Savior Simulator

Chapter 573 Templar Raiders

Chapter 573 Templar Raiders
When her parents were still alive, they often took her to her grandmother's house for vacation during school holidays, so she was no stranger to this big house that engraved her childhood memories.

Two years ago, her parents passed away unexpectedly, and her grandmother was called by the Lord last winter. Louise lost three relatives one after another, and her personality became a little melancholy.

Standing in the hallway feeling melancholy for a long time, the girl suddenly remembered something and shouted in the direction of the garden: "Bernie! Bernie!"

Bernie was grandmother's favorite hunting dog and Louise's childhood playmate.

The girl's call echoed in the empty house, but there was still no familiar dog barking to answer.

"Miss, Bernie is gone." A maid couldn't help revealing, "Mrs. Gallup passed away less than two weeks ago, and Bernie also died of illness. The priest held a small ceremony for the poor old dog." small funeral, and the bones were buried under the cherry tree in the garden."

"That's it... even Bernie has passed away." Louise sighed, "There is one less friend by my side, living in this increasingly strange world, so lonely..."

With that, she walked towards the garden.

"Miss!" The maid hurriedly followed, "If you want to take a walk, you'd better stay away from that cherry tree, and the gardener's cabin, and you don't get close either."

"Why?" Louise turned her head and looked at the maid in surprise, "I was going to visit Bernie's grave."

"You'd better not do this, my dear lady, Bernie is dead, but his spirit is still wandering in the garden, I'm afraid you will be frightened." The maid replied embarrassingly.

"The ghost of the Hound?" Louise nodded, "That's no wonder."

As a clergyman, as soon as she walked to the gate of the garden, she was sensitively aware of the unusually strong negative energy. This sign often means that there are undead creatures nearby.

"Annie, aren't you afraid of the ghost of the Hound?" Louise asked the maid.

"To be honest, I was a little scared at first." The maid forced a smile, "But you also know that Bernie was a kind and gentle hound in life, and it's not evil to turn into a ghost after death, as long as you don't get close to the cherry tree. Or if you try to break into the gardener's cabin, the ghost hound will not actively appear in front of people, and after a long time, the servants in the house will get used to it."

"Does my uncle know about this?" Louise asked.

"Of course Father Gallup knows, and he told us that Bernie's ghost won't hurt people at will, so ignore it."

"If one day this ghost hound's temperament changes drastically and starts to attack humans, as long as the holy water is poured on its grave, this ghost can be completely wiped out."

The maid took a tin vial from her apron pocket and handed it to Louise.

"Miss, if you insist on going under the cherry tree to see Bernie's cemetery, please be sure to bring this bottle of holy water to avoid accidents."

"Thank you for the reminder, Anne, I will be careful."

Louise took the holy water bottle, put it in the storage bag, turned and walked through the garden gate, and walked straight to the cherry tree.

At the same time, Jiang Feng received a notification from the system that the cutscene in the prologue of the game had ended, and he could control the heroine Louise Quinn.

Jiang Feng quickly turned on the "spiritual descent" mode, directly substituting into the No.1 perspective of the heroine.

"Open the status bar first, and take a look at the heroine's attributes and professional abilities." Gao Fei reminded his girlfriend.

The leading actor he played hadn't reached the stage yet, so now he could only watch the battle and enjoy his eyes by the side.


·Louis Quinn (Level 1 of Templar)
Equipment: Refined rapier, refined chain shirt, revolver (refined)

neutral good, human

Life: 10 (1D8+2)

Speed: Walk 30 feet

Defense: 18 (chain shirt +4, agility +4)



Attributes: Strength 13, Dexterity 18, Constitution 14, Intelligence 13, Wisdom 18, Charisma 16
Saving Throws: Reflex +6, Will +6
Skills: Stealth +6, Sleight of hand +6, Perception +6, Deception +5
Senses: Passive Perception 16
Special Abilities: Divinely granted weapon (rapier) (offensive advantage, damage + Wisdom modifier), spontaneous healing (heals 1d6/+1 magic point)

System prompt: Defeat the ghost dog and reduce its health to less than half.


"There are magic spells, sneak attacks, and 'divine-given weapons' and 'spontaneous healing'. Not bad!" Jiang Feng beamed with joy, "Basically, all the abilities I want have been retained!"

"The heroine's attribute panel is very strong, and the initial equipment and skills are also well matched, especially the refined pistol, which took a big advantage in the early stage."

Through the team sharing page, Gao Fei can also see the status panel of the heroine, and feels envious.

"She is a rich lady who has inherited a large inheritance. Isn't it normal to carry a pistol for self-defense?"

Jiang Feng smiled complacently, and suddenly frowned again.

"Goofy! I've found a problem, a very serious one!"

"Oh, my dear Louise, you have finally discovered your blind spot."

"Young yin and yang are weird!" Jiang Feng elbowed his boyfriend, and said angrily, "I'm going to fight ghost dogs next, right? But look, my rapier and pistol are not magic weapons, and they can't hit incorporeal undead at all." ,This is how to do?"

"Hmm..." Gao Fei rubbed his chin for a while, then smiled, "My dear friend, do you still remember the bottle of holy water that the maid Annie gave you? Maybe it's a key prop."

"Oh, my God! Thank you for your reminder, Mr. Smart, but if you don't speak well, and then pretend to be a foreign guest in such a tone, be careful I will kick your ass!"

"Hey! You irritable little girl, why are you so fierce!" Gao Fei said angrily, "I think playing role-playing games is like acting in a stage play, designing dialogues based on the background of the story, which will be more immersive. "

"Bring in a shovel! Just the two of us, who are you acting for?"

Jiang Feng cast an angry look at his boyfriend who was trying to get into the scene, then unscrewed the holy water bottle, poured some into the cap, and used it to smear the sword blade and soak the bullet.

After completing the above operations, use the astrolabe for identification.

Both the rapier and the six bullets get a temporary enchanted buff, which is equivalent to magic weapons and ammunition when fighting undead creatures.

It should be noted that the holy water applied to weapons and ammunition is only a one-time item.

Only the first time it hits an undead creature, the enchantment effect will be provided, after which it will change back to normal.

"With these six bullets, it should be enough."

Jiang Feng turned the magazine of the pistol, and the corners of his lips curled up in a confident arc.

(End of this chapter)

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