Savior Simulator

Chapter 61 Great progress

Chapter 61 Great progress
It was almost two o'clock in the afternoon when Gao Fei and Jiang Feng quit the game.

Gao Fei counted the spoils and said to Jiang Feng:
"I have to say, those Shahua pirates are really rich. They don't count gold, silver and jewels. They only got three pieces of magic tools. Although I have a thick skin, I am embarrassed to eat alone. 'Floating Ball', 'Adaptation Necklace' and 'Fire Djinn Gauntlets', you can choose the same."

Jiang Feng sat cross-legged on the opposite sofa, hugging the little bear pillow he brought from the dormitory in his arms. Hearing Gao Fei's words, he threw the pillow over and scolded him with a straight face:

"Don't do this with me, you boy! We made an agreement at the beginning that the money and jewelry obtained in the module will be shared equally. As for the magic guide, whoever obtains it in the module will belong to him, unless he can't use it. Give it to your partner! The three magic tools you got today, you can use them yourself, so what's the point of giving them to me?"

"But you helped me a lot..." Gao Fei was a little bit sorry.

"You helped me a lot too!" Jiang Feng interrupted him angrily.

"Then let me put it another way. If you share a magic tool with you, both of us can be strengthened and maintain a balanced state. If one is too strong and the other is too weak, it will be difficult to cooperate in the future."

"Stop talking nonsense, even if you have three magic tools, your berserker might not necessarily be better than my monk, don't you believe we go to the training hall to fight each other?"

"If I beat you, will you listen to me?"

Gao Fei felt that the opportunity had come, but it was a pity that Jiang Nvxia was not fooled.

"Wow, you slicker! Don't try to lure me into a trick! Let's talk about the facts, only limited to the distribution of magic tools today!"

"That's fine."

Gao Fei took Jiang Nvxia and excitedly went to the Tianren training hall to fight one-on-one.

He thinks that the "Berserker" has been upgraded to level 5, and he is equipped with a +1 breastplate and the "Fire Giant Armor" that has completed the first level of synchronization. open it?
However, when he really went to the competition arena, his self-confidence like soap bubbles was completely shattered in less than 10 minutes.

"Student Jiang... Seriously, were you giving way to me in the previous two fights?"

After an hour of training (suffering) and practicing (beating), Gao Fei lay down on the mat, feeling ashamed.

"Wow! Blind student, you are so smart, you finally discovered Huadian!"

Jiang Nvxia knelt on Gao Fei's back, smiling and helping him massage his muscles that had just been ravaged.

"Don't be like this, I'm so sad that I'm about to cry, and you still laugh at me, what a hard-hearted woman!"

"I'm sorry, I'm such a cold and heartless woman. My heart has been shaped by the eternal ice and snow... If you cry for me, maybe I will soften my heart!"

"Forget it, I won't do such a shameful thing!" Gao Fei asked her resentfully, "Seriously, when you sparred with me today, were you a little more serious than usual?"

"It's true that you have shown more success. In fact, whether you are in the training hall or in the game these days, your hard work and sweat have not been in vain. The progress is really great."

Jiang Feng put away his smile and encouraged him from the bottom of his heart.

"But I still couldn't hold on to a few moves, and you pushed me to the ground and exploded with the hammer..."

"You have to eat one bite at a time. Kung fu can't be practiced in a day. Don't be discouraged, just take your time."

"It's not that I'm retreating, but I just have a vague premonition that while I'm improving, you're also advancing by leaps and bounds. If this continues, the gap between the two of us will only widen, so won't there be a day for me to turn around?"

Gao Fei lay on the mat and couldn't help confiding his thoughts.

Jiang Nvxia laughed, rubbed his shoulders and said, "If I deny your guess, it would be too hypocritical. Let the data speak for itself. You can open the ranking list and see what has changed in our rankings." .”

Gao Fei opened the astrolabe as she said, and checked the current rankings of all 1384 trainees in "Station Tiangong No. [-]".

Jiang Feng's ranking rose by one place, ranking eighth.

Gao Fei's ranking has improved by leaps and bounds, from 98 to 35.

Seeing that the ranking gap between the two had narrowed significantly, Gao Fei secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If I can keep the momentum of progress until the end of the one-year internship, I dare not say that I can catch up with Jiang Feng, at least I can ensure that I pass the test and be promoted to a full member of Tiangong, and I will have the opportunity to continue to work with Jiang Nvxia in the future.

Thinking of this, his mood brightened, and he decided to celebrate at noon and treat Jiang Nvxia to a good meal.

"I kind of want to eat hot pot, but I don't want to go to noisy restaurants. Gao Fei, don't you come from a family of Sichuan cuisine? It's time to show your talent! How about we buy the vegetables ourselves and cook hot pot at home?"

Jiang Feng's eyes were full of anticipation.

Gao Fei turned over, lay on his back on the mat, looked at that pretty face, and asked with a smile, "Which house, a rental house?"

"That's right, it's close to the supermarket and convenient for grocery shopping!"

"good idea!"

"Let's go then!"

Jiang Feng seemed to be recalling the embarrassing incident yesterday, he quickly stood up from Gao Fei, and stretched out his hand to pull him up.

The two went back to the dormitory to take a shower, and then teleported back to Gao Fei's rental house with the help of the astrolabe.

Gao Fei took out two new masks from the drawer, handed one to Jiang Feng, and was about to change his shoes.

"Is there a vegetable basket or convenience bag at home? I'll use it to store vegetables later." Jiang Feng asked.

"Don't supermarkets have convenience bags?"

"Why don't you spend money to buy it! Fifty cents is also money, so you can save it by bringing it yourself!"

"Except for my mother, I have never seen anyone who knows how to live better than you in my life." Gao Fei walked into the kitchen with a smile, found two large plastic shopping bags, and took one for himself and Jiang Feng.

The two changed their shoes and went out, walking side by side in the alley.The shade cast by the street trees slightly blocked the scorching afternoon sun, and the cicadas on the branches kept making noise, but fortunately, it didn't affect their chat.

After entering the supermarket, Jiang Feng looked at the shelves full of various seasonings.

"What brand of hot pot base do you buy?"

"Don't buy it, it's in the house. My dad fried it himself. It's absolutely real. It's delicious. You'll know how good it is after you taste it."

"Fortunately, I can eat spicy food, otherwise I would have to make a mandarin duck pot!"

Taking the opportunity of visiting the supermarket, Gao Fei inquired about what Jiang Nv Xia likes to eat, and found that it was similar to his own taste.

"Very good, at least we won't quarrel over what to eat." Jiang Feng said cheerfully.

"Hairy belly, goose intestines, chicken offal, duck blood, all of which should be less." Gao Fei instructed her.

Jiang Feng took out two meat roll packaging boxes from the freezer and asked Gao Fei, "Fat cow or fat sheep?"

"I don't know how to choose, so I will do both."

"Okay! Actually, I think so too!" Jiang Feng clapped his hands and laughed.

 Thank you book friend: tce, reward 500 starting coins this week

(End of this chapter)

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