Savior Simulator

Chapter 466 The upgrade before the decisive battle

Chapter 466 The upgrade before the decisive battle
The ice golem's damage-reducing armor was the only thing that could not block blunt weapons such as sticks, and half of its head was crushed by a stick.

The shattered back of the head was melted by the radiant energy poured from the stick, and ice water flowed along the cracks.

If this guy was alive, he would go into shock on the spot if he was hit by this blow.

However, the head of the constructed creature is not a vital organ, and it is immune to the damage bonus caused by the heavy blow.

The ice golem seemed to be beaten badly by the sap, but it was not fatal.

The program that was originally stuck was forcibly interrupted by Sap, skipping the link of sounding the siren, and directly executing the program of resisting intruders.

The ice golem turned around and swung its giant sword at Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng didn't even bother to dodge, and restarted the "Empty Spirit Body" with a reaction action, and the figure disappeared out of thin air.

The ice golem slashed through the air with all its might.

Look around in a daze, searching for the missing intruder.

At the same time, Jiang Feng had already circled behind it from the edge of the spirit world, reappeared, and hit the back of the head with another blow!
When the ice golem turned around, she had escaped into the spirit world.

If only ice golems could talk.

If this hall is not shrouded in the enchantment of silence.

It will definitely accuse the opponent of despicableness, insidiousness and viciousness in grief and indignation!

What kind of "female heroine" is this when she beats the sap with cold hands and then slips away after the fight?

It's clearly the style of a demon girl!

It's a pity that the ice golem has no ability to accuse, and can only be played around by the opponent.

After sustaining three sap shots in a row, the ice sculpture's head was completely shattered.

A headless golem that can still fight.

But it has lost the magic detection device installed on the face, which is equivalent to blindness in both eyes.

It was only a matter of time before Jiang Feng was completely destroyed.

In other corners of the hall, fierce conflicts also broke out.

Another golem also found foreign enemies invading, and the magic crystal inlaid on its chest was charged and shining. It was about to aim at Jiang Feng's back and shoot a "frozen beam" to help his companions out of the siege, but was surrounded by the stone wall created by Eve's spell.

The wall was ten feet high, about the same height as the ice golem, just enough to block the beam from its chest.

The ice golem found that the "frozen beam" could not penetrate the thick wall, so he picked up his giant sword and slashed at the stone wall with all his strength.

With one strike of the sword, a deep gap was opened in the five-foot-thick stone wall, but it was still far from being completely destroyed.

Eve cast the spell calmly and set up a "gravity well" in the area surrounded by the stone wall.

As the druid level rises to level 13, the gravity coefficient also increases from 4 times to 8 times!
The huge and heavy golem guard was suddenly placed in an eight-fold gravity field. The ice sculpture's body couldn't bear the pressure, and quickly disintegrated, turning into a pile of crushed ice within half a minute.

Sonia blesses herself with "shield technique" and "acceleration technique", carrying the Frost Ming giant sword, and broke into the hall majestically.

When an ice golem saw her coming in, it raised its chest and fired a "freezing beam".

The icy blue light hit Sonia's majestic chest, but it failed to hinder the white dragon queen who was naturally immune to cold.

With a contemptuous arc on the corner of Sonia's lips, she rushed straight to the ice golem and slashed fiercely with her sword!
The ice golem hastily raised its shield to block.

In the end, after only receiving two sword strikes, the Qingbing Pagoda shield was hacked to pieces.

The ice golem tried to fight back with a sword swing.

However, counting the defensive gains provided by the "shield technique" and "acceleration technique", the comprehensive defense level of the White Dragon Queen is as high as 52, the highest in the entire module, plus 15 points of damage reduction armor, it is almost impossible to break the defense!
Sonia's fighting method is simple and rude, that is, simply standing on the ground and slashing.

"Multiple Attacks" strikes three times per round.

"Acceleration" provides an additional attack opportunity per round.

Add another "following the trend"...

The ferocious White Dragon Queen cuts out five swords every round, just like a "humanoid pile driver"!
The golem guard lasted less than two rounds before he was chopped into ice shards by her.

The fourth ice golem in the hall seems to be extraordinarily intelligent.

It was also trying to sound the alarm at first, but when it found it couldn't work, it decisively threw away the horn, turned around and shot a "frozen beam" at the ice golem that was fighting Jiang Feng.

The ice golem absorbed the "frozen beam", which was equivalent to obtaining a healing effect of 10d6. The body that had been smashed by Jiang Feng healed as before.

"Hey! So there is a full-time nurse inside the golem!"

Gao Fei whistled in surprise, but failed to make any sound, so he raised his left hand resentfully, pointing at the golem nurse.

The indoor space is small, and it is inconvenient to change into a dragon to fight.

Gao Fei drew the magic power of the "Fire Djinn Gauntlets" and aimed at the ice golem to shoot a "scorching ray".

Three fiery red rays hit the golem's chest at the same time.

At the same time, Goofy triggers "Knowing Strike", making the damage dice of "Scorching Ray" automatically effective.

Coincidentally, one of the rays also triggered a crit!
Including the bonus of the ice golem's weakness of being afraid of fire, Gao Fei's wild shot caused a total of 192 points of damage, killing the ice golem in seconds!
When all four ice golems were destroyed, Gao Fei received a somewhat unexpected system notification.

"You have reached the milestone of the plot in this chapter, the energy of the astrolabe +1!"

No... this is the last chapter of the whole mod, right?
The big boss hasn't been fought yet, how did you get the milestone?
Gao Fei wondered secretly.

From the process point of view, this chapter has only fought two waves of monsters so far. Is it too hasty to complete the plot milestone before completing a secret path?
Is it really not cutting corners?
Just when he was puzzled, he received another reminder.

"You and your companions can take a short rest here, check the upgraded abilities and attributes, organize the equipment and buff spells, and prepare for the final challenge!"

Okay, I get it!

Gao Fei suddenly nodded.

It stands to reason that the final boss "Ice Tower Warlock" Gelmir should be defeated to complete this chapter, which is also a milestone in the plot of the entire module, and then the normal upgrade link.

But there is a problem with this.

You have already beaten the final boss, and there is still a Der for upgrading?

After upgrading to the last level, there are no enemies to fight. Isn't this level equal to a white promotion?

When he accompanied Jiang Feng to fight the monk module "The Stranger in the Vast Sea", Jiang Feng's monk only reached level 8 after the last battle, and then the whole play ended.

There is no practical significance in upgrading to this level except for the eye addiction.

It seems that the Sky officials have also discovered this problem, and made changes to the last chapter of the module to upgrade the upgrade link to before the final boss, at least giving players a chance to give full play to the full strength of the character.

From this point of view, although the matter of "upgrading before battle" is unreasonable, it will definitely make players feel good!

Games are games after all.

The logic of the setting and the rationality of the plot are important, but the most important thing is to serve the players, instead of always thinking about disciplining the players, you must play the game according to the rules you set.

(End of this chapter)

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