she dishonest?

Out of such concerns, Louise knew she shouldn't hide the truth, but she couldn't muster up the courage to confess her identity to the other party.

"Should I tell everything honestly, or should I keep it a secret for now and confess to Mr. Wayne when the time is right? God, please guide your humble believers to make wise choices."

As Louise prayed, the Holy Spirit came upon him.

To be precise, it was Comrade Xiao Jiang who fucked her.

"Hey! How can this kind of thing be confessed in public? How embarrassing! Anyway, let's get through it first, talk about it later, talk about it later!"

Jiang Feng entered into the heroine's situation, and felt that it would be a good idea to act stupid. In the future, if he really couldn't hide it, he had to confess to the heroine in private, so as not to be laughed at.

Now that the heroine has recognized the hero, she can actively intervene in the hero's work.

Jiang Feng stuffed the reply letter he had just written into the envelope, put it in the mailbox, and knocked on the door of his uncle's office.

"Dear uncle, may I bother you?"

"Come in, Louise, I was just trying to introduce you to two young friends."

Father Gallup lit his pipe and pointed to Goofy and Martin.

"Mr. Wayne and Mr. Page have jointly opened a detective firm. The case they are currently handling requires the help of a clergyman. Louise, do you have time to accompany these two young people?"

"If this is your order, of course I will be happy to obey it, but I am curious, what trouble have the two detectives encountered?"

"Well..." Martin rubbed his hands in embarrassment, "Miss Louise, Rogge and I have promised the client not to disclose the details of the commission to the outside world, please be considerate."

"Okay, then I won't inquire about it." Jiang Feng shrugged pretending to regret, "You two gentlemen, how can I help you?"

"We need a bottle of holy water. It would be even better if you could hold a requiem mass for us. This will help the poor dead to dispel their grievances and sleep peacefully in the arms of the Lord," Gao Fei said.

"Mr. Rogge, although it is inconvenient for you to say it clearly, I have already guessed what you are going to do, and I am happy to help you."

Jiang Feng smiled at him knowingly, and picked up the bottle of holy water on the table.

"Let's go."

After bidding farewell to Father Gallup, the three of them returned to the D'Urbervilles' house.

As soon as he walked into the grocery store, Jiang Feng felt a strong negative energy.

The d'Urbervilles and Tess all changed their faces when they saw a young and beautiful nun coming in with Roger and Martin.

"Excuse me, is this..."

"Mr. Deb, let me introduce you. This is Miss Louise, the niece of Father Gallup. She is a top student who graduated from the Divinity School of Imperial Central University. She is specially here to assist Martin and me in exorcising the spirit."

Gao Fei casually said a wisecrack:

"You can rest assured that Miss Louise will not ask you for additional expenses for the removal of spirits, because I have already paid in advance in the donation box of the church."

"Oh! That's good, that's good!"

Mr. D'Urberville wiped the sweat from his brow.

"Brother! It's not about money, it's about favors!" Martin emphasized solemnly, "As Miss Louise, if you spend money to ask her to get rid of the spirit, let alone the mere 5 Gold Duga you donated, Even multiplying it by 100 times is not enough!"

"You reminded me, Mr. Page." Jiang Feng smiled, "Mr. Wayne owes me a favor."

"So what are you going to ask my friend for?"

Martin is also not afraid of big things when he is angry, and almost said "how about a promise with your body"?
"I haven't made up my mind yet, but if one day I accidentally offend Mr. Wayne, I mean hypothetically, I hope he can forgive me generously for the sake of this favor."

Jiang Feng said as if nothing had happened.

(End of this chapter)

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