Savior Simulator

Chapter 470 The Curse of Deep Cold

Chapter 470 The Curse of Deep Cold
According to the information provided by Sonia, and the conflict on the resting island, Gao Fei can roughly guess which spells Germir is good at.

In addition to all kinds of ice magic, this guy is also very good at necromancy, such as "finger of death".

Fortunately, Gao Fei has already mastered "Standing Standing" and is immune to instant death magic. Coupled with the cold absorption characteristics provided by the Holy Axe, most of Gelmir's spells have no effect on him.

Compared with the "Battle of Ice Ring Lake", Gelmir has an additional specialty, which is "Skilled Spellcaster".

This feat allows him to count the proficiency correction into the casting level, which is equivalent to an extra +6. Although he cannot learn high-level spells, it strengthens all abilities related to the casting level, such as "Frost Burst", the maximum damage becomes Into 22d6.

There is also Gelmir's magic value, which is also calculated according to the enhanced spellcasting level, which is equivalent to a level 22 warlock.

In addition, there are two buff spells and a debuff on Gelmir.

The buffs are "Shield" and "Spell Reflection".

The former increases defense by 4 points, while the latter can reflect back the spells attacking oneself intact under the premise of successfully evading or passing the saving throw.

Gao Fei originally planned to use the "Scorching Ray" combined with "Energy Replacement" and "Knowledge Strike" to deal with Germir. Now it seems that this move may be rebounded, so it is best not to use it.

The negative buff on Germir came from the dragon scale that Jiang Feng threw just now.

Sonia injected magic power into the dragon scale in advance.

The moment the dragon scale was activated by the spell, it released a "Dimensional Anchor" and hit Gelmir, sealing his teleportation ability.

This includes both teleportation magic and the professional ability "Ice Teleportation" of the "Frost Warlock".

Until the "Dimensional Anchor" fails, Gelmir, who is blocked from retreating, can only stay in this hall and fight to the end.

The red dragon carrying the giant ax of the artifact strode closer.

The rumble and roar of the steps under his feet was like a hammer constantly beating Gelmir's heart.

Perhaps unable to bear the oppression of Longwei, this mighty frost giant lord, Megatron Jotunheim's "Ice Tower Warlock", with a rare uneasy expression on his face, hastily cast spells to create a circle of ice walls , trying to block Goofy.

Gao Fei didn't directly swing his ax to chop the ice wall between himself and Gelmir.

The defense of the 3rd-level "Ice Wall" is not as good as that of the "Stone Wall", but the moment the ice wall is broken, it will spray a violent cold current, causing 10d6 freezing damage to nearby creatures.

Gao Fei wasn't afraid of the cold current, but knowing that it was a trap and still bumping into it would make him look too stupid.

So he stopped.

Raise the left paw, activate the magic power of the "Fire Djinn Gauntlet", and blast a "Fireball" towards the opposite ice wall.

The ice wall was blown down by the fireball.

The melted ice cubes generated a large amount of scalding steam, which was swept towards Gelmir under the pressure of the shock wave.

Gelmir wears a "fireproof ring", so he won't be burned by the steam, but his vision is blocked by the white steam.

The red dragon in the form of Goofy has sharper vision than the frost giant.

Both of them were in the steamy hall, and the battlefield environment was obviously more favorable for Gao Fei.

Silently extracting an "Astrolabe Energy", Gao Fei activates the mythical specialty "Energy Replacement" bestowed by Dragon Queen Tiamat, and switches his dragon's breath from the fire attribute to the electric attribute.

Meanwhile, Gelmir is casting spells to create gusts of wind in an attempt to blow away the steam that obscures vision.

When the steam dissipated and the dragon appeared in front of him again, Gelmir's pupils couldn't help constricting violently, unable to hide his astonishment.

The red giant dragon on the opposite side opened its throat, clearly breathing out its breath.

Gelmir would not be surprised if the opponent spewed out fire.

With the magic ring on his hand, the red dragon's breath couldn't hurt a single hair on him.

However, an incredible scene was staged in front of his eyes.

The barbarian chief, Barsaka Olaf, had obviously transformed into a red dragon, but at this moment, he spewed out a beam of shining lightning!

The high-voltage arc lashed Gelmir's body, knocking the tall and strong frost giant into the air, rolling and falling to the corner of the wall.

Scorched black smoke billowed from his hair.

He suffered an electric shock on his chest, leaving a shocking charred scar.

Got a lightning dragon's breath, Germeer HP-72!

The ice tower warlock supported himself and stood up. Seeing that Gao Fei was about to breathe out the dragon's breath again, he quickly took off the scepter hanging from his waist, and hurriedly recited the mantra.

In the next second, the scepter turned into a large golden shield.

The dragon's breath swept over like a lightning storm.

Half of the damage was absorbed by the shield in Gelmir's hand with the characteristic of "anti-electricity", giving him a chance to breathe.

Two years ago, Gelmir fought Gao Fei once in King Olaf's Tomb, knowing that the "Finger of Death" was ineffective against him, so he could only give up the idea of ​​a quick battle and raise his hand to instantly cast the "Ice Cone"!
5th ring "Ice Cone", consumes 11 points of mana.

Adding "instant cast" super magic to the spell requires an additional consumption of 8 magic points.

This "Instant Ice Cone" consumes a total of 19 mana points.

According to the rules of casting spells, the total amount of magic power consumed by spells after super magic must not exceed the casting level.

As a level 16 "Frost Warlock", Gelmir is supposed to be unable to instantly cast 5-level magic.

The reason why the above operations can be completed is to rely on the specialty of "Skilled Spellcaster" to raise the casting level to level 22.

However, he soon discovered that it was a waste of time for him to race against time and cast spells instantly.

The "Ice Cone" bombarded the Red Dragon's body, its attributes were incompatible, and it should have caused double damage, but the opponent was unscathed, but instead was sucked hard...

Germil didn't know that the problem was the holy ax in Gao Fei's hand, but he knew in his heart that another card in his hand had been discarded.

"Battle Cry of Overlord" interrupted his thoughts.

The red dragon roared and rushed forward, holding the ax high in both hands, and slashed fiercely!
Germil quickly raised his shield to block.

This shield is transformed from the epic magic tool "King's Scepter". It can follow the owner's will, switch the weapon form and enchant special effects at will.

However, in the face of an artifact-level giant ax that was two grades higher than itself, the epic-level shield couldn't stand it, and a crack was cut out.

If it goes on like this, it will be shattered if hit by two axes at most.

Goofy's dragon form, with a strength attribute as high as 60.

Gelmir barely held the holy axe, but couldn't resist the strong impact transmitted through the shield, and staggered backwards until his back hit the wall heavily.

He has no way out.

Gao Fei on the opposite side has not yet finished this round of onslaught.

After the ax slashed, it swung its tail and swept, knocking Gelmir to the ground, inspiring the "offensive like a tide", rushing up to make up for it, followed by "slashing with the trend", another ferocious trampling!
(End of this chapter)

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