Chapter 537

Gao Fei put the corpse of the mutated giant frog into the astrolabe and sent it to Vader's laboratory.

Not long after, an analysis report of a new species was received.

This monster that swallowed cars alive was vividly named "Gluttonous Toad". It is a super-large amphibious monster. If it is further subdivided, it can be classified as "Swampmaw Subspecies".

The gluttonous toad has 290 health points, and its attributes are: strength 35, agility 13, constitution 23, intelligence 3, perception 16, charm 13.

The gluttonous toad is good at "toughness", "vigilance", "proficient initiative", "weapon focus (bludgeoning)", "power attack", "proficient jump", "proficient dash", "proficient grapple", "multi attack " and "Iron Will" and many other specialties.

Especially "Iron Will", which greatly improved the mental resistance of the gluttonous toad.

No wonder Li Jiajia's "Ecstasy" and Ma Yun's "Colorful Jet" couldn't control it.

In terms of defense, the gluttonous toad has 12 natural armor, 10/magic slash damage reduction armor, 30 fire resistance, and a special constitution that is immune to electric shock damage.

Even so, it will still fall into a round of slowness after being electrocuted, as if hit by a 3rd-level "slow spell".

In terms of attack, the gluttonous toad's natural weapons include two tentacles and a flexible long tongue, and it can also spray high-pressure water and even undigested hard objects in its belly as shells to bombard prey in the distance.

In the fierce fight just now, these tricks were displayed, which left a deep impression on Gao Fei and others.

Finally, and the statistic that everyone is most concerned about, the challenge level of this gluttonous toad... is as high as level 11!
So far, the gluttonous toad is the monster with the highest challenge level that Gao Fei has come into contact with in the real world. It is one level higher than the nine-headed cold snake lizard known as the "Nine-headed Dragon King"!
Kill a gluttonous toad and get 7200 experience points.

After reporting this new species, Gao Fei and his teammates received 21600 experience points per person as a reward. All the hard work was worth it!

After eliminating the gluttonous toads blocking the tunnel, the SWAT team took a rest and continued on the road to carry out their tasks.

Of the four motorboats, three were destroyed by the Gluttonous Toad.

Two of the ships were not seriously damaged, and Ma Yun performed the "Complete Repair Technique" twice and they were restored as new.

There was also a motor boat that was activated by her spell, and it was used as a "self-propelled bomb". It was stuffed into the mouth of the gluttonous toad and detonated.

A jet ski is rated to carry three people, including the driver.

Now there are three motorboats left, but there are ten people in the team.

How to allocate is a problem.

After a little thought, Gao Fei had an idea.

He performed the "reduction technique" twice in succession, shrinking both Gu Siyi and Jiang Feng to a loli figure less than one meter tall, and squeezed them into the same seat.

The rest of the vacancies are reserved for Ma Yun.

"Wow! I'm finally not the shortest in the team!"

Seeing the two tall and fit big sisters being transformed into little lolitas by magic, classmate Xiao Ma was ecstatic, holding Jiang Feng and Gu Siyi in his arms with each hand, and kneading their little faces.

The journey at the end of the tunnel was uneventful.

Gao Fei and his party did not encounter any monsters again.

Even if there were water monsters active in this area, they would have been swallowed up by the gluttonous toad long ago.

There were no broken-down vehicles at the end of the tunnel, except for the ones that had been swallowed by the gluttonous toad, the rest of the car owners saw the situation was not good at the beginning of the rising water level, and evacuated in time, luckily avoiding the hunting of the gluttonous toad.

When Gao Fei and his party finally drove the boat out of the water-logged tunnel, they realized that it was already dark.

There are too many water monsters lurking in this tunnel, which is less than two kilometers long, and it took the special police all afternoon to complete the task of clearing it.

Ma Tao opened the astrolabe and reported today's duty situation to the company commander.

Ten minutes later, they received a reply from the company commander, asking them to return to the station to rest.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

This long and thrilling day was finally over.

Although it was a lot of hard work, and was almost wiped out by the Gluttonous Toad, the rewards were also unusually generous. All the members got a huge amount of experience points, and they could finally level up quickly.

Ma Tao's Tiangong Special Police has been upgraded to level 10, the priest has been upgraded to level 7, and he has learned two third-level magic spells - "Dispel" and "Secondary Mind Barrier".

Ma Yun's main profession has been promoted two levels in a row, and she has jumped to level 8 Tiangong special police, temporarily ranking first in the newcomer list of the whole station.

Qi Tian also directly rose from level 8 to level 10, and returned to the first echelon of the whole station leaderboard, exactly No.10.

Wang Daqing's Tiangong Special Police was also upgraded to level 10, and the paladin was upgraded to level 7. From then on, he was immune to all diseases, and he also comprehended the first 2-ring magic spell "Mark Slash".

The mechanism of "Mark Slash" is similar to "Thunder Slash". It is blessed on the weapon in advance, and you can choose whether to activate it when hitting the enemy.

If you choose to activate the "Mark Slash", it will cause an additional 10d6 radiant damage to the target, and a magic mark will be placed on it, making it glow continuously around the body. It is very conspicuous in a dim environment, unable to hide or become invisible, and is easier to be hit.

Li Jiajia was promoted to a level 8 special police officer and a level 6 poet, and learned a new piece of music and a new magic.

"Delusion" is an upgraded version of "Ecstasy", which can exert spiritual hints on the bewitched creatures and make some plausible actions:
For example, believe that the performer is not hostile, leave the gate in charge of guarding, and find a secluded place to take a nap.

The mental manipulation of the "Deception Song" is limited, and the target cannot be made to act that is clearly contrary to its own interests.

For example, asking the other party to draw a knife to commit suicide will inevitably be resisted, and they will immediately get rid of the fascinated state and regain consciousness.

Li Jiajia's newly learned Level 2 spell is called "Flash Dust".

This is a rogue field control spell as famous as "Spider Web", a high-end version of Lime Eye.

Sprinkle a handful of "flash dust", and if the victim fails to pass the will save, he will be blinded on the spot.

The two newcomers, Huang Hansheng and Hao Le, had a relatively low starting point, and the momentum of upgrading was even faster.

Both of their main professions have been promoted three levels in a row, and their sub-professions have also been promoted by two levels.

Huang Hansheng is now a level 7 special police officer and a level 5 shining apostle.

The awakened professional abilities include "Immune to Blindness" and "Guiding Rays", and also newly learned one 1st-level and 2nd-level magic spells.


Guide ray: While the "Holy Radiance" is in effect, once per round, you can release a single "Scorching Ray" as a bonus action, causing 1d4 fire damage to the target.


The core ability of the "Apostle of Radiance" profession is "Holy Radiance", and many subsequent abilities can only take effect after the "Holy Radiance" is activated.

"Guiding light blade" and "guiding ray" both conform to this law.

Acquiring the "guiding ray" actually means that Huang Hansheng can use the bonus action to attack one more time in each round.

(End of this chapter)

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