Savior Simulator

Chapter 46 The Magical Use of Taunting

Chapter 46 The Magical Use of Taunting

Judging from the monster illustrations included in the astrolabe, the giant ant lion is worthy of its name, and it is an enlarged version of the insect (antlion larva) called "ant lion" in the real world.

This monster is three meters long and two meters wide. It looks like a huge beetle with a flat abdomen. Its body has yellow cilia covered with sand, forming a natural camouflage. It lies motionless in the depths of the pit. It is difficult to distinguish it from its surroundings.

The most visually impactful organ on the giant ant lion is the pair of huge pincer-like upper jaws extending from the top of the head!
There are sharp serrations on the inner side of the upper jaw, which can be used not only as a tool for digging sand to create pits, but also as a weapon, which can easily pinch off an adult's thigh.

This kind of giant insect always pursues the hunting principle of waiting for the rabbit. Only when the prey accidentally steps on the pit and is bound by quicksand, they will move upon hearing the wind, drag the prey into the bottom of the pit and kill them, have a good meal, or use the dry sand to dry the prey's corpse , reserved as food reserves.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, the giant ant lion will never leave the pit where it lives, which poses a problem for the rescue team:
If you want to destroy the giant ant lion, you must take the initiative to enter the pit and lure this monster to come out to fight.

However, once they step into the trap, they will be trapped by quicksand, not to mention hunting giant ant lions, and they may not even be able to protect themselves.

Is there a way to make people move freely in quicksand like walking on flat ground?
Many thoughts flashed through Gao Fei's mind, but unfortunately they were all unrealistic.

"Gao Fei, I suddenly realized something, we have been tricked!"

Jiang Feng sent a private chat through the astrolabe, and his tone could not hide his anger.

"The thing is obvious. To deal with monsters like giant ant lions that are good at sneaking and predating in quicksand, we must rely on sandworms with the same ability to dive in sand!"

"In other words, after General Rodriguez received the distress letter, he should have sent the Sandworm Cavalry Regiment to support him, but that old fox didn't do so, and asked us to ride camels to rescue people—isn't it clear that in the pit people!"

"You think it's the leader intentionally giving you problems, but from the leader's point of view, it's training you, little comrade!" Gao Fei smiled bitterly, "I'll give you a chance, if you're useless, Don't blame the leader for not promoting you in the future."

"Bah! This kind of leader is the most annoying!" Jiang Feng said angrily.

Complaints are complaints, we can't just withdraw to Fort Iron Fist in such a desperate manner, there are no conditions, and difficulties must be solved to create conditions.

Gao Fei thought for a moment, and suddenly had an idea, and came up with a good idea.

"My berserker has the 'taunt' skill. With this trick, I can pull the giant ant lions out of the quicksand pit, forcing them to chase me and bite. When they get to the solid ground, this monster is nothing to fear. Brothers swarm up , hacking to death with random knives is over!"

" can try it, but I'm worried that ridicule won't work on giant ant lions." Jiang Feng asked Gao Fei, "Isn't the skill of ridicule just like the 'swearing formation' and 'struggling method' often mentioned in storytelling, it's not effective for human beings?" Maybe it works, but for big bugs like giant ant lions, even if you scold their ancestors, they can't understand them, so can they really anger them?"

"Sarcasm is a supernatural ability similar to magic. You can't apply the rationality in reality in a fantasy world. Taking a step back, as long as it is a creature with a certain level of intelligence, it can be irritated by hostile body language, such as you Grinning at a big wolf dog, see if it bites you!"

Gao Fei smiled, and then said to her: "In the previous few adventures, I successfully mocked the ferocious hyena and winter wolf. The giant ant lion is a magical beast after all, and its intelligence attributes are similar to those of wolf dogs. Taunting should be effective against them. of."

Jiang Feng accepted his point of view, but he was still a little worried.

"How far is the maximum distance of ridicule?"

"About ten meters or so."

"The quicksand trap created by the giant ant lion has a radius of 10 meters, which means that you have to stand on the edge of the trap to taunt. If you don't pay attention, you will slip into the quicksand, which is too dangerous."

Jiang Feng bit his lip and thought for a while, then said to him: "Before you go to pull the monster, remember to tie a strong rope around your waist, and the other end of the rope to the camel, in case you fall into the sand pit, I'll whip the camel and drag you out of the pit as quickly as possible."

"This is a good way, just do as you say!"

Barsaka carried a cable with him, tightly wrapped around his waist, and the other end was attached to the strongest camel in the army.

Ready, Gao Fei picked up his battle axe, and under the nervous gaze of Jiang Feng and others, walked lightly towards the camp.

Not long after walking, Gao Fei noticed that the sand under his feet showed a slight color difference, which was caused by the difference in the refractive index of the quicksand and the hard sand under the light.

Gao Fei used his tomahawk to explore the way, and poked the ground in front of him, it was indeed very soft.

He took two steps back, picked up a stone on the spot, swung his arms round, and threw it into the quicksand pit with all his strength.

The stone fell in the middle of the quicksand, smashing a big hole, and the surging sand and dust slowly dispersed in the air.

The giant ant lion lurking at the bottom of the pit is born with high myopia. It mainly relies on the cilia on the body surface to sense the tremors from the surroundings, and then judge the location of the prey.

The stone thrown by Gao Fei successfully aroused the vigilance of the giant ant lion, and quickly climbed out, with the upper body exposed to the sand, waving its pincer-shaped jaws, eager to try.

Taking a closer look, I found that it was only a stone that caused the shock, and it was so angry that it creaked strangely.

Gao Fei seized the opportunity to launch a "taunt", imitating the giant ant lion's squeak, he didn't know what it meant, anyway, as long as he could get angry with the other party.

The giant ant lion's will attribute is not high, and he was easily irritated by Gao Fei. His six long legs swiped quickly in the quicksand, and he raised his jaws to charge at the guy who provoked him.

Gao Fei took a few steps back and continued to provoke the giant ant lion.

The giant ant lion crawled to the edge of the pit and stopped, instinctively realizing that leaving the pit would put him in a disadvantageous situation, but after a little hesitation, he finally couldn't hold back his anger and chased out desperately.

Gao Fei retreated and stopped until he lured the giant ant lion away from the quicksand pit, then he stopped. With a grinning grin, he held up his battle axe, rushed forward and struck the giant insect's head with the axe, the chitin carapace shattered on the spot , hemolymph splashed out.

Jiang Feng and the group of soldiers under her were not idle either, and they stepped forward to besiege with their weapons out. They beat and killed the giant ant lion in a blink of an eye.

After winning the first battle, Gao Fei's confidence increased greatly.

Next, he took the medicine according to the prescription and taunted and pulled the monsters.

He also successfully pulled the second giant ant lion out of the trap, but this guy was more alert than the previous one. He stopped after a certain distance from the trap, hesitating, as if he wanted to turn around and retreat into the quicksand.

Gao Fei didn't want to watch the cooked duck fly away, so he rushed up and stamped his feet violently, launching an "earth shock"!
With a bang, the ground trembled and the sand flew up!
The giant ant lion was caught off guard, and was bounced more than two meters high by the shock wave from the surface, and then fell on the sand, throwing his legs upside down.

(End of this chapter)

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