Savior Simulator

Chapter 585 Black Cat Lady

Chapter 585 Black Cat Lady
"Daniel, you park the carriage by the side of the road and wait in the carriage. I'll be back soon."

Miss Quinn explained a few words to the coachman, and then got out of the car alone, holding the pistol tightly, and quickly approached the hunting zone under the cover of the grass on the side of the road.

Jiang Feng, who had been watching the play for a long time, finally received the "sentence" reminder from the system, and immediately lifted his spirits, and hurriedly switched to the No. 1 perspective of the heroine.

"Finally it's my turn! Goofy, Goofy! Are you alright?"

"It's fine for now, but Brother Martin is not very good. If he hangs up, we have to load the file and start over." Gao Fei said.

"How about I go around first and cast a spell to heal him?"

"Don't worry, I think Brother Martin can hold on for a while, you get rid of that annoying fly in the air first."

"Ah? This..." Jiang Feng scratched his head, feeling a little worried, "Warlock Erde is covered by fog, so I can't see her position clearly. If I shoot directly, I'm afraid I won't be able to hit her!"

"Didn't you learn the 'water-making technique'?" Gao Fei reminded his girlfriend, "This magic can also be used to make showers."

"Oh! I see!"

Jiang Feng understood, hid in the grass and prayed silently, and cast the "water making technique" on the kobold warlock floating at low altitude.

There was no cloud in the evening sky, but a sudden torrential rain fell.

The rain wasn't heavy, but it happened to land on Warlock Erdo's head and wet her wings.

The wings soaked in rain became extremely heavy.

Erde Warlock's strength attribute is only 11 points, and the load is limited. He cannot fly stably in the rain, so he has to land on a tree branch by the roadside, planning to find a place to shelter from the rain.

Jiang Feng added another "water making technique", chasing Warlock Erde and continuing to rain.

The falling raindrops dilute the mist surrounding Warlock Erde, revealing the silhouette of his body.

Jiang Feng held his breath, aimed at the thin figure looming in the mist, and pulled the trigger decisively.

Gunshots sounded.

In the area where the rain and mist intertwine, a large mass of shocking scarlet exploded!

Fortunately, Jiang Feng's shot triggered a critical strike, quadrupling the damage, plus 1d6 sneak attack damage, directly hitting Warlock Erde to the point of death, falling from a tree, and falling into a coma.

"Good job!"

Gao Fei gave his girlfriend a thumbs up.

"Haha! Good luck, hit a critical strike!"

Jiang Feng himself was also very excited. He raised his hand and shot again, knocking down the kobold who was chasing him.

There are three kobolds left, which are easily dealt with by Goofy, Martin and the hound "landlord".

After killing all the kobolds, Jiang Feng walked up to Gao Fei, put on the reserved style of a noble lady, raised the brim of his hat slightly in greeting, but did not take off the mask on his face.

According to the current progress of the plot, the Miss Quinn played by her still does not recognize Roger Wayne played by Goofy.

Gao Fei often said that playing Roplay games, bringing in the perspective of the characters, and avoiding uttering lines that are beyond the knowledge of the characters are the most basic rules of the game.

If you don’t follow this rule, it’s like watching a movie with crazy spoilers, only caring about your momentary pleasure, but ruining your partner’s game experience, and no one will play with you in the future.

Jiang Feng occasionally complained that Gao Fei was too involved in the play, but when it was her turn to play, she still put herself into it.

"Well-meaning lady, I can't express my gratitude in words for your chivalrous deed!" Gao Fei feigned a deep bow to Miss Quinn, pretending to be anxious, "I beg you to be a good person to the end, In your carriage, take my friend to the nearest clinic!"

"Sir, I don't think it's necessary." Jiang Feng enjoyed playing the role of a noble lady, and his calm words revealed a touch of arrogance. "Your friend is not seriously injured. I can treat him."

"So, you are not only accurate with marksmanship, but also a doctor?"

Martin raised his head weakly, and looked at the mysterious lady wearing a black cat mask with curiosity in his eyes.

"To be precise, I am a priest."

"I've never heard of it. There is a nun wearing a black cat mask in the city..." Martin couldn't help muttering.

"You're right if you don't know." Jiang Feng blessed him with "spontaneous medical treatment" and continued to output positive energy to heal the pain. "That's why I wear a mask."

Martin smiled awkwardly: "It seems that you care about protecting your privacy, Ms. Mask, what should I call you?"

"The name is just a code name, just call me 'Black Cat'."

After saying this, the "Black Cat Lady" returned to the carriage and left in the dust.

"Wow~ Look at our mysterious lady, she is obviously a kind-hearted and kind person who saved us regardless of her own danger, but afterwards she seems cold and arrogant, how strange!"

Martin looked at the receding carriage and sighed.

"The complex character of being cold on the outside and hot on the inside makes her even more charming."

Goofy said with a smile.

"Oh! My friend! This is the first time I've heard you praise young women. Could it be that you fell in love with that mysterious black cat lady at first sight?" Martin narrowed his eyes narrowly.

Gao Fei didn't deny it, and pretended to have a serious face.

"Martin, I have a hunch that we will meet Ms. Black Cat again soon."

"Are you sure?" Martin was dubious.

"I'm sure." Gao Fei smiled and nodded.

Martin scratched his head in confusion, vaguely feeling that something was wrong with his old friend, as if he was really fascinated by the mysterious woman wearing a mask.

... Thus, only the world in which Brother Martin was kept in the dark was achieved.


The main plot of this chapter ends here.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng received a prompt from the system at the same time:

Astrolabe energy +1, each upgraded by 1 level.

Jiang Feng was promoted to level 3 "Sanctuary", with HP+7, sneak attack damage increased to 2d6, gained the professional ability "Intuitive Dodge", and also comprehended the first 1st-level magic spell-"Tracer Bullet".

The "tracer bullet" has a range of 120 feet and deals 4d6 points of radiant damage when it hits the target, and lights it up by the way.

For "Templar", a profession that mixes priests and thieves, "tracer bullets" also have a hidden benefit-it can launch long-range sneak attacks, and the damage is higher than that of pistols!
Gao Fei was promoted to level 3 "Law Thief", just like Jiang Feng, with HP+7, gained "Intuitive Dodge" and 2d6 sneak attack dice.

In addition, his core ability "Stealing Law" has also been upgraded.

From now on, up to 3 stolen spells can be kept.

Brother Martin was promoted to a level 3 ranger, with HP+9, and learned the professional ability "Quick Shot", which allowed him to fire two shots in a row.

Martin can also learn another 0-ring nature magic.

He chose the "Light Art", which is blessed on the object and lasts for 10 minutes per level. The brightness is equivalent to a torch.

With the "light technique", you can save money on lamp oil and candles in the future.

Martin's hound "Landlord" has also been upgraded to a level, with an increase of 8 points of HP.

(End of this chapter)

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