Chapter 471
When Gao Fei stepped on these two feet, Germel's bones were crackling and moaning, and two sets of exaggerated damage figures burst out one after another.



Gao Fei strikes while the iron is hot, and strikes down again with an axe. By the way, he activates "Burning in Anger" and "Knowing Strike", determined to chop off Gelmir's head.

This fatal blow triggered the 6-ring "trigger technique" blessed in advance on the ice tower warlock, and suddenly opened a circle of ice around his body, saving his life at a critical moment.

The ice cover was smashed by the holy axe, and a violent cold current spewed out.

Goofy absorbs cold damage, but "Frost Burst" is not only about damage, it can also add "Curse of Deep Cold", which makes the victim get the weakness of "Cold Vulnerability".

"Curse of deep cold" conflicts with "absorbing cold", and the former is canceled out, but Gao Fei's resistance to cold damage is also weakened, and when the red dragon's natural cold weakness is taken into account, the final result is neither increased nor decreased.

If Gao Fei is hit by ice magic again next time, he will receive normal damage.

But before that, it was his turn to fight back.

Seeing the big golden shield in Germir's hand, Gao Fei's heart moved, and he spent the energy of the astrolabe again to switch the dragon's breath to the "acid erosion" attribute.

The dragon's breath had cooled down, and Gao Fei opened his mouth to breathe out.

Germil thought he was going to discharge again, so he quickly raised his shield to block.

Unexpectedly, what Gao Fei sprayed out this time was an acid liquid with a strong pungent smell, which smeared his face on the spot and caused 60 points of acid damage!

Gelmir's skin exposed outside the shield was bubbling with pus corroded by acid, screaming in pain, and quickly switched the shield to the "anti-acid" attribute.

Gao Fei's endless strange tricks made him feel at a loss as to what to do, and he didn't know if there was any point in what he did.

Maybe in another two rounds, this despicable barbarian will spew out another type of dragon's breath, playing himself like an idiot!

Gelmir had no time to think, and hurriedly cast the "Ice Wall Technique" to prevent the dragon from approaching.

Gao Fei sneered and shook his finger, another fireball blasted past, instantly dismantling his turtle shell.

The ice wall shattered by the fireball collapsed inward, burying Gelmir alive.

However, when Gao Fei released the "fireball technique" again to melt a large amount of crushed ice that had accumulated on the floor, he unexpectedly discovered that Gelmir, who was originally buried under the ice pile, had disappeared!

Worth!What about people? !

Goofy looked around quickly.

Still can't find the figure of Germil.

This is not right!

very wrong!

Such a big frost giant, who was lying here just now, why did he disappear in a blink of an eye? !

Gao Fei took a deep breath, kept as calm as possible, and calmly analyzed the reason why Germil disappeared out of thin air.

First of all, it can be determined that Germil definitely did not run far.

He has already been marked with a "dimension anchor", unable to cast teleportation magic such as "any door". In such a short period of time, he should not be able to escape from this underground experiment hall.

Also, not stealth.

No matter "invisibility" or "transformation spirit", Gao Fei's eyes strengthened by "Dawn Horn Helmet" cannot be escaped.

Gao Fei can even boldly judge that Gelmir does not rely on magic to hide his tracks.

Because before and after his disappearance, Gao Fei did not sense any changes in the magic power fluctuations in the surrounding space.

So where did Germir hide?
Just when Gao Fei was struggling to figure it out, there was a seemingly invisible sound under his feet...

The movement was very slight.

Like a small fish swimming in a calm pond, causing slight ripples.

However, Goofy still heard it.

The "blind sense" of the red dragon mainly relies on its keen sense of hearing to catch the wind and grass that ordinary people can't even detect.

Gao Fei looked at his feet vigilantly.

The floor of the hall is a layer of smooth ice, with an unfathomable thickness, like a frozen reservoir.

Relying on the sharp eyesight of the red dragon, Gao Fei looked through the ice, and vaguely saw a huge shadow shuttling through the stone-hard ice, like a shark in the deep sea.

The scene in front of him immediately reminded Gao Fei of the ice element.

Gelmir is a frost giant and "Frost Warlock", a standard cold subspecies creature.

Maybe this guy, like the ice element, has mastered the ability to escape into the ice and snow and shuttle freely.

"Get out of here!"

Gao Fei roared angrily and swung the holy ax, aiming at the hazy shadow reflected on the ice surface and slashing down!
The giant ax pierced through the solid ice and slashed on the shadows, but it didn't feel like hitting a solid body.

At the same time, the shadow slid under the ax blade, and suddenly appeared from behind Gao Fei.

Gao Fei turned around in a hurry, and was surprised to find that standing in front of him was a human-shaped glacier!
This monster seems to be a super giant ice elemental. Its lower body, which resembles a giant python, is still under the ice surface and blends with the solid ice. Only the upper body exposed to the ice surface is about the same size as the high-flying giant dragon. flat.

The giant golden shield was raised in the hands of the ice elemental giant, revealing his true identity.

Germel, it really is you!
As soon as this idea came to Gao Fei's mind, the glacier giant transformed by Gelmir swung out his large shield and slammed the red dragon's head.

Gao Fei hastily blocked with the horizontal axe!

The big shield slapped heavily on the handle of the axe, and there was a thunderous roar, which made Gao Fei's head buzz, his ears tingled, and he became temporarily deaf.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that the cunning Gelmir had already turned the "King's Scepter" into a +3 sonic boom shield.

Even if Gao Fei blocked the shield attack in time, he would still suffer 3d6 sonic damage.

What was even more unlucky was that he failed to pass the immunity and temporarily fell into a state of "deafness".

Compared with "blindness", "deafness" is a relatively weak negative condition, which makes the "perception" check based on hearing automatically fail.

Under normal circumstances, there is little impact.

However, the bad thing is that the glacier giant incarnated by Germeer is cunning and cunning!
After succeeding in the shield strike, he never relented in fighting, and decisively started the "dexterous movement" to retreat, just like a fish jumping into a lake, his huge body slipped into the ice, and disappeared from Gao Fei's eyes again.

With buzzing ears, you can hardly hear the surrounding sounds.

Gao Fei could only lower his head to look for Gelmir's figure.

There was indeed a huge black figure swimming fast under the ice, like a lurking shark.

But when Gao Fei struck down with an axe, it fell through the air again.

what happened?

Goofy rubbed his eyes.

He obviously saw that Gelmir was there, why did he fail to hit the target twice in a row?

This is not a question of whether to break the defense or not. It didn't even touch the corner of Gelmir's clothes. The deviation is too big.

It is true that Gao Fei has a little problem with his ears, but he is not blind!
Clearly aiming at the head to chop down, but it ended up being cut under the soles of the feet, which is obviously counterintuitive.

(End of this chapter)

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