Savior Simulator

Chapter 584 Warlock Erd

Chapter 584 Warlock Erd
The shape of the creature in the air was similar to that of an ordinary kobold, the only special feature was that it had a pair of membranous wings that could fly in the air.

"It's rare to see a kobold with wings... This guy is probably the Erdo my dad talked about!"

Martin raised his shotgun, aiming at the winged kobold in the air.

Gao Fei has also heard the rumors of "winged kobolds".

On extremely rare occasions, oviparous kobolds will produce young born with "dragon wings".

In the dragon language, the winged kobolds are also called "Erd". They are regarded by the kobolds as a symbol of the blessing of Tiamat, the "goddess of the dragon", and often enjoy a higher status in the ethnic group.

Compared with ordinary kobolds, Erdo has indeed inherited more dragon blood, and has a greater probability of awakening the ability to cast spells, becoming the so-called "Edo Warlock".

Goofy observed carefully.

He noticed that Erde in the air was wearing a green robe that was not commensurate with the kobold's level of civilization, and was holding a two-foot-long wooden stick in his hand, emitting slight fluctuations in magic power.

The more Gao Fei looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong, and he couldn't help muttering to himself.

"This guy, shouldn't he be an Erde Warlock?"

With doubts, he opened the astrolabe and spent a burst of energy to remotely detect the winged kobold in the sky.

Sure enough, this guy is really an erdo warlock who has awakened the blood of the green dragon!

Erde Warlock has 41 HP, and the attributes are strength 11, agility 16, constitution 14, intelligence 10, perception 10, charm 16, and challenge level 3.

By developing her own green dragon bloodline, Erd Warlock's minions have evolved into magical weapons, and the scales are harder than ordinary kobolds, giving her 3 points of natural defense and 10 points of resistance to acid damage.

Erdo Warlock has "sharp vision", immunity to sleep, underwater breathing and other talents derived from dragon blood, and can even breathe poisonous gas like a real green dragon.

In addition, she has mastered the three specialties of "Alertness", "Toughness", and "Skilled Spellcaster".

As a warlock, the most important thing is of course magic.

A level 5 warlock, counting the 2 additional casting levels provided by the "proficient spellcaster", the equivalent casting level is level 7.

The spells he is good at include 0-level "Magic Energy Explosion", "Dizzy", 1-level "Grease", "Hiding Mist" and "Detect Undead", and 2-level "Mist Sight".

Erde Warlock has mastered both "Hidden Mist" and "Mist Sight", which makes Gao Fei have a bad association...

Just as he was observing in secret, a clear gunshot suddenly sounded in his ears!
It was Martin who shot.

The shotgun bullet whizzed out of the chamber, and brushed past Warlock Erde's head with a slight difference.

The frightened Warlock Erde hastily gestured to cast a spell, and a thick white mist gushed out from his body, covering him.

"Hey! This kobold can even cast spells?!"

Martin raised his eyebrows in surprise, raised his gun and fired again.

He thought Warlock Erdo was hiding in the center of the fog with a radius of 20 feet, but the other party was not that stupid. He had already hid at the edge of the fog, and with his eyes blessed with "fog vision", he could not be blocked by the dense fog. Where the gunshots came from.

Martin's shot missed again and exposed his position.

Warlock Erde gave an order, and the six kobolds on the ground, holding short spears, roared and rushed towards the bushes where Gao Fei and Martin were hiding.

"Brother! Don't act dead, come with me!"

After Gao Fei reminded Martin, he turned and ran.

He had just received the main mission prompt from the system, asking himself and Martin to flee the valley with the hounds and rush to the road at the foot of the mountain as soon as possible.

It can be seen from this that even if the two of them kill all the kobolds including Warlock Erde, they will not meet the mission requirements, and if they are not sure, they will come up with disgusting plots such as "plot killing".

What's more, with the strength of Gao Fei and Martin, it is unlikely to defeat Warlock Erde flying in the air. It is better to follow the mission prompts and run obediently.

Martin was just an NPC, he couldn't see the task prompt, and he didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.

Another shot was fired, knocking down the kobold who was rushing forward, and then he turned around and chased after Gao Fei.

After running a few steps, he stepped on the "greasy spell" that Warlock Erde had just cast, and with a crackling sound, he fell to the ground.

Warlock Erde hovered at a low altitude, saw Martin fall into the slippery sludge trap through the thick fog, raised his left hand with a smirk, and chanted the spell in a low voice.



Goofy ran for a certain distance and realized that Martin hadn't followed, and there was a rapid barking behind him.

Turning back quickly, I saw Martin lying on the ground from a distance, covered in dirty greasy mud, very embarrassed.

The loyal hound bit his master's sleeve, trying to rescue Martin from the trap created by the "greasy technique".

Gao Fei started "sprinting", accelerated to gallop over, waved and released "thorn whip", wrapped around Martin's arm, and dragged him out of the greasy area.

almost at the same time.

A purple-blue shock wave pierced through the fog, bombarded down from mid-air, and narrowly missed Martin.

Martin turned blue with fright.

How could he dare to fight back, so he ran towards Gao Fei.

Warlock Erde in the air cursed in a low voice annoyed by the missed "Magic Energy Explosion".

Seeing Gao Fei and Martin getting together and running side by side toward the valley, they tracked in the air under the cover of fog.

There was a road ahead, and it was almost time to reach the mission location. Gao Fei was just about to breathe a sigh of relief when he felt a strong air flow above his head.

Erde Warlock swooped down with a cloud of thick fog.

The moment Gao Fei and Martin passed over their heads, they opened their mouths and spewed out a cone-shaped green smoke!
The breath ability given to her by the blood of the green dragon covers a 15-foot cone, causing 5d6 poison damage. If the save fails, she will also get the negative status "poisoned", and has disadvantages on attack and attribute checks.

Gao Fei realized that the situation was not good in time, rolled on the spot, avoided the poisonous gas and sprayed directly, the damage was halved, and only lost 5 points of life.

Martin reacted a little slower, and was sprayed with poison gas.

HP-11, also poisoned, his face turned green!

Gao Fei had no way to detoxify, so he could only drag Martin to run wildly.

Finally, he ran onto the road before the Kobold Warlock swooped down again.

The astrolabe prompts "achieve the mission goal".

At the same time, the game perspective also switches to a Mercedes-Benz carriage.

Louise Quinn was sitting in the carriage, and when she heard gunshots and dogs barking ahead, she quickly opened the window and looked around.

On the other side of the valley, two young men were galloping with a hound.

Chasing after them was a group of arrogant kobolds.

Miss Quinn's sense of justice did not allow her to stand by and watch passers-by in distress.

However, she also does not want to reveal her identity in front of strangers.

So before getting out of the car, she opened the storage bag, took out a mask in the shape of a black cat, and put it on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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