Savior Simulator

Chapter 47 Earthquake

Chapter 47 Earthquake

The giant ant lion was shocked by the "earth shock" and fell on his back, desperately paddling three pairs of lower limbs, trying to turn over.

Gao Fei took the opportunity to pounce on it, dropped his battle axe, grabbed the jaws of the giant ant lion's head with both hands, roared, and swung his arms vigorously, forcefully throwing the giant insect off his shoulders, rolling and falling on Jiang Feng and others. in front of people.

The soldiers were all stunned by this tall and fierce barbarian, and couldn't believe that human beings could have such supernatural powers!

Only Jiang Feng was not surprised by the brute force of the berserker. He picked up the brow-level stick and rushed up, killing the giant ant lion who fell unconscious with a mess of sticks.

Gao Fei launched the "Earth Shock" just now out of desperation, and never thought that he would get a system prompt by mistake.

After watching it, he suddenly realized that the power of "Earth Shock" was greatly enhanced when he cast it on the soft sand. Not only did the impact radius double, but the enemy's reflex save also suffered a disadvantageous penalty.

Since "Earth Shock" has such a magical effect, Gao Fei's mind is activated.

Impatient with pulling monsters one by one, he simply walked to the area where multiple quicksand pits staggered, stomped down, and shook all the giant ant lions in the surrounding pits, taunted them collectively, and pulled them all out of the pit in one breath .

Gao Fei is also practice makes perfect, running back and forth between the quicksand pits, his position is so coquettish, and he seduced all six giant ant lions in a thrilling manner

When he reached the flat ground, Gao Fei turned his head and stomped his feet!
The "Earth Shock" caused the ground to roar and tremble, shaking all the giant ant lions chasing after them to the ground.

Jiang Feng and the officers and soldiers took the opportunity to swarm up and kill the giant ant lion who had temporarily lost its ability to fight back.

This is the most efficient way to pull monsters. In the next morning, except for one time when he accidentally fell into a trap and was dragged out by a camel, Gao Fei succeeded in attracting a large group of giant ant lions and was killed by Jiang Feng and others.

This efficient method of attracting monsters requires the cooperation of "taunt" and "earth shock".

Berserker's "Taunt" has no limit on the number of times it can be used, "Earth Shock" is similar to "Rage", Barsaka can only be used 8 times in a row (3+strength modifier).

After running out of usage times, Gao Fei let Basaka take a short rest in place to recover the usage times of "Earth Shock".

The saving throw DC of "earth shock" depends on the strength attribute, so spending 1 Hit Dice during the short rest can restore the number of uses equal to the strength modifier (+5).

After using it up, I took a short rest, and repeated this three times, trapping and killing a total of forty or fifty giant ant lions. At dusk that day, I finally broke through a safe passage to the transport team's camp!

Jiang Feng received a reminder from the system and learned that the task of the current stage had been completed, so he jumped up excitedly and cheered!

"Wow, it's finally done! I've been killing giant ant lions all day long, and I almost threw up at the end!"

Jiang Nvxia turned and looked at Gao Fei with gratitude in her eyes.

"After all, you still have a clever mind! Thanks to having you here today, otherwise I would have nothing to do. What do you want to eat tonight? I'll treat you!"

Goofy smiled and waved his hands.

"Let's stop being polite. If it wasn't for your help, I wouldn't even be able to pass the level of Captain Cos. Besides, it was Brother Basaka who made a big effort today. I'm just a bad gamer. What credit can I have! "

The leader of the transport team, Major Garcia, is a fat and white priest who believes in the sun god Pelor.

His position in the army is the military chaplain and quartermaster, but his extraordinary profession is a level 6 "magic boxer". Not only can he perform 0-2 ring magic, but he also has monk skills.

After the meeting, Major Garcia thanked him gratefully, and flattered the "young and promising Baron Lopez" in a nasty way. He didn't turn to Goofyla until he saw the impatient look on his face. , diligently cast divine spells to heal his wounds, dispel fatigue, and invite reinforcements to the camp to rest.

"Don't take a break yet, let the transportation team withdraw quickly while the road is finally cleared, otherwise, when the giant ant lion blocks the passage again, our work will be in vain!" Jiang Feng said.

"My lord is right, let's retreat now!"

Major Garcia hurriedly organized the transport team to retreat.

The camel team cautiously walked through the quicksand array laid by the giant ant-lions, until they left this dangerous place behind, everyone was able to relax their tense nerves and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Garcia is a fat boy, he's so stupid, he only knows how to please people, and he wears the robes of a priest, but he acts like a cunning and cunning little politician!"

Jiang Feng chatted privately through the astrolabe, and complained to Gao Fei about his first impression of Major Garcia.

"Hey! Look at what you said. Since ancient times, politics and religion have not been separated. Even in the real world, don't our Blue Star church members and even the Pope often attend some political activities!" Gao Fei laughed He said, "I think Garcia is a good guy, he can handle things, and he can deal with them. Don't always be fierce to others."

After thinking for a while, Gao Fei then reminded Jiang Feng: "Have you noticed that Major Garcia is not an ordinary priest, his extraordinary profession is 'God Fist', which proves that he is definitely not a fool who can only talk. Don't underestimate him!"

"If you can pass the level without loading files and get the story milestone of this chapter, you may get an extra reward at the end of the final settlement——on the astrolabe career tree, light up the special profession of 'Shenquanshi'!"

Jiang Feng immediately became interested: "Which profession is stronger, the Divine Fist Envoy or the Yangyan Sect Monk?"

"I just chatted with Major Garcia for a while, and took the opportunity to inquire about the characteristics of the profession of Divine Fist. Judging from his description, Divine Fist is a sub-profession of a priest. It majors in divine arts and minors in martial arts. It only exercises fists and feet. Kung Fu did not open up a true energy pool."

"If you want to single out a martial arts competition, it must be that the real monk is stronger, but if you can't stand it, people can use magic. Healing injuries, curing diseases, and adding buffs are good at it. They are interdisciplinary and comprehensive talents and can be qualified for more positions." Gao Fei concluded.

Jiang Feng was fascinated when he heard it, clapped his hands, and said with a look of determination on his face: "'Shenquan Shi' sounds very good. I must get this rewarding job. It's such a happy decision!"

The night was getting darker, and a full moon was hanging in the sky. The camel team bathed in the cold moonlight and trekked in the vast desert.

At night in the desert, the temperature contrasts sharply with daytime.

In this night-running troop, except for the berserker Basaka, who was constantly "enduring the environment" after learning the "Perseverance" specialty, he didn't feel the cold, and everyone else was shivering in the cold wind.

Jiang Feng's monk sneezed and couldn't help complaining to Gao Fei: "It's all because of that bastard Rubio! If he hadn't forcibly snapped off Sumo's family collar, I wouldn't have been frozen like a dog!"

 Thanks to book friends: tce, reward 600 starting coins this week; grayfox; reward 500 starting coins this week; Guhong after the festival, reward 100 starting coins this week

(End of this chapter)

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