Savior Simulator

Chapter 468 Underground Test Site (Subscribe)

Chapter 468 Underground Test Site (Subscribe)
Goofy closed the status panel, led his prepared companions to the stairs leading to the underground laboratory of the ice tower, and went to challenge the final boss Gelmir.

At the end of the stairs, it connects to this wide corridor shaped by ice crystals.

Directly opposite the corridor is Gelmir's laboratory for researching "Dragon Transformation Potion", and two golem guards stand in front of the gate.

The shape and equipment of these two golems are similar to the ice golem, but they are significantly larger, about 12 feet high, and the whole body exudes an ice blue luster, obviously cast from green ice.

Before being discovered, Gao Fei opened the astrolabe, checked the data of the two blue ice golems, and found that they were obviously much stronger than ordinary ice golems, with a challenge level of 12.

The HP of the two blue ice golems are both 369, and the six attributes are: strength 36, agility 15, constitution -, intelligence 3, perception 13, charm 15.

In terms of talents and specialties, blue ice golems are similar to ordinary ice golems.It also absorbs ice damage, is afraid of fire and sonic attacks, and is immune to other magic that needs to be saved.

But there are also many differences between the two.

The equipment level of the green ice golem is higher. The giant sword and tower shield held in the hand are +2 enchanted equipment cast by green ice.

The green ice is as hard as steel, and the golem made of this special material is also much stronger than ordinary ice golems. It has a natural defense of level 20, enchanted tower shield +6 defense, agility +2 dodge, and deducts 1 point of large size penalty , Comprehensive Defense 37.

In addition, the magic crystal inlaid on the chest of the blue ice golem can also emit "frozen beams", and there are two modes: "concentration" and "diffusion". The former has a range of 120 feet, and the latter covers a 60-foot cone in front.

Both firing modes can cause 15d6 freezing damage and additional deceleration status.

If you want to enter Germir's laboratory, you must first eliminate the two golem guards.

Jiang Feng was still considering whether to turn into a spirit form, bypass the golem, and sneak into the laboratory to investigate first. Gao Fei had already walked straight to the gate with the holy ax on his shoulder, without any intention of covering up his tracks.

The two green ice golems spotted the figure of the intruder, stared at the barbarian youth approaching, and detected beams of light flashed in their eyes.

After some scanning, it was confirmed that the intruder was a stranger, and the green ice golem immediately issued an alarm. At the same time, the crystal light on its chest exploded, locking on the intruder and blasting out two cold cone-shaped energy waves!
The alarm has sounded, but the corridor is still silent.

The gold coin blessed by the White Dragon Queen with the "Silence Technique" was in Gao Fei's pocket at the moment, suppressing the "magic alarm".

The freezing beam blasted head-on, shining on him, not only failed to cause the slightest damage, but instantly replenished the life lost in previous consecutive battles.

Holy Ax completes the final phase of the attunement, granting Goofy the ability to absorb cold damage.

The green ice golem's attack on him was actually equal to returning blood to him.

The blue ice golem was not much smarter than the ice golem, and after executing two programs in succession, unexpected bugs appeared in both of them, and he became a little at a loss.

Gao Fei took out the gold coin and threw it at his feet.

With a sneer, he turned on "violence" and "righteousness like a rainbow", turned into a giant red dragon, held up the holy ax and charged, like a red whirlwind, blowing to the gate in an instant.

"Lion's Charge" + "Blade Storm" + "Knowing Blow"!
Gao Fei swept all the way, chopping off the two gatekeeper golems, and the broken body exploded with huge damage figures.


The two green ice golems that flew out hit the wall respectively, triggering the special effect of "horror impact", and each lost 10 points of HP.

In this round of attack, Gao Fei cut off 2/5 of the blood volume of the two blue ice golems, and smashed the laboratory door with an ax along the way.

White Dragon Queen Sonia Shuangming rushed into the corridor following Gao Fei's footsteps.

Seeing that the door on the opposite side of the corridor had been destroyed, he kicked the gold coin at his feet behind him so as not to hinder him from reciting the spell.

Gold coins tumbled away from the battle zone.

The "Boundary of Silence" was then removed.

The roar of the broken door finally sounded.

A green ice golem fell in front of the door, struggling to get up.

At the same time, a huge red shadow passed over his head.

Goofy's incarnation of the red dragon strode across the golem and rushed straight into the gate of Gelmir's laboratory.

The green ice golem climbed up awkwardly, trying to stop the intruder.

At this time, an abnormally strong wave of magic power suddenly surged behind him, followed by thunder and thunder!

The blue ice golem that stood up with great difficulty was knocked down again by a "thunder wave" blasted by Sonia.

This time, there was no chance to get up.

Sonia had already turned back into the form of the ancient white dragon, pounced on it, and frantically beat the green ice golem, dismantling it into a pile of broken ice in a blink of an eye.

The other blue ice golem that was knocked down by Gao Fei also had no chance to get up again.

Eve set up a "gravity well" where it fell, and found that the structure of the blue ice golem was much stronger than that of the ice golem, and it couldn't be crushed by eight times the gravity, so she immediately added an "acid mist technique".

A large mass of brown-red thick fog enveloped the green ice golem trying to get up with its arms on the ground, like sticky glue, making it more difficult to move every time it moved.

Under the double control of "Acid Mist" and "Gravity Well", the green ice golem has completely lost its ability to move, lying on the floor unable to move.

"Acid Fog" is different from "Gravity Well", it will drift slowly after being released.

If the caster wants the acid mist to stay in place, he must maintain a high degree of concentration and use mental power to remotely control the mist.

In this state, other spells that require concentration to maintain, such as "Wall of Fire", cannot be cast.

Relying on the 2d6 corrosion damage per round of the "acid mist technique", it would take at least five or six minutes to completely melt the huge blue ice golem.

In the enemy's lair, the longer the delay, the greater the risk.

We must find a way to get rid of the green ice golem as soon as possible!

While maintaining her focus on spellcasting, Eve cast the Druid's signature ability "Wild Transformation", transforming from a slim girl into a giant earth elemental that almost broke through the walls on both sides of the corridor.

The body was too large to move in the narrow corridors, so Eve used the earth element's ability to "hide the ground" to disappear under the surface, and sneaked to the edge of the area covered by the "gravity well" and "acid mist" in a blink of an eye. And then surfaced.

At this moment, she is in a position that will not be affected by the "gravity well", and she can still hit the green ice golem with a pair of thick long arms made of rock.

The unarmed attack of the giant earth elemental, the base damage dice is as high as 5d6, plus the damage correction provided by the 33 points of strength attribute, Eve punches down with two punches, and knocks out nearly 1/6 of the green ice golem's HP.

(End of this chapter)

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