Chapter 538
What's more interesting is that the "guiding ray" is obviously a single-shot "burning ray", but it is regarded as a shooting weapon rather than a magical attack, and it can also be strengthened by the "guiding light blade", which increases the radiant damage by an additional 2d6 points. Far surpassed Huang Hansheng's normal attack.

1st-level magic "tracer bomb", range 120 feet, hits the target and causes 4d6 radiant damage.

Similar to the "mark cut" of the paladin, the "tracer bomb" can also leave a luminous mark on the enemy when it hits the enemy, making it impossible to hide and hide. The next round of attacks on the luminous target will gain an advantage.

The 2nd ring "Secondary Restoration Technique" can eliminate level 1 exhaustion for the subject, and instantly cure negative states such as blindness, deafness, paralysis, poisoning, etc., and can also treat most diseases.

Hao Le was promoted to a level 7 special police officer and a level 5 "wandering swordsman", and learned four new abilities of "first aid", "reflex evasion", "flying over walls" and "trauma strike".

"Walking over the eaves" is equivalent to the constant effect of the 2-ring "spider walk", which can walk freely on steep walls or ceilings.

Hao Le, who mastered "Flying the Wall", became the second "Spiderman" of the 05 team after Jiang Feng.

"Trauma Strike" is a unique attack skill of the "Wandering Swordsman" profession.


Traumatic Strike: 3+ Charisma modifiers per day, automatically activated after the weapon hits the target, and additional "bleeding" damage equal to the number of sneak attack dice. The "bleeding" status can be stacked.


The sneak attack roll of the 5th-level "Wandering Swordsman" is 3d6, and the "Trauma Strike" can be used to add 3 points of "bleeding" damage.

In other words, in each subsequent round, even if the opponent is not attacked, 3 points of HP will be automatically deducted due to bleeding.

"Bleeding" damage may not seem high, but the longer it lasts, the more blood loss, and the greater the accumulated damage.

Creatures in a "bleeding" state, unless they receive proper treatment and bandages, their wounds cannot heal on their own, and they continue to lose blood until they die, just like a "hemophiliac" patient.

Most of the other negative states cannot be superimposed on their own.

"Bleeding" is different.

If someone has multiple continuous bleeding wounds, the bleeding damage of all wounds will be calculated cumulatively.

This also means that the "Wandering Swordsman" can launch "traumatic strikes" on the same target multiple times, superimposing multiple "bleeding" states, and can quickly cause the opponent to die of hemorrhage.

Both Jiang Feng and Gao Fei had accumulated enough experience points to advance two levels in a row.

Jiang Feng was promoted to level 12 special police officer.

Gao Fei is a 14-level special police officer, ranking first in the station.

If this momentum continues, Gao Fei will not be far from the full level if he hunts down a few new high-level mutant monsters.

The profession of "Tiangong Special Police" can only be promoted to level 20 at the moment.

What will happen after the full level?

Goofy is still unknown.

Is there any full-level special police in Tiangong?

Even if there is, it is still a senior official special police officer, and it is absolutely impossible to be an intern!

After all, Gao Fei belonged to the first batch of trainee special police officers officially recruited by Tiangong.

At present, even his "big brother" has not reached the full level, let alone other interns of the same class or even junior rookies.

Although Gao Fei is usually more Buddhist, he still has to strive for the achievements he should strive for.

For example, at this moment, he has a small goal hidden in his heart: strive to become the first trainee special police officer who has reached the full level since the creation of Tiangong!

If this achievement can be achieved, Sister Yaoguang, who has always been generous, will have to send herself a red envelope, right?

After all, I can be regarded as honoring her immediate boss.

Goofy thought flatteredly.

The last person on the team page is Ms. Gu, an "enthusiastic citizen" who volunteered to assist the SWAT team.

Gu Siyi took advantage of half of the experience points for "mutant" upgrades, and after receiving the reward for reporting to the gluttonous toad, he directly soared from level 11 (HD) to level 14 (HD)!
The two new attributes added to the even-numbered levels are all added to her agility, making her agility attribute reach 18 points, approaching the human limit... Although biologically, she no longer belongs to the category of "human" strictly speaking.

Gu Siyi went up three levels in a row and evolved three new abilities.

First of all, in the "Steel Bone" mode, the damage reduction armor has evolved from 11/bludgeoning to 14/magic bludgeoning.

From now on, ordinary hammers and sticks will no longer be able to destroy her steel and iron bones. Only enchanted bludgeoning weapons can penetrate this layer of damage-reducing armor!
Secondly, in the "soft muscle" mode, Gu Siyi automatically gains "wild intuition".

Gao Fei's Berserker in the game also has the ability of the same name, which is simply "Intuitive Dodge" + "Reflex Dodge".

Combining the two, no matter what kind of attack Gu Siyi suffers in the future, at least half of the damage can be reduced.

Both of these abilities are excellent, but the fly in the ointment is that the scope of application is limited, either only in the "steel bone" mode, or only in the "soft muscle" mode, not both.

In fact, Gu Siyi's follow-up evolution direction is to keep moving towards the goal of "unity of rigidity and softness"!

For example, when she reaches level 14 (HD), "steel bone soft muscle" has evolved into "rigid soft muscle conversion", which makes up for the shortcomings of the two modes of "steel bone" and "soft muscle".


Rigid-flexible conversion: Spend bonus actions to switch between "steel bone" and "flexible muscle" modes without consuming additional energy storage.


From Gao Fei's point of view, Gu Siyi's "hardness and softness conversion" is actually very similar to the legendary specialty "flexible and violent".

After mastering this ability, Gu Siyi can switch between the two combat modes of "steel bone" and "soft muscle" at any time according to the actual needs on the battlefield, so as to adapt to the situation.


On the night of October 10, Mihe Town under the jurisdiction of Xingzhou City was submerged due to heavy rainfall, and more than 6 affected people were in urgent need of rescue.

At dawn, the Special Service Brigade of the Xingzhou City Fire Rescue Detachment rushed to the scene of the disaster in Mihe Town. With the assistance of many enthusiastic volunteers, after more than ten hours of non-stop rescue, all the affected people were finally transferred to a safe area.

Behind this seemingly ordinary rescue operation, there are many sensational details that have not been publicly reported.

Only those who have experienced it will know that what the affected people and rescuers have to fight is not only the ruthless flood, but also many water monsters and even demons lurking in the flood!


The terrain of Mihe Town is high in the southeast and northwest, and low in the middle. It is a shallow hilly terrain. It is most prone to water accumulation and waterlogging during the flood season. Now it is catching up with the torrential rain disaster that has not happened in a thousand years. The severity of waterlogging is unprecedented.

The township is centered on Binhe Avenue, flooded like a vast ocean.

The bungalows on both sides of the street were completely submerged, and most of the self-built buildings with two or three floors could not withstand the impact of the flood peak and were in danger of collapsing at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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