Savior Simulator

Chapter 590 Hellfire Club (for Subscription)

Chapter 590 Hellfire Club (for Subscription)

At 9 o'clock sharp, the club's "Sacrament" officially began.

The flow of the banquet imitates religious ceremonies in a playful way.

Before the meal, the "Abbot" led the whole membership to read a hymn—actually, a erotic poem.

Gao Fei commented on this hymn from the perspective of a web writer, feeling quite conflicted in his heart.

On the one hand, it must be admitted that this poem is beautifully written, full of emotions, vivid descriptions, and has a certain artistic value, but some words and sentences are too explicit and obscene.

Such works are like Balzac's early novels, Picasso's late prints, and Gustave Courbet's masterpiece "The Origin of the World". The nameless person posted on the Internet, if he can't survive for 5 minutes, he will definitely be harmed.

The meals served at the Eucharist are also full of sacrilegious irony.

Fish pies, for example, are named "Holy Ghost pies".

Oil-sealed duck breast is called "Beauty's Breast".

There is also a main course called "Devil's Kidney", which sounds very aphrodisiac...

The wine for the guests to drink freely at the banquet is called "Hellfire Fist", and it is said that it is also mixed with aphrodisiac herbs.

Gao Fei drank two glasses and felt a little over the top.

He did not forget that the main purpose of his coming to the banquet was to make friends and solicit business.

Put down the glass quickly, lest you drink too much and do something sorry for Miss Lisa.

Master Potter was very loyal, he didn't patronize himself to eat and drink, and took the time to introduce the members of the club to Gao Fei.

"The sullen gentleman sitting across from you is named Henry Frame, a major officer in the intelligence department. Regardless of his low rank, he has a lot of power. These days, well-informed is more valuable than gold !"

"Mr. Major seems to be in a bad mood. Could it be that his wife also attended tonight's party?" Gao Fei teased in a low voice.

"Haha! Brother Justice, despite your young age, you are quite thoughtful! The husband and wife attended club activities together, exchanged partners after the dinner, and each found a happy night. Such romantic and elegant things are common in Wycombe Abbey , is not worthy of a husband's frown."

"Major Frame's gloomy face, I guess, is mostly because his official career is not going well."

Paul took a sip of wine, and then revealed gossip about Henry Frame to Goofy.

"Frim is seeking promotion to the post of deputy director. He has a competitor, Captain Dreyfus."

"Captain Dreyfus was born in a Canaanite immigrant family. His military rank is not as high as that of Frame, but he is younger than him, and his work ability is more outstanding. More importantly, the Dreyfus family has a big business, and the family has plenty of money. Mr. Captain has paved the way for his official career, and he has the upper hand in this competition."

"Major Frame didn't want to miss out on promotion and was trying to find supporters in the club who would speak at the top of the military."

"Most of the club members, including me, prefer Frame, who is from the same class, and look down on Dreyfus, a nouveau riche who started with usury, but we can only give Frame a spiritual Support, after all we more or less owe money to the Dreyfus family bank..."

Master Potter smiled awkwardly.

Gao Fei quietly opened the astrolabe, and saw "the competition between two officers" in the task bar, indicating that he had received the pre-reminder of the main task, but the follow-up development is still unclear.

At this time, Master Potter picked up the spoon and pointed to the man in red sitting at the head of the dining table.

"This gentleman dressed as the abbot is the founder of the Hellfire Club, Sir Dashwood."

Sir Dashwood, in his sanctified bishop's livery, with a graceful and well-meaning smile, was presenting to the members a gold snuff-box of fine workmanship and jewel-encrusted.

The snuffbox was a souvenir from Sir Dashwood, an honorary member of the club and eldest son of the present King George III of Fijian.

In front of everyone, Jazz opened the lid of the box and showed it to everyone.

Goofy took a look.


Instead of snuff, the little box contained curly hair of various shades.

Just when he was wondering secretly, Sir Dashwood revealed the answer himself.

It turned out that the collections in the snuff box were all collected from the hair of the mistresses of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

Gao Fei wiped off his cold sweat, thinking that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince really knows how to play...

It is hard to imagine where this country will go when this guy becomes the king of Feizhen in the future.

There was a sizzling sound from beside him, and the alluring caramel aroma wafted over.

Gao Fei sniffled, and turned to look at the guest sitting on the seat to his left.

This gentleman was also in civilian clothes.

He is short in stature, but his face is surprisingly large. The curly white hair that hangs down to his shoulders is neatly combed back, and he doesn't mind showing his broad forehead due to the receding hairline.

Judging by his age, at least he was in his sixties, and he was the oldest among all those who attended the banquet.

Gao Fei just wanted to complain, the old man is so old, and he still comes to this kind of lewd party, he is really old-hearted!

There was a creme brulee in front of the old man, and he held a steel spoon in his hand. He blew lightly, and the spoon immediately emitted crackling electric sparks.

Like ironing clothes with an iron, the old man pressed the charged spoon on the surface of the pudding and slid it gently.

The high temperature caused by the electric shock melted the sugar sprinkled on the surface of the pudding, showing a light brown burnt layer, while emitting a rich sweet aroma.

The old man nodded in satisfaction, and took another breath, and the electric spark on the spoon was annihilated.


The old man smashed the hard and brittle caramel shell on the surface of the pudding with a spoon, scooped out a spoonful, and tasted it comfortably in his mouth.

Gao Fei saw this scene from the side and thought it was funny, so he opened the astrolabe and tried to investigate the old gentleman's details.

Judging from the hand the old man showed just now, it must be a spellcaster.

However, Gao Fei couldn't see his depth.

The astrolabe prompts "Unable to detect advanced NPC".

This instead aroused Gao Fei's interest, and he took the initiative to strike up a conversation with the old man.

"Mister, may I bother you?"

"Young man, the food is not to your liking, or the ladies here are not charming enough, otherwise I really can't think of it, you would be interested in chatting with this old man like me."

The old man laughed at himself with a smile.

"Are you casting magic just now?" Gao Fei was too lazy to circle around.

"It's a small trick, it's not worth mentioning." The old man smiled lightly, "The creme brulee is a little undercooked. I'll make it myself, and it tastes much better. Don't you want to try it?"

"To be honest, I really want to try it, please."

Gao Fei pushed his bowl of creme brulee to the old man and asked him to process it.

"Happy to serve."

The old man smiled gracefully.

(End of this chapter)

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