Savior Simulator

Chapter 572 The Boy's Treasure

Chapter 572 The Boy's Treasure

The reason why the "Girdle Canal" is in such an embarrassing situation is entirely due to the defeat of the Holy Ashean Empire on the battlefield.

The anti-rebellion war launched by the Holy Ashan Empire, not only failed to eliminate the Korath regime in the Far East, which was founded by warlords, but was defeated steadily on the battlefield.

The mobilization slogans in the newspapers also changed from "conquering the east to counter the rebellion" to "keeping thieves out of the country".

In the end, he couldn't even hold the gate of the country, and was driven straight in by the Far Eastern army, until he fought outside the gate of the holy city of Ashan, the capital, and was forced to sign a humiliating alliance under the city.

As a key bargaining chip in the armistice agreement, the customs of the belt canal and the nearby naval base were packaged and leased to the barbarians in the Far East.

At the same time, the headlines of the major newspapers in the holy city also changed to this style:

"His Highness Roland, the noble prince of the Far East, arrived in the holy city of Ashan, who admires him today!"

"His Highness Roland promises to bring us an era of peace!"

The former overlord of the Vales world was defeated by the new overlord, and even the capital became the stage for the coronation ceremony of the head of state of the enemy country. was killed", the cabinet reshuffle has also had a profound impact on the fate of many ordinary people in this country.

The Wayne family is a small boat overturned by the tide of the times.

The story begins seven years ago.

At the beginning of October 1620, the Far East rebels announced the establishment of an independent country.

Although the imperial government and the opposition at this time did not think that this small group of rebel forces could become a success, the reaction in the stock market was extremely sensitive, and the price of grain futures skyrocketed overnight!

In hindsight, the reaction was not surprising.

The Far East Province has always been the most important granary of the Holy Ashean Empire, and the grain shipped to the interior of the empire every year accounts for 30% of the city's commodity grain market.

Now that the rebel party in the Far East has declared independence and blocked traffic, the newly harvested grains cannot be transported to the inland of the empire. The spot price of grains is bound to skyrocket, and grain futures will rise simultaneously.

For ordinary people, such hindsight is enough.

But for securities dealers who eat this bowl of rice, hindsight is worthless, and only foresight can bring wealth.

Unfortunately, most practitioners do not have the vision to match their self-confidence.

Mr. Adrian Wayne, a well-known securities dealer in Binhai City, made a wrong bet this time and short-sold the grain futures contract with a lot of money, which resulted in his position being liquidated.

Mr. Wayne not only lost all his savings, but also the deposits entrusted by his clients to manage the money on his behalf, as well as the funds borrowed from many banks.

Originally wanted to gamble big, but lost everything and had to sell property to liquidate the debt.

Overnight, the originally wealthy family fell into bankruptcy.

The Waynes dismissed the servants, and the mansion was forced to be sold to an elderly lady.

On the morning the Wayne family moved out of the mansion, a boy wandered alone in the garden.

The boy's name was Roger Wayne, who had just turned ten years old and was the only child of the Wayne couple.

The sudden great change in the family brought a great inner shock to this young master, who was well-clothed and surrounded by servants since he was a child.

Although he still doesn't fully understand what "bankruptcy" means, at least he knows that he will have to live a strange and poor life in the future, and he will have to give up many things and privileges that he used to take for granted.

For example, this big house, the beautiful garden, and the pet dog nicknamed "Bernie" who is following behind him at the moment.

"Roger, we have to go!"

There was a crying mother's urging from the door.

"Mom, wait a minute, I'm saying goodbye to Bernie!"

Holding the toy box in his arms, the boy hurried to a small wooden house in the garden with the hound.

The gardener has been fired and the cabin is vacant.

Roger opened the door and went in, walked to the corner, and skillfully lifted a board with a nail off, revealing a hole in the wall.

He put the box containing his favorite toys into the hole in the wall, and then slipped a letter into it.

In this letter, he extended his sincere greetings to those who might discover the treasure he left behind in the future, and gave this gift to them.

I hope that when the other party plays with these toys, he can also experience the same happiness as him.

The boy folded the boards together, silently praying that his collection of treasures would be found by a kind-hearted person, cherishing these little gifts he had left behind.

"Bernie, I'm leaving."

The boy knelt down and hugged the hound hard, with tears in his eyes, whispering in the hound's ear.

"Bernie, I really want to take you with me, but what can I do..."

"Dad is bankrupt and has no money to send me to a private school. I have to go to a charity boarding school run by the church. I heard there are a lot of bad kids from workhouses..."

"If I can take you to school, you won't have to worry about being bullied by bad kids. It's a pity that boarding schools don't allow dogs."

"When Dad sold the house, he treated you as a piece of property and sold it to the new owner of the house."

"Yesterday afternoon, I saw the old lady in the living room."

"Mrs. Gallup is the widow of a general. She is very gentle and promised that I will take good care of you."

With tears in his eyes, the boy kissed the dog's forehead.

"Bernie, after I leave, you must remember to take care of the treasure hidden in the hole in the wall for me, and don't let the mice get in!"

"Goodbye, Bernie, I wish you happiness!"

The boy hugged the hound one last time, wiped away his tears, and, urged impatiently by his mother, turned away.

The hound barked and chased it out until the gate, watching the little master and his family get into the carriage with their suitcases, and gradually disappeared into the end of the field of vision with the sound of rolling wheels.


(7 years later)


On April 1627, 4, in a bright spring afternoon, a luxurious carriage stopped at the gate of the former Wayne family's mansion.

Two maids wearing headscarves and aprons got out of the car first with suitcases and parasols, and stood respectfully on both sides of the door.

Immediately afterwards, a fair-skinned, beautiful, slender blonde girl appeared at the door of the carriage.

The girl was dressed in a snow-white tunic dress and a wide-brimmed hat with gauze hanging down her head. She waved her hand to politely refuse the maid's help, and jumped off the carriage by herself.

Cat-like agile movements, elegant and vigorous gait, all show that she is not a weak and rich lady.

This beautiful and noble lady, 18 years old, named Louise Quinn, just graduated from the Divinity School of Imperial Central University this spring.

Miss Quinn came to Binhai City this time, in addition to visiting relatives and vacations, she also had another important purpose, which was to accept the inheritance left by her grandmother.

Walking into this mansion, Louise Quinn's eyes revealed a hint of nostalgia.

(End of this chapter)

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