Savior Simulator

Chapter 452 White Dragon Queen (for Subscription)

Chapter 452 White Dragon Queen (for Subscription)

"Respected Chief, are you still angry with me for not saying anything?" Sonia asked softly.

Gao Fei's expression darkened, he turned around with his hands behind his back, and snorted coldly.

"His Royal Highness Sonia! Thanks to you, you have the nerve to come to see me!"

"I urged you to come to the meeting many times before, but you kept making excuses to shirk it, and almost missed the big deal!"

"Now you suddenly changed your attitude and came to me on your own initiative because I repelled the ice tower army in yesterday's battle and beheaded the general Schroeder under Gelmir's command, so you saw a good opportunity to speculate and stand in line. Or do you have another plan?"

Gao Fei's words were very blunt, and directly exposed Queen Sonia's speculative mentality, making her face a little stiff.

But in a blink of an eye, Queen Sonia put on a flattering smile, and took the initiative to hug Gao Fei's arms.

"My lord chief! I was really delayed by something, and I didn't find time to visit you until today. Don't misunderstand my sincerity!"

"Speak well if you have something to say, don't talk about it, it's not proper!"

Gao Fei shook off Sonia's hand, not giving her a chance to act coquettishly.

The White Dragon Queen was slightly taken aback, as if she didn't expect this barbarian to be quite determined, and resisted her charm, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"Hehe... Lord Chief, you are so rude."

With a charming smile on the corner of Sonia's lips, she took off her cloak majestically, and the armor on her body disappeared like magic.

Loose and light blouse, showing half of the chest.

"His Royal Highness Sonia, what are you doing? Put on your clothes!" Gao Fei rebuked with a straight face.

"Just take off your coat, Mr. Chief, don't you think it's hot in this room?"

The White Dragon Queen approached Gao Fei with a smile, and hugged his arms involuntarily.

Gao Fei really wanted to angrily reprimand the female dragon for being disobedient to women, and ordered her to be more respectful.

But her crime is too great, she cannot allow him to look away, she must criticize deeply!
At the same time, Gao Fei received a rather explicit system prompt:

"Do you succumb to the temptation of the White Dragon Queen and have a one-night stand with her to increase your favorability, thereby strengthening the covenant between the two parties? The price is that there may be a hidden danger of destroying the relationship between husband and wife."

Gao Fei hesitated for a moment, even if he didn't consider Eve's sister, there was still a Jiang woman who was watching secretly, so he had to choose "reject the temptation" solemnly.

Just the second after he made a decision, he received another system prompt:
"You have proved your loyalty to your wife, and frankly told the White Dragon Queen your principles for dealing with feelings. Next, please make a DC24 Will saving throw."

"By passing the test, you will successfully impress the White Dragon Queen and win her respect."

"If you fail the test, she will see through her duplicity and use even more daring and debauched methods to seduce you, luring you to succumb to her charm, and finally fall into her embrace."

Will save DC 24?

Gao Fei frowned, and quickly calculated in his mind, and inversely deduced the charm attribute of the White Dragon Queen, which is about 26 or 27.

The difficulty is too high, and there is little hope of passing the exemption.

Goofy feels a lot of pressure.

Never mind, resign yourself to fate!
With complicated emotions, Gao Fei secretly rolled the check dice.

It was a big success at 20 points!

Gao Fei was stunned.

I don't know whether to say that I am lucky or bad luck...

Sure enough, Sonia put away her charming smile and looked at the barbarian chief with admiration from the bottom of her heart.

"My lord, I have to admit that you are indeed a strong man with a magnanimous heart! Please forgive my impoliteness, I will not insult your diamond-like pure and flawless love for your wife with obscene means!"

Gao Fei laughed dryly, feeling a little lost for no reason...

hateful!By the way, what am I expecting? !
"Master Chief, you just said that you killed the ice tower general Schroeder in yesterday's battle. Have you captured this man's saber?"

Sonia suddenly changed the subject.

Gao Fei turned around and observed her expression.

Although the White Dragon Queen tried her best to pretend that nothing had happened, Gao Fei could tell from her flickering eyes that this matter was of extraordinary significance to her.

"You mean the giant sword called 'Shuangming'?"


Gao Fei smiled slightly, deliberately whetting her appetite.

"Your Highness Sonia, the name of this sword is exactly the same as your noble surname. It must be a coincidence."

"No! Lord Chief, of course this is not a coincidence!" The White Dragon Queen couldn't bear it any longer, and raised her voice to emphasize solemnly: "In fact, the Frost Ming Sword belongs to me in the first place!"

"So?" Gao Fei asked lightly.

Sonia looked a little embarrassed, hesitated for a moment, and answered bravely: "Master Chief, I hope you can return this giant sword named after my surname to me."

"I wonder if this is an order, or a request?"

"Of course it's a request." The White Dragon Queen lowered her head and replied holding back her anger.

"That is to say, I have the right to refuse your request?"

"Of course you have this right, respectable chieftain." Sonia's face darkened, "But it's not wise to lose a loyal and powerful ally for a weapon that you can't use!"

"When I was fighting bloody by the lake yesterday, I sent countless letters to this 'loyal and powerful ally' asking for help, but how did she treat me?"

Gao Fei asked blankly.

The corners of Sonia's lips twitched, and the anger on her face was quickly replaced by mourning.

"My lord chief, people have already apologized to you, what exactly do you have to do to forgive them!"

"Your Highness Sonia, you must fulfill your obligations as an ally. When I hear you say the word 'loyalty', I don't want what I hear to be a black joke."

Gao Fei said bluntly.

"I swear I won't make the same mistake again, Lord Chief, are you satisfied now?" The White Dragon Queen asked resentfully.

"His Royal Highness Sonia, I can trust you again, I hope you will not betray my trust. The next question is, how did this giant sword named after your surname fall into the hands of General Schroeder?" Gao Fei inquired with great interest.

Sonia bit her sexy red lips, and replied with some embarrassment: "Of course you know, we, the White Dragon and the Frost Giants, have been rivals since ancient times. In order to compete for the territory in the north of the Jotun Glacier, the White Dragon under my leadership Clan, there have been countless fierce conflicts with the frost giant bandits."

"The war has been going on and on for centuries. I have to admit that I have lost the wind in this war. The worst battle I lost happened 30 years ago."

"Because of the traitor's betrayal, I fell into the trap set by Gelmir. I fought desperately to escape, but lost my beloved sword Shuangming."

(End of this chapter)

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