Savior Simulator

Chapter 558 The Overlord in the Lake

Chapter 558 The Overlord in the Lake
In the blink of an eye, the silver dragon transformed by Lin Qi had already flown over the head of another giant water elemental, bent over and spewed a cone-shaped cold current, freezing it into a large lump of ice.

With this red and silver two-headed dragon standing in front, the other special police officers were able to rescue the firefighters calmly. Then Huang Hansheng and Wu Qihang jointly cast spells. Launch a counterattack.

Jiang Feng, Ma Tao, Ma Yun, Qi Tian, ​​Wang Daqing, and Li Jiajia first collectively switched their sub-professions to "Astrologers" and resorted to the tried-and-true routine of "sharpening imprinted missiles" to bombard two frozen ice sculptures giant water element.

The giant water elemental has 270 health points, seemingly indestructible, but it didn't even survive a round of "missile storm", and was blasted to pieces.

Jiang Feng and others tacitly transferred the "fragile imprint" to another giant water element.

Another 30 magic missiles enhanced by "spell sharpening" concentrated fire and bombarded him, crushing his frozen body and breaking it into countless shards of ice, which melted into the lake.

After getting rid of these two big guys, Jiang Feng and others collectively switched sub-professions again, and unified into the red dragon form.

The six red dragons soared into the air, chasing the smaller water elements, and when they swooped down, they took a mouthful of flaming dragon's breath, which sprayed white air all over their bodies, and their liquid bodies shrank sharply due to the evaporation of water.

The special police officers of Team 01 were all surprised when they saw this scene.

Although they have known for a long time that all of the 05 team can change into dragons, but the rumors are the rumors. Only by witnessing the spectacular scene of seven red dragons swooping down and breathing fire at close range can they experience the shock that directly hits the soul!
Huang Hansheng launched the "Misty Step", turned into a cloud of silver mist and fled from the large water elemental that was waving his arms and slamming him, and was teleported 30 feet away in an instant.

The large water element dragged its python-like body, gliding along the water surface at high speed like an ice skater, chasing Huang Hansheng.

Hao Le activated "Ghost Strike", a murderous red light appeared in his eyes, and he rushed over from another direction on the waves, blocking the large water elemental that was chasing and killing Huang Hansheng.

One shot plus one sword, all of which will bring 3d6 sneak attack damage, plus the damage bonus provided by the 2d6 "Guiding Light Blade" and "Sly Strike", directly hit the large water elemental to serious injuries, half-human, half-snake The liquid body collapsed on the lake.


The large water element was intercepted by Hao Le, and Huang Hansheng was able to cast the spell calmly.

He fired a "tracer bullet" first, and then added a "guiding ray" to kill the large water elemental.

Hao Le put his sword back into its sheath, blew away the gunpowder smoke from the muzzle, and looked at the seven red dragons and one silver dragon hovering above his head, his eyes full of envy.

"Old Huang, we are the only ones in the 05 team who can't change into dragons, it feels a bit embarrassing!"

"Lele, what's so embarrassing about this, we are still rookies after all, it's normal that we can't compare to our seniors." Huang Hansheng smiled and patted his partner on the shoulder.

"Xiaoyun is also a rookie, she is better than us." Hao Le said bitterly.

"Xiaoyun's initial intelligence is 18 points, a proper genius girl, how does this compare?" Huang Hansheng said with a wry smile, "Don't just envy, hurry up and work! Earn more experience points and raise your level as soon as possible. powerful!"

"That's true." Hao Le suddenly became happy again, and said full of longing, "Brother Fei said that after the end of this special service mission, we will announce the strategy of Dragon Warrior. At that time, we only need to copy the homework to get this Powerful profession, become a cool red dragon!"


Gao Fei spread out his wide dragon wings and hovered over the lakeside.

With the sharp eyesight of the giant red dragon, he can clearly see every disturbance on the battlefield.

After getting rid of the two giant water elementals, he could no longer deal with the remaining miscellaneous fish, so he gave these experience points to his teammates.

At this time, there was a cool air blowing overhead.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Fei felt his back sink, and quickly spread his wings to keep his center of gravity stable.

"Sister Lin, you should lose weight!" Gao Fei said angrily.

"Hey~ Don't be ignorant of good people, I'm helping you with weight training!"

The handsome silver dragon withdrew its wings and lay on the back of the red dragon in an elegant posture like a girl "sitting on a duck". Its narrow and shiny eyes revealed a mischievous smile.

"If you don't go down, I will turn over."

Gao Fei flew with the silver dragon on his back, and he could bear the weight, mainly because he was afraid of being seen by others and causing rumors.

"Stingy! I'm lighter, can't I?"

Lin Qi suppressed the "transfiguration" temporarily, transformed from the silver dragon back into a human form, and stretched out her arms naturally, wrapping her arms around the red dragon's neck.

"Fly towards the center of the lake, and I'll show you the objectives of today's mission!"

Sister Jinghua's urging came from Gao Fei's ear.

"Okay, let's go and come back quickly."

Gao Fei was also very curious about the dragon turtle, so he drove Lin Qifei to the center of the lake.

Flying about five miles away, I saw a tortoise shell as big as a small island upside down on the water.

"Look, it's that bastard!" Lin Qi's reminder came from his ear, with excitement in his voice.

Gao Fei nodded slightly. In order to avoid being noticed by the dragon turtle, he flapped his wings and raised his flying altitude to a thousand meters above the sky, overlooking the center of the lake under the cover of clouds.

Even looking down from such a high place, the huge size of the Dragon Turtle still gives Gao Fei an intuitive visual impact.

This giant water monster with dragon blood has dark blue scales on its body, exposing the head and tail of the turtle shell, which indeed presents distinct characteristics of a giant dragon.

The limbs and the entire torso of the dragon turtle are wrapped in a dark green shell, and the back of the turtle is dotted with countless silver spots, which look like sparkling waves against the backdrop of the water.

This behemoth is nearly 30 meters long from head to tail, and the width of the tortoise shell is also 20 meters, which is comparable to a ship. Compared with it, the high-flying red dragon looks extraordinarily thin.

With a trace of curiosity, Gao Fei opened the astrolabe and checked the data of Dragon Turtle.


·Old Dragon Turtle
Challenge Level: Level 13

Absolutely neutral, gigantic dragons (aquatic, drakes)


Defense: 32 (natural armor +30, size -8)

Attributes: Strength 45, Dexterity 10, Constitution 31, Intelligence 13, Wisdom 20, Charisma 18
Saving Throw: Fort +15, Ref +5, Will (Dominance/Iron Will) +15
Skills: Insight +10, Perception +10, Intimidation +9
Senses darkvision, global vision (blind-fight), passive Perception 20
Special Abilities: Amphibious, sense of smell, immunity to fire/sleep/paralysis, damage reduction 15/magic adamantium, magic resistance; robustness, stoicism, tenacity, standing, iron will, alertness, blind-fighting, improved rush, spells expand
Special Attacks: multiattack (2 claws + 1 bite/tail), power attack, cleave, whirlwind, 240-ft. line/120-ft. cone of steam breath (cooldown 2 rounds) (deals 20d6 burns, Reflex DC 25; also works underwater), mana pool (360/day), spellcasting (CL 20, DC 19; 4th—manipulate water)

(End of this chapter)

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