Savior Simulator

Chapter 588 Justice Office

Chapter 588 Justice Office
As a judicial knight, Musk also has a unique advantage.

He has obtained a lawyer's practice certificate and is a full member of the Royal Bar Association. He does not need to be affiliated with a certain law firm and can directly start his own firm.

Of course, he also knows that he is too young, and in the judicial circle that pays attention to seniority, he may not be able to get along alone.

A more reasonable way of doing business is to register under the name of Judge Colt's firm, with the help of Mr. Judge's contacts, it is easier to obtain the source of the case.

Musk told Ms. Lisa his thoughts, and it was easy to get her consent. The next problem was to convince the Colters.

It is obviously not a wise move to let a good lawyer be wrong, wield swords, and fight for others.

At first, the Colts thought Musk was crazy, and persuaded him to dismiss this stupid idea as soon as possible.

However, Musk couldn't stand his stubborn opinion, and with his daughter blowing the wind, the couple reluctantly agreed to let Musk try.

However, there are limits to being young and frivolous, and Musk must abide by one condition.

He has been in the "judicial knight" business for at least two years.

If he is still alive two years later with all his arms and legs, he will have to reconsider his future:
Either change careers as a lawyer and marry Lisa; or leave the Colt family and never communicate with each other again.

The Colts feel that Musk's current mentality is the so-called "rebellious adolescence". He doesn't take the old man's advice seriously, and he has to stumble and suffer to realize how naive he is.

After one or two years of beating and training, as they gradually mature, they will naturally give up their childish ideals, start a family and start a business with peace of mind, and work in a stable and decent job.

With the funding of Judge Colter, Musk founded a proxy dueling firm and hired Miss Lisa as an assistant.

Perhaps, as the Colts thought, too much innocence remained in this young man's mind.

Unlike other agents, Musk set a rule: personally investigate the dispute, and accept the order only after he determines that the employer is not at a loss.

Judge Colter laughed kindly at his idea.

"My dear boy, if all lawyers acted on your principles, two things would happen."

"Which two things?"

"First, most lawyers will starve to death, and second, our society will become more harmonious."

"So, for the sake of social harmony, most lawyers deserve to starve to death?"

"On the contrary, my child, in order to protect the decent life of lawyers, a harmonious society is really damn!"

Mr. Judge laughed.


On the morning of the second day when Musk’s brother started his business, the “Sun” newspaper with the largest circulation in Avalon published the news of the establishment of “Colt and Justice Duel Agency”.

In fact, Judge Colter has several ready-made dueling agency sources in his hands, but he doesn't want to introduce them to Musk.

After all, this is a life-threatening business!
Who is willing to push their student and prospective son-in-law to the tip of the knife?

Mr. Colter would rather Musk fail to do business, give up his fantasy, and come back to be his assistant in despair.

Therefore, he is willing to lend his surname to Musk and let Musk advertise in newspapers, which is considered to be the most benevolent.

Musk himself didn't expect business to come in as soon as it opened.

After lunch, he was sitting at his desk flipping through the newspaper when he heard the doorbell ring.

Not long after, Miss Lisa came in, holding a letter, with a strange expression on her face.

"Musk, do you know Lord Potter?"

"My lord, I have no such noble friends."

"That's strange, this is a letter from His Excellency His Excellency, and he specially asked the servant to send a pair of flower baskets, saying that he wished you a prosperous business!"

Musk opened the envelope in confusion, took out the letter and glanced at it twice, showing a dazed look.

"I thought that Lord, it turned out to be Paul Potter, but after all, he is indeed the son of Lord Potter."

"Paul Potter... I heard you mention this man, the unlucky guy who was kidnapped by pirates on Patus Street before?"

Lisa asked.

Musk nodded with a smile.

"At that time, I stopped by to save this noble young master. He said he would repay me, but I didn't take it seriously. I didn't expect him to remember it."

"What did Master Potter say in the letter?" Lisa asked curiously.

"He saw in the newspaper that we established a dueling agency, and he was curious, so he asked someone to inquire, and learned that I had dueled with the relatives of the Earl of Sandwich two months ago, and defeated him. I may really have two brushes, so they invited me to dinner and said they would introduce me to business!"

"Wow! Great, what time does the dinner start?"

"Nine o'clock."

"Ha! Dinner at this hour... Well, it is quite in line with the living habits of noble young masters who go to bed late and wake up late!"

Miss Lisa taunted casually, and hurriedly got busy.

"Musk, write back to Master Potter now, and I'll help you prepare the evening dress."

Musk hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but said: "Lisa, don't worry, I haven't decided whether to go to the banquet yet."

"Why don't you go?" Lisa turned around, full of surprise, "This is a good opportunity for you to enter the upper class! Even if you fail to make a business in the end, it's not a loss to be able to make friends with the Marquis!"

"You're right, but..."

"Well, my dear friend, nobles are human beings, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

Lisa misunderstood Musk's mentality, thinking that he was ashamed in front of the noble young master, and felt that her status was not worthy of the other party's kind invitation, so she came over to hug him.

"Honey, you just lack social experience. It's my fault. I will find more opportunities to take you to banquets in the future."

"Okay, Lisa, I'll write back to Master Potter right now."

Musk sighed and sat back at his desk.

There are some things that he is not ashamed to tell Lisa directly.

Paul Porter is a good friend, the only shortcoming is that he is greedy and lustful.

The reason why he was kidnapped on Patus Street in the first place was because of his troubles.

He invited himself to a dinner today, but it wasn't like Lisa thought, to attend a family dinner.

Master Porter hinted in the letter that by inviting Musk to a "very exciting" secret party, he could get to know many big names in the aristocratic circle, and maybe he might even have the opportunity to help his "Agent Dueling Firm" solicit business.

"Very exciting secret meeting", what do you mean?
Miss Lisa may not quite understand.

However, Musk Justice, who came from the bottom of the society, from the circus to the gang, and is used to trading flesh and blood, can't figure it out?

It was precisely because of this scruple that he was reluctant to accept Master Potter's invitation, and it was difficult to tell Lisa clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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