Chapter 541

Li Jiajia launched the "shaping thunder wave" in time, shaking all the fish that were flying towards them, and temporarily easing the crisis.

Without taking a breath, she picked up the harmonica and played "Ecstasy".

The melodious sound of the zither echoed over the water, but at first it did not have the effect Li Jiajia expected, and quieted the piranhas.

It wasn't until Wang Daqing jumped into the water regardless of the risk, stepped on the wave and walked within 10 meters of the piranha school, and the frightened and disturbed fish were soothed by the "spirit of courage" that they gradually calmed down.

The piranhas who got rid of the fear were soon caught by Li Jiajia's piano sound and fell into a state of fascination.

Li Jiajia fused the newly learned "Instigating Song" in "Ecstasy", trying to encourage the piranhas to turn around in place and take back the fat pig from the mouth of the undead fish.

However her attempt failed.

The piranha school's fear of the undead fish school far exceeds their desire to compete for food. Instead of being bewitched by Li Jiajia's piano sound, they became alert and commotioned.

Ma Yun bought a fishing net and three bundles of nylon cables at the fishing tackle shop near the resident hotel yesterday as props for casting spells.

At this moment, they noticed that the piranhas were showing signs of getting rid of the "fascination", so they quickly took out the fishing net from the astrolabe, applied the "secondary activation technique", and then threw the fishing net into the water.

The activated fishing net follows the owner's mental remote control, automatically opens in the water, goes towards the waters where the piranhas gather, catches all the nets, and tightens the net mouth by itself.

Gao Fei had already held his magic wand in his hand, and blasted a "Frost Nova" at the struggling piranhas in the fishing net, freezing them all to death in an instant.

Putting away his wand, Gao Fei first blessed himself with "Shield" and "Giant Growth", and then switched "Mage Mask" to "Druid Mask".

For the second mask, he gave up the "Berserker Mask" that he usually used to match the "Druid Mask" and chose the "Paladin Mask".

The "Holy Warrior Mask" has its own "Aura of Courage", which can just suppress the "Aura of Fear" emitted by the undead fish.

Gao Fei first explained a few words to his teammates, and then changed into a large water elemental form, gliding towards the undead fish while sticking to the water surface.

At this time, the school of undead fish had replaced the school of piranhas, gnawing wildly around the dead pig.

The bitten flesh leaked directly from under the skeleton fish's jaws, and it was impossible to relieve their hunger.

Eating is not a need for survival of undead fish, it is just a continuation of the habit of life.

Gao Fei approached the school of undead fish, and immediately transformed into a vortex, drawing them in.

The undead fish trapped in the vortex will suffer 2d6 crushing damage each round, plus 2d6 radiant damage given by the "guiding light blade".

The vortex form of the water element is a range attack, and the damage to group creatures is doubled.

Calculated in this way, the school of undead fish will suffer 8d6 points of damage each round, and most of them will be crushed within half a minute.

The remaining undead fish were thrown out by the vortex, and unexpectedly gathered into a smaller group, taking the opportunity to escape from the shackles of the vortex.

Jiang Feng had been staring at the side for a long time, and found that the school of undead fish wanted to escape, so he immediately started "Flying Steps" and "Smart Movements", and ran like flying on the waves.

Yang Yan's palm doubled the damage to undead creatures, and counting the double damage of area attacks to swarms of creatures, Jiang Feng's palm hit, and the undead fish evaporated almost instantly.

There are only a handful of fish that slip through the net, and it is no longer possible to form a cluster.

Wang Daqing, Huang Hansheng and Ma Tao joined forces to guide the positive energy, and the silver shock wave swept past the water surface, and the remaining undead fish were also rescued.

After the battle, Ma Yun activated the fishing net by remote control, fished out a pile of undead fish wreckage, packed it and sent it to Vader's laboratory.

"The richest man's 'activation technique' is becoming more and more superb." Gao Fei changed back into a human form, and praised his clever classmate Xiao Ma, "If we are unfortunately living on a deserted island in the future, with you here, at least we can eat fish every now and then. until full."

"Brother Fei, if you really live on a deserted island, your cooking skills will come in handy!" Ma Yun said cheerfully, "I'll go fishing, and you'll be in charge of cooking the fish. Sister Feng... Sister Feng is in charge of eating the fish. Do your job!"

"Okay! The division of labor arranged by Xiaoyun is very reasonable, and it won my heart!"

Comrade Xiao Jiang, who was in charge of eating, nodded with a smile.

The laboratory quickly sent back an analysis report, naming this newly discovered cluster of aquatic undead creatures "Death Fish School".

Judging from the analysis data, "Reaper Fish School" is similar to "Hungry Ghost Swarm" in all aspects, but slightly weaker, and cannot move outside the water, so the challenge level is slightly lower than "Hungry Ghost Swarm", only Level 7.

The experience value of a level 7 monster is 2900, and the triple reward is 8700.

In the past, everyone would be excited to get such a generous reward.

However, there are already too many reporting rewards these days, including "Mutated Pistol Shrimp" and "Glutton Toad" which are higher in level than "Reaper Fish School".

This is called winning.

The motorboat drove into the pig farm compound and made a circle.

After confirming that there were no other water monsters lurking, everyone went upstairs to rescue the six pig farm employees who were trapped on the roof.

Under the leadership of the staff, Gao Fei and his party walked into the breeding base, and all they could see were black pigs floating on the water.

Excluding the drowned and those eaten by water monsters, there are more than 400 pigs.

The breeder told Gao Fei that there is another breeding base about 10 kilometers outside the town.

The terrain there is relatively high, and there is no risk of being submerged by floods for the time being, so pigs can be transported there for refuge.

The problem is that there are not enough transport ships.

"You don't have to worry about this, just let the pigs swim over by themselves."

Gao Fei smiled and gestured to Li Jiajia.

Li Jiajia picked up the amplified harmonica, played the ecstasy, and soon attracted the pigs to her surroundings.

Everyone returned to the motorboat, and six breeders also boarded the assault boat towed by the motorboat to guide the special police.

Li Jiajia sat on the boat, holding a harmonica, and played the melody of "The Lonely Brave" over and over again, attracting more than 400 fat pigs to follow behind her, swimming to the beat of the music.

"Suddenly remembered a fairy tale!" Gu Siyi patted his forehead, "What's the name of the flute player?"

"The Pied Piper, about a traveling artist who plays the flute, and leads hordes of rats into a river to drown."

Ma Yun is very familiar with fairy tales from various countries.

"Jiajia is the pied piper of our SWAT team."

Jiang Feng said with a smile.

"But I remember that in the second half of this story, because the piper didn't get the reward he deserved, he lured the children out of the city with the sound of the flute, and finally all fell into the river and drowned..." Gu Siyiyu He stopped talking, "This seems unlucky!"

(End of this chapter)

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