Savior Simulator

Chapter 591 The Old Mage from the New World

Chapter 591 The Old Mage from the New World

Gao Fei chatted with the old gentleman sitting next to him, and learned that his name was Albert Franklin, and he came from the Midgard colony in the New World.

The old man claimed to be a "retired teacher" from the Offensive Law School of Midgard University. He had done some research on lightning magic and gained some fame in the academic circle.

The era of the game mod "Duel Agents" coincided with the independence revolution in the colonies of the New World.

Old man Franklin signed the Declaration of Independence, and after retiring, he accepted the appointment of the revolutionary government and came to the Kingdom of Feizhen as a special envoy.

This diplomatic job sounds respectable, but it is actually a hot potato.

The independence faction in the New World is trying to get rid of the control of the Fizen Kingdom.

His Majesty the King and the Parliament don't want to give up their suzerainty. They are mobilizing the fleet and preparing to send a large army across the Meteor Ocean to the New World to suppress the colonial rebellion.

Under such circumstances, as the agent of the "rebel party" in the suzerain country, the old man Franklin is in an embarrassing situation.

In fact, the Fiji authorities did not recognize him as a diplomat at all.

The colony is also the territory of the kingdom, and the suppression of rebellion is a civil war. You are a rebel, why do you call yourself a diplomat?
In such an extremely unfavorable environment, the old man Franklin was still able to survive. According to his own statement, it was mainly due to his thick skin, many friends, and a little fame. He was once a guest of King George.

Old man Franklin was not an official member of the Hellfire Club either. The reason why he participated in this party, which was somewhat scandalous for his age, was mainly to get acquainted with a few aristocratic politicians and convey the colony's desire for peace.

Goofy is not interested in political intrigue, and the theme of this mod is not the so-called "Colonial War of Independence".

After chatting with the old man Franklin for a few words about the political situation, he shifted the topic to something he was more interested in.

"Mr. Franklin, to tell you the truth, I am also learning magic, my level is limited, I hope to get guidance from seniors."

"You are quite accomplished in lightning magic, can you teach me some lightning or electricity spells?"

It would be too abrupt to ask someone to teach you magic when you first meet.

Gao Fei didn't care about being abrupt or not.

The old man Franklin said that he was thick-skinned. Of course, there was an element of self-deprecation in it, but it is not difficult to see that he is not very particular about red tape.

Did you say it was a coincidence?
Gao Fei felt that his skin was not thin.

Anyway, if you ask, you won't lose a piece of meat. If you have dates or not, you will pay two poles. After passing this village, there will be no such shop.

"Are you a mage too?" The old man Franklin looked Gao Fei up and down, with a smile in his eyes: "Young man, how high is your spellcasting level?"

"Uh... I'm so ashamed, I've only just come into contact with magic, and I can only cast level 1 spells at most."

The old man Franklin stroked his beard and thought for a while, opened the storage bag, and took out two scrolls.

"It's rare to meet a young friend who hits it off. I have two 1-ring magic scrolls here, 'Electric Claw' and 'Thunder Wave'. Choose one yourself, and it will be a gift for you."

"Old sir, thank you so much! Then I will be impolite!"

Gao Fei had a duel with Levant last time and captured an "Electric Shock Ring", which could release "Electric Claw" 5 times a day. This time he chose the "Thunder Wave" scroll.

Old man Franklin put away the "Electric Claw" scroll, ate the pudding on the plate, touched his stomach, stood up, and said goodbye to Sir Dashwood.

"Old sir, you are in a hurry to leave just after communion?"

Goofy asked.

The old man smiled ambiguously at him.

"The following visits are too exciting and not suitable for an old guy like me. For the sake of heart health, I have to go first. Boy, I wish you a good time tonight!"

As soon as Franklin left the table, Paul Porter tugged on Goofy's sleeve and warned with a serious face:
"Brother Musk, you'd better not associate with Albert Franklin! That old guy is probably a spy sent by the rebel party in the New World!"

"But just now you were talking so loudly, claiming to support the colonial people of the New World to get rid of the shackles of the suzerain and establish an independent and free republic. I didn't even know that you were so loyal to the king and the parliament. You brought your own food and caught spies..." Gao Fei Can't help complaining.

"Ahem...that's just talking, ladies with new ideas like to listen to this tune, and I also want to impress them."

Master Potter was full of embarrassment, and quickly changed the subject.

"Follow me to the confession hall, Brother Musk, all the confession rooms are provided for the members of the club to have fun, although you can't participate in person, at least you can watch from the side, hehe, it's also interesting."

"Forget it. I'm not interested in spying on other people's intimacy. Brother Potter, thank you for your hospitality. I'll take my leave first."

If it is really possible to peep, Gao Fei is still a little excited.

It's a pity that the system prompt has cut off his thoughts, asking him to chase old man Franklin as soon as possible, so as to advance the main plot.

Declining Porter and Sir Dashwood's persuasion, Goofy left the monastery in a hurry alone. As soon as he went out, he saw old man Franklin's carriage, and quickly took off his hat and waved it around.

"Hey! Old mister, wait for me!"

The car door opened, and Franklin poked his head out, looking at Gao Fei curiously.

"Old man, I want to go back to the city, so is it convenient for me to give you a ride?"

"Haha, get in the car! Young man, I thought you were going to stay and watch the show."

"My heart is also not very good, and I can't stand the stimulation."

Gao Fei covered his heart, pretending to look weak.

Old man Franklin took a deep look at him, as if he had seen through his disguise, but he didn't expose it to his face.

"Young man, judging by your temperament and conversation, you don't look like a swinger from the aristocratic class. Can you tell me what industry you are in?" the old man asked with great interest.

"To tell you the truth, I am a dueling agent..."

Gao Fei briefly introduced the life experience of the character he played, and complained intentionally or unintentionally.

"My firm has just opened, and I haven't even done a single business yet. This time I was invited by a friend to participate in the club's activities. I originally hoped to make friends with a few noble young masters and ask them to help introduce clients. Find out I don't get along with these playboys."

The old man Franklin nodded in understanding, and said after thinking: "Brother Musk, if you don't think I'm too busy, I can introduce you to a business."

Gao Fei has already received the system prompt, and when he learned that the plot clue was triggered, he immediately pretended to look forward to it.

"Old sir, tell me in detail!"

(End of this chapter)

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