Savior Simulator

Chapter 557 Shuanglong

Chapter 557 Shuanglong
Just as Gao Fei expected, on the morning of October 10, the heavy rain that lasted for a whole week finally stopped.

The dark clouds hanging over the city are dissipating, and the citizens of Xingzhou, who were trapped at home by the rain, opened their windows with excitement and invited the golden sunshine into the room.

The eruption of this round of magic tide has passed the rising period and is turning to decline.

As the concentration of mana in the environment drops rapidly, the plane surges that originally spread throughout the disaster area are also shutting down on their own, and this is the fundamental factor for the weather to turn fine.

The rain has stopped, but the accumulated water on the streets cannot be drained in a short while, and the urban waterlogging is still very serious.

The arrogant roar of the diesel engine echoes on the streets of the city.

The golden ripples reflected by the sun on the water surface were crushed by the high-speed motorboat and replaced by more energetic snow-white waves.

Wearing sunglasses, Lin Qi drove a motorboat at the maximum power to gallop through the waterlogged streets. Her silver-gray hair fluttered in the wind, revealing a forehead that was as smooth and flawless as a beautiful jade.

The staff working on street drainage and flood fighting, as well as the residents upstairs lying on the windows looking at the scenery, were all attracted by this beautiful and domineering policewoman, with a look of amazement in their eyes.

This motorboat was originally owned by Gao Fei, but sister Jinghua seized the driving right and drove him to the back to sit side by side with Jiang Feng, claiming to take them for a ride.

This wind is strong enough...

Gao Fei rubbed his cheeks that were slightly stinging from the strong wind, and when he had nothing to do, he opened the astrolabe and checked the team data.

In addition to the team's data, the page also lists the occupation and level information of all members of the 01 team in joint operations.

Lin Qi ranked second in the special service leaderboard of the whole station, second only to Gao Fei.

Her main profession "Tiangong special police" has been promoted to level 12, just like Jiang Feng.

The main sub-profession "Silver Dragon Bloodline Warlock" is level 8, which is two levels higher than Jiang Feng's "Yangyan Monk".

Brother Liu Xingyu, the captain of Team 01, is also a level 12 special police officer, and his main sub-profession "Green Druid" has been upgraded to level 7.

Next up is Violent Lolita Penny, Level 11 SWAT and Level 8 Sword Dancer.

Wu Qihang, the chief daddy of Team 01, is a 10th-level special police officer and a 7th-level pastor.

Zhang Sheng and Liao Kai are both level 9 special police officers, and their main sub-professions are "Beast Tamer" and "Paladin", and they have also been promoted to level 7.

After sailing for more than half an hour, two special police teams came to the hardest-hit area flooded.

Gao Fei stood up from the back seat of the motorboat, held up the binoculars, and looked at the Guozhuang Reservoir where the legendary water monsters gathered.

The reservoir covers an area of ​​more than two hundred square kilometers and is actually a large artificial lake.

Days of rain caused the water level to rise, and the large bushes around the reservoir were submerged, leaving only treetops above the water, making the artificial lake look wider than usual.

It is rare that the sky is clear, the lake reflects the sun, and it is golden and red, and the magnificent scene of the vast waves is shocking.

Although the scenery on the lake is beautiful, there is a huge crisis hidden behind it.

The Guozhuang Reservoir is located in a low-lying land, and the floodwater from the upper reaches keeps pouring in. Although the rain has stopped, the flood storage capacity is still rising. The water level has crossed the warning line, and the risk of breaking the embankment is very high.

If the disaster relief personnel only need to face the flood, they can also use technical means to divert the flood and drain the flood, so as to keep the embankment and prevent the downstream towns from being destroyed.

The trouble is that there are still a large group of water monsters entrenched in the reservoir.

These restless guys have brought unpredictable threats to firefighters, soldiers and volunteers participating in flood control and fighting.

As soon as Gao Fei and his party arrived at the lake, they heard exclamations not far away.

Wang Daqing quickly channeled his divine power to collectively bless the 15 members of the two special police teams with "buoyancy blessings".

The special police rushed to the scene of the incident.

More than a dozen "Dragon Suction" large-scale drainage vehicles lined up, and the pumps roared, pumping water from the lake to relieve the pressure on the dam.

The noise from the water pump alerted the monsters in the lake.

First, a group of medium and large water elementals surfaced to watch the wind.

Seeing the row of red, mighty and domineering drainage trucks dragging their long tails to pump water in the lake, and at the same time spraying the pumped water into the distance with a thick cannon barrel, like a jet of water from a whale, it seems Very annoying.

Where have the water elements seen the drainage truck?

I thought it was some kind of large-scale construct creature, so I was so scared that I quickly retreated into the lake and asked the elders for help.

Not long after, two giant water elements with a challenge level of up to level 9 surfaced on the surface of the lake, leading a group of small children and grandchildren to swim aggressively to the shore to find trouble with the drainage truck.

These water elements are obviously invasive species from other worlds, but they shamelessly regard the Guozhuang Reservoir as a "colony" and demand that the drainage truck get out of its own territory immediately, otherwise they will be dismantled into parts and thrown into the lake to survive. rust.

The drainage truck is not an intelligent construct, so of course it will not pay attention to these two black bosses who have crossed the border.

The firefighters in charge of the drainage vehicles couldn't understand the "foreign language" of the water elements, so they hurriedly asked the Tiangong special police for help.

As soon as the distress call came to the company commander Po Jun Shisan, the two giant water elements couldn't hold back their temper, and started to fight first.

These two giants, which were bigger than the drainage trucks, rushed up and hugged a drainage truck each. With a push with their thick arms, they pushed the two drainage trucks down with two bangs and rolled over in the accumulation area. in the water.

Gao Fei had been in contact with a giant water element in the game, and knew that this guy was very powerful.

Especially in the water environment, once it becomes a maelstrom, it is definitely a nightmare for firefighters!
The situation was urgent, so he didn't think much about it, and immediately slapped himself with the "Giant Enlargement Technique" and switched his sub-profession to "Dragon Warrior".

Gao Fei turned on "Rage", turned into a super-large red dragon form, and spread his wings to pounce on one of the giant water elements that were beating the drainage truck.

While diving at high speed, Goofy spent an astrolabe energy and used the mythical specialty "Energy Replacement" to switch attributes.

Before the giant water element turned into a vortex, it spewed out a white and extremely cold dragon's breath, freezing the monster into ice cubes from head to toe.

"Xiao Zhang! Give me a buff!"

Seeing Gao Fei turning into a red dragon, Lin Qi couldn't bear it any longer, and asked her teammate Zhang Sheng to help her with "Giant Enlargement" and "Magic Tooth".

At the same time, she was casting spells herself.

Successively shot "Delayed Shield", "Delayed Bull Power", "Delayed Elegance of Cat", "Delayed Eagle Majesty", and the most critical 2nd ring "Transformation".

Lin Qi was fully buffed and immediately transformed into a silver dragon.

Normally, she can only transform into a medium-sized baby dragon.

However, after the blessing of the "magnifying technique", the transformed silver dragon is a large silver dragon. Counting various buff effects, the actual attributes and combat power even surpass that of a real young silver dragon!

(End of this chapter)

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