Savior Simulator

Chapter 587 Dueling Agents

Chapter 587 Dueling Agents

Grease is more useful than Obscuring Mist and is arguably the best 1st circle field control spell.

Goofy didn't steal the "Greasy Art" because Warlock Erde brought a "Greasy Wand" with him.

The wand is recharged for 10 rounds, and it will be automatically restored every day.

Goofy captured the "Greasy Wand", which was enough.

Warlock Erde also wore a platinum ring.

The ring itself has no magic effect, but the workmanship is good. If you sell it to the system store or the jewelry store in the city, you can exchange it for 50 gold coins.


The next day was the weekend, "Internet Addiction Girl" classmate Ma Yun called early in the morning and pulled Jiang Feng online to form a team to fight the mad warrior module "Prince's Revenge".

Gao Fei remembered that he had received the official version of "Duel Agent" from the design department yesterday, so he didn't accept the invitation from Xiao Ma to watch the battle, and entered Chapter 5 of the imitator module by himself.

From this chapter on, the theme of the story "Duel Agent" really stands out.

The Vales world where the game background is located has long been in the era of sword and magic, and blood and violence are the basic colors of this era.

Even in a very solemn occasion like a court, the prosecution and the defense are not only satisfied with verbal confrontation, they will start a duel if they disagree, and fight for their lives.

What's even more outrageous is that the governments of various countries have also recognized the legality of "judicial duel" as a way to close the case when conventional judicial means cannot mediate disputes between prosecution and defense, or it is called "the final debate." .

Until the beginning of the 17th century, the major powers in the Vales world started the magic industrial revolution one after another, and the rising bourgeoisie was showing its power over the feudal aristocracy.

With the transformation of society, legal theory is also advancing with the times. It is urgent to eliminate the feudal elements in the traditional laws and replace the past bloody private revenge and the so-called noble courage with new laws that look more civilized and progressive. "Judicial Duel".

However, any kind of social movement cannot be a monotonous function without twists and turns.

It is common for old and new forces to see each other to defend their respective interests. In this process, at a certain period of time, traditional forces may also overwhelm emerging forces to gain the upper hand.

The stage where the story of "Duel Agents" is located, the Fizen Kingdom in the 1620s, is such a "stitch monster" where old and new forces are both opposed to and interdependent.

The Kingdom of Fizen was the first country in the Valesian world to start the Magical Industrial Revolution, and it was also the first country to implement constitutional monarchy and party politics. As early as the beginning of this century, a national election was achieved—although only those who met certain property requirements Adult male citizens are eligible to vote.

It is such a country that represents the direction of civilization and progress in the world, but the traditional feudal forces are extremely deep-rooted.

The cultural elites in this country are all proud to have a knight title, and they preach that "all men are created equal", but they still live or aspire to live a feudal aristocratic life in private.

The MPs in the various constituencies in the country are basically old masters and young masters from old aristocratic families. They are nothing more than supporters behind them. They have changed from farmers and priests to emerging factory owners, bankers and colonial planters.

The same conservative ethos is also reflected in the judiciary.

On the one hand, jurists and university professors criticize "barbarous and vulgar duels" in newspapers every day, and criticize private revenge as worthless from various angles such as law and human rights.

However, leaving these ungrounded newspapers and ivory towers, in real life, from princes and nobles to traffickers and pawns, it is generally believed that "judicial duel" is still a reasonable way to reflect legal justice.

"When the law fails to bring justice to the parties involved, private revenge is legitimate and even noble from this moment on."

Such a creed seems to be more in line with the simple concept of justice of the public.

It is also driven by this kind of ethos that there is still an ancient industry in the Kingdom of Feizhen, called "Duel Agents".

These agents who provide judicial duels for a fee, also known as "judicial knights" and "lawyers with swords", are respected both among the bottom of society and the aristocracy.

The only people who hate or even hate this group seem to be the jurists.

What about lawyers?
It stands to reason that lawyers should also hate "dueling agents" who compete with themselves for business.

However, the fact is on the contrary. Instead of turning against each other, lawyers and duelists have become close cooperative partners.

When a lawyer cannot achieve his goal through debate, he will fall back on the next best thing and try to win the opportunity for the client to have a "judicial duel".

If the judicial duel is approved by the court, the lawyer will use his contacts to hire a dueling agent registered with the Bar Association for the client and charge an intermediary fee.

If the duel is won, the lawyer can also get an additional dividend from the justice knight.

Which lawyer doesn't like this kind of business that guarantees profits without losing money and doesn't have to fight for your life yourself?
So a funny scene appeared.

Lawyers engaged in litigation practice are the group most opposed to the abolition of the judicial duel system, although a large part of them actually have the title of "jurist".

To this day, all judicial knights who are allowed to operate legally must register with the Bar Association, or simply associate with a law firm. In fact, they are still the same old feudal guilds.

How do you evaluate the partnership between lawyers and judicial knights?

It depends on where you stand.

Usually, in this cooperation model, the lawyer who plays tricks is in the dominant position and gets more money.

As for the judicial knights, they get less money and have to go to the duel arena to fight their lives, so their status is relatively low.

There is no way, those who work hard will rule others, and those who work hard will rule others.

Who is willing to be a "lawyer with a sword" if he is really capable of obtaining a lawyer's license?
However, there are no absolutes in the world, and there really is such a wonderful thing!

Like Musk Justice.

Obtained the qualification to practice law at a young age, and accumulated qualifications and connections with Judge Colt. He obviously has a bright future, but somehow he got nervous and insisted on changing his career to become a professional dueling attorney!

Since two months ago, Musk appeared in a duel for Judge Colt, defeated Levante Sandwich Montagu, and became famous in the first battle, as if he had awakened all of a sudden, and really found the industry he most wanted to work in in his life.

For this young man from a circus background and a gangster background, dealing with legal provisions all day is too boring.

He holds the law code in his left hand and the sword in his right hand - only defending justice in such a posture is in line with his ideal.

(End of this chapter)

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