Savior Simulator

Chapter 540 Undead Fish School (for Subscription)

Chapter 540 Undead Fish School (for Subscription)

Goofy looked up.

From a distance, I saw seven men in uniform standing on the roof of a building in the yard, who seemed to be employees of a pig farm, waving their arms in this direction, looking anxious.

Jiang Feng clasped his hands around his mouth to act as a horn, and shouted at the people trapped on the roof.

"Hey! Don't worry, folks! I'll go rescue you right away!"

"Don't come here!" The response on the other side was unexpected, "There are a lot of strange fish that can bite people nearby, it is very dangerous, please don't get close!"

"Strange fish that can bite people?" Jiang Feng looked back at Gao Fei, "Are they talking about... a school of piranhas, or a mutated catfish?"

The answer was revealed by a sudden scream.

In the stagnant water near the gate of the pig farm, the black-haired fat pig that was paddling leisurely just now suddenly screamed, rolling and thumping in the water, and the waves splashed everywhere.

Circles of bloody ripples spread out from the water where the fat pig was struggling, and the bloody smell drifted all the way to Gao Fei's nose.

"Looks like a school of piranhas."

Gao Fei took out the telescope from the astrolabe and observed the howling fat pig, and sure enough, he saw dense crowds of piranhas gnawing wildly around it.

Each piranha is no more than the size of a palm, but the appearance of hundreds of piranhas gathering around the fat pig makes one's scalp tingle.

In a blink of an eye, a fat pig weighing no less than 300 jins was gutted by piranhas, and its four hooves were gnawed until the bones were exposed.

The group of piranhas were still enjoying this sumptuous meal, but they didn't realize that the bloody smell spreading with the waves had attracted the attention of a group of more greedy and more ferocious predators.

"Brother Fei! Look over there, something is wrong!"

It was Huang Hansheng who first discovered the abnormality.

His eyes were fixed on the gate of the pig farm, and his face was extremely solemn.

"Han Sheng, is there anything new?" Gao Fei asked.

"An unusually strong flow of negative energy is spreading from the gate of the pig farm." Huang Hansheng replied.

"Negative Energy?"

Gao Fei was slightly surprised.

Could it be that besides piranha schools, there are also undead creatures lurking here...

With doubts, he raised his binoculars and looked at the gate of the pig farm 50 meters away.

Carefully observe the waves created by the water surface, and traces of fish schools can be vaguely seen.

It looks like a group of ordinary piranhas, why does it exude a cold and dark breath of death?

The distance is too far, the weather is rainy and the light is not good. Gao Fei can't see the details of the underwater fish, so he turns on the astrolabe.

A little unexpected.

The astrolabe cannot provide information about the mysterious school of fish, so it can be seen that this is a new type of mutated creature that has not yet been recorded.

Fortunately, the long-range reconnaissance function of the astrolabe still works as usual, and a close-up of the mysterious school of fish appears on the screen.

Gu Siyi probed over and took a look, and couldn't help exclaiming!

"Wow! These fish, why were they gnawed to the bone?!"

As she said, most of the fish swimming in groups on the astrolabe screen have only a skeleton left, and a few still have broken flesh and blood hanging on their bodies, revealing their pale spines and the sparkling soul fire in their eyes, indicating that thousands of All the dead fish have been transformed into miniature undead creatures.

The scene before him reminded Gao Fei of the "swarms of hungry ghosts" he encountered when he was exploring ancient tombs in Mulan Township, and the "swarms of holy death beetles" he had seen in the game.

Obviously, many piranhas transformed into skeletons and zombies in the water together form a cluster of undead creatures!
The "hungry ghost cluster" in Mulan Township was created by Hong Debiao using "spiritualism".

The "Holy Death Beetle Swarm" in the game is a product of necromancy magic.

And how did the undead fish lingering in the stagnant water come into being?
The school of piranhas mutated again under the influence of magic power, and spontaneously transformed into schools of undead fish—this was already the most optimistic explanation Gao Fei could think of.

Conversely, if the piranhas came from another world, or were created intentionally by someone, the problem would be serious.

Putting aside his chaotic thoughts, Gao Fei put away his binoculars and reminded his teammates to prepare for battle.

Wang Daqing guided the divine power, blessed his teammates with "buoyancy blessings", and reminded everyone by the way:
"Unless you have to, it's best not to go into the water."

It is obviously not a wise move to fight with erratic piranhas in the water.

Huang Hansheng is also blessing the "Guiding Light Blade" and "Blessing Technique" for everyone.

At this moment, the school of undead fish had already approached the fat pig's body following the bloody smell.

The school of piranhas who were gnawing on the fat pig seemed to have noticed the traces of the undead fish, as if they were frightened, they immediately started commotion!

Gao Fei was expecting to see the piranhas and the undead fish kill each other, but he didn't expect the piranhas to be so cowardly, and he was so frightened that he exploded before he came into contact with the undead fish.

Not even caring about the fat around his mouth, he immediately turned around and escaped from the waters where the school of undead fish was.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng frowned and thought for a while, then turned to Wang Daqing and said, "The undead fish look more and more like a group of hungry ghosts in the water, and they probably also have the supernatural ability to emit 'fear aura'!"

Wang Daqing nodded knowingly, and turned on the "Aura of Courage" just in case.

The frightened group of piranhas ran straight to the waters where Gao Fei and the others were.

The piranha swimming at the forefront realized that the motorboat was blocking the way, so he jumped out of the water and tried to jump over the motorboat without taking a detour.

One of the piranhas just bumped into Hao Le's body and subconsciously bit his wrist.

"I rely on!"

Hao Le gritted his teeth in pain, and quickly freed his left hand, trying to tear the crazy piranha off his right wrist.

This piranha is only three inches long from head to tail. Its wet scales are slippery and it keeps flapping.

Hao Le managed to pinch it, and was about to tear it apart, but was stopped by Qi Tian.

"Piranhas have barbs on their teeth, if you tear them with force, your hand will be useless!"

"Ah?! Brother Tian...then what should we do?"

After all, Hao Le was a rookie with little experience, so he couldn't help but panic.

Qi Tian didn't make a sound, picked up his baton, pressed the power button, aimed at the piranha and poked it!

A flash of sparks exploded from the electric baton.

Hao Le's arm went numb from the shock.

The piranha biting his wrist was also shocked by the electric shock on the spot, and stood still.

Like removing a fishhook, Qi Tian carefully removed the electrocuted piranha from Hao Le's wrist, crushed it to death, and threw it into the water.

At the same time, more frightened piranhas had already swam up to the motorboat, jumped out of the water one after another, and rushed towards the special police officers on board.

Although these little monsters just panicked and had no intention of attacking them subjectively, if someone happened to block the escape route, they would still bite crazily on conditioned reflex—just like they did to Hao Le just now.

(End of this chapter)

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