Chapter 60

"Come on, I don't know you yet?" Gao Fei sneered, "You just can't understand Eve's sister playing with my Basaka as friends, but in your own game mod, Somo looks like a Do you still feel embarrassed when a handsome guy like Wujo Wujo engages in CP?"

"Eh? Well..." Jiang Nvxia scratched her head with a smirk, "This question is very serious! I have to think about it! If anyone can help me draw a fanart of Somo and Wujou, let me Let me analyze the CP feeling intuitively, it will be even better!"

"Just think about it slowly. Let's talk again after I get the plot milestone."

Gao Fei closed the private chat, checked the three magic tools he just got, nodded in satisfaction, and a Mona Lisa-like smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

In fact, apart from avoiding future troubles forever, Gao Fei insisted on personally executing the Shahua pirates, and there was another reason why he couldn't tell Eve's sister directly.

Sahuagin are evil aquatic creatures that breathe mainly through gills. They are born with dark vision, which happens to meet the synchronous requirements of the three magic tools "floating ball", "adaptation necklace" and "fire dwarf gauntlet" ,
After the execution, "Floating Ball", "Adaptation Necklace" and "Fire Djinn Gauntlets" all completed the first-order synchronization!
After dealing with the prisoners of war, Basaka, Eve, the two "bear warriors" Al and Ush, and Eve's animal partner "Flash Dog" Munin, sailed away from the deserted island together.

The next stop they will go to Turtleman Island to find the legendary secret treasure "Dragon Warrior Heart".

After everyone boarded the boat, Gao Fei finally received the long-awaited system prompt:

Reach the story milestone of this chapter, astrolabe energy +1 (7 times/day)!

The Berserker has been promoted to level 5, HP +11, proficiency correction +1, and also learned a new ability - "Offensive like a tide"!

Onslaught: Gain an additional standard action immediately after activation, which can be used to attack, cast spells, or move.


Like "Frenzy", the number of uses of "Rushing Tide" is 3 + Constitution modifier, and it can be activated at most once per round.

A high-flying berserker, with a physical attribute of 18, can trigger 7 "offensive waves" every day-this is not counting the number of times spent to restore life dice during the "short rest" period.

Mastering the "offensive like a tide", Gao Fei can hit a strong enemy one more time per round, output damage with higher efficiency, or make up the knife at a critical moment.

As expected, after completing the story milestones of this chapter, Gao Fei received two additional rewards, not to mention specialties, and he could also get an npc job.

Under normal circumstances, this reward is only for Eve Valli's profession "Druid of the Earth", but in this campaign, Eve's two bodyguards - Al and Ush - both survived, which can be regarded as a hidden achievement , Gao Fei can also choose to give up "Earth Druid" and instead include "Bear Warrior" into his astrolabe career tree.

Choose between "Earth Druid" and "Bear Warrior". Gao Fei compared the two professions carefully.

After a long period of ideological struggle, he finally chose "Earth Druid".

"Bear Warrior" is indeed very strong, but after all, it is only a sub-class of "Berserker". Except for the feature of changing into a bear, other professional abilities overlap with "Berserker".

The "Earth Druid" is completely incompatible with the high-flying Berserker, and belongs to another professional system.

Gao Fei is soberly aware that everything he does in the game world is not just about playing games, but more importantly, preparing for fighting against monsters in reality in the future.

The various professions stored on the astrolabe will become their capital in reality in the future. Every time one more profession is highlighted, there will be one more job transfer option and one more tactical choice.

In all fairness, the combat power of "Bear Warrior" is indeed stronger than that of ordinary "Berserker", which is especially prominent in the early stage, but from a tactical perspective, isn't the tactical routine of these two highly overlapping occupations similar?

On the other hand, "Earth Druids" have their own system of natural magic. After the level is raised, they can not only transform into bears, but also activate plants and even the four elements of water, fire, earth, and wind. The tactics derived from this Isn't the routine much richer than "Bear Warrior"?
On the issue of collecting extraordinary occupations, Gao Fei felt that instead of becoming a "unique skill brother" with a shallow hero pool, it would be better to bloom more and be inclusive. After all, the capacity of a wooden barrel depends on the shortest piece of wood.

Of course, this does not mean that you know everything and everything is loose.

Gao Fei still insists on focusing on "Berserker". As for other professions, he can practice in the Tiangong training hall when he finds time to familiarize himself with the professional abilities. He doesn't want to be proficient, as long as he can play a role as a substitute.

As usual, choose one of the three reward specialties.

The first candidate specialty is "Survival Expert", from "Flash Dog" Munin.

Survivalists can adapt to harsh climates such as severe cold and hot summer, as if they are constantly protected by the spell "endure the environment".

In addition, survival experts automatically learn the "survival" skills, and they have an advantage in the checks of survival and hunting prey in the wild - if the character has learned the "survival" skills, then the double proficiency correction will be counted in the checks.

The second candidate specialty is called "Concentration on Offense".

Skilled in Offense: Expend bonus actions to offset the reaction action of a designated target, making it impossible to take any action that requires a reaction action in the next round, such as "attack of opportunity".

The third candidate feat is Tenacious.

Tenacity: The character gains resistance to bleeding, disease, and poison, and the double roll of the relevant saving throw is superior; in addition, when the character is in a dying state, it will automatically pass the death saving throw.

Gao Fei carefully read the three candidate specialties twice, and analyzed them one by one.

"Survival Expert" is actually an enhanced version of Survival Skills. He has already mastered Survival Skills and the "Perseverance" specialty, and choosing "Survival Expert" is a bit repetitive, and the benefits are not great.

"Concentrating on offense" is very good, especially when dealing with enemies who are good at defensive counterattacks, directly blocking the opponent's counterattack actions will make the battle easier.

Or when you need to escape from the enemy as soon as possible, you can use "defense in attack" to seal the opponent's attack of opportunity, and you can run away without any scruples.

However, after repeated weighing, Gao Fei still chose the "tenacious" style that is more in line with the berserker style.

"Toughness" can not only improve the character's resistance to bleeding, toxins and diseases. In case of being beaten by the enemy into a near-death coma, you don't need to wait for someone to rescue you. You can lie on the ground for 3 rounds (18 seconds), and you will automatically die 3 times. Exemption, after that, he can wake up on the spot and continue to fight with the remaining 1 HP.

Of course, the premise of automatic awakening is that when you are in a near-death coma, you must ensure that no cheap guy comes to whip your corpse...

(End of this chapter)

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