Savior Simulator

Chapter 42 Treasure Map

Chapter 42 Treasure Map

The Berserker acquires the feat of "Powerful Attack", the battle ax and the throwing ax each have +2 points of damage, and will be upgraded to level 5 in the future, with the proficiency modifier becoming +3, the damage bonus provided by "Powerful Attack" also increases. Simultaneous growth, +9 at level 4, +13 at level 5, and +16 at level 6. If you want to improve, you have to wait until the unattainable legendary level.

While Gao Fei was upgrading and adding points, Jiang Feng's monks were also busy cleaning the battlefield.

In this battle, five wolves were hunted and killed, and five high-quality wolf skins were harvested.

The four dire wolf skins are worth 200 gold coins in total.The cloak made of winter wolf leather has the special effect of resisting cold magic damage, and can be sold at a high price of 500 gold coins in the system store!
"Five wolf skins are equivalent to 700 yuan when converted into soft sister coins! Wow! We're rich, we're rich!" Jiang Nvxia was delighted from ear to ear.

"The heroes in the book are all spending money like water, donating righteousness and donating money. How can you become a fan of small fortune? Your style of painting is not in line with the style of a knight!" Gao Fei teased Jiang Feng with a smile.

"The premise of spending money like water is that you have gold to spend, and you have to have money first if you donate money!" Jiang Nvxia retorted eloquently, "Heroes also want to eat, drink, and scatter, and they are too poor. Do justice and help the poor!"

"That makes sense! Master Bruce Wayne from Gotham City gave you a thumbs up!"

After the bloody battle, it was rare to relax. The two young men played happily for a while, and then followed Fred Lange's instructions, found the big tree by the spring, and took out a rusty tree from the tree hole covered by weeds. Iron box.

Neither Gao Fei nor Jiang Feng had the "skillful hand" skill, so they simply pried open the lock with a dagger and took out two things from the iron box.

The first is the silver smelting ointment packed in a flat tin bottle, and the purchase price is 250 gold coins in the system store.

There is also a scroll, which depicts a nautical chart, one of the islands is specially marked with the mark of the anchor, and there are densely packed small words beside it.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng leaned closer to read the notes, and then looked at each other, with unbelievable surprise in their eyes!

They originally thought that the treasure map that Fred Lange stole from Captain Kos pointed to a pirate treasure, and if they could unearth it, they would get nothing more than gold, silver and jewels.

Unexpectedly, the island marked on the treasure map is called "Turtleman Island", and there is a hidden "Dragon Tooth Valley" on the island, which is said to be the place where a great "Dragon Warrior" was buried centuries ago .

This treasure map reveals the tomb of Dragon Warrior.If you can defeat the guards of Dragon Tooth Valley, break through many traps, enter the interior of the mausoleum, and pass the final test of Dragon Warrior Soul, you can get a secret treasure called "Dragon Warrior Heart"!

According to the textual research of Captain Kos, the "Dragon Warrior Heart" is probably a legendary magic stone. After the holder is in tune with this gem, the magic power in the gem can be aroused and transformed into a dragon form!
The legendary Philosopher's Stone...

Transform into a dragon...

Seeing these words, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng couldn't help being deeply shocked, and then had the urge to go treasure hunting as soon as possible!

At the same time, Gao Fei received a main task released by the system:
In order to defeat the mighty "Ice Tower Warlock" Gelmir, the young barbarian prince Barsaka Olaf must gather two magic tools - "Olaf Holy Axe" and "Dragon Warrior Heart"!
Gao Fei nodded thoughtfully, picked up the treasure map and looked at it carefully, and then said to Jiang Feng:

"Brother Barsaka's heirloom 'Olaf's Holy Axe' is buried in a place called An'an Island. The route to An'an Island happens to pass by the Turtleman Island corresponding to the treasure map."

"Go to Turtle Island to hunt for treasure, get the 'Dragon Warrior's Heart', then go to Peace Island, take out the holy ax from the tomb of King St. Olaf, and then return to the mainland to fight the final boss of Germeer ——This is our next adventure route."

"What you said is easy. The problem is that we have to find a boat before we can go out to sea to hunt for treasure." Jiang Feng frowned.

"The 'Flying Fish' stranded on the beach has fallen apart, so I can only build a new ship myself." Thinking of the problem of the ship, Gao Fei was also a little depressed, "Basaka has sailing skills, but unfortunately lacks the right tools , Relying on him to build a boat by hand, at most a canoe or a raft, it is really unreliable to cross the ocean, and there is a risk of capsizing when a big wave hits."

Sighing, Gao Fei went on to say: "On this deserted island, there are no other plot clues. Unless something unexpected happens, we can only rely on Basaka to go to Turtleman Island in a canoe to hunt for treasures." gone."

Jiang Feng couldn't think of any good ideas, so he suggested to have lunch first, and then continue the adventure in the afternoon.

Before going offline, Gao Fei arranged for Basaka to take a short rest to heal his injuries.After thinking about it, Basaka was seriously injured, and even using all four Hit Dice may not be able to fill up his blood. It is better to let Jiang Feng's monk perform "Qi Healing" twice to help him heal, and then Su Mo also performed a short-term treatment. Hugh, spend two Hit Dice to replenish your Chi.

After the arrangements were made, the two went offline at the same time and sent them back through the astrolabe.

Gao Fei returned to his rental house, wiped his face, combed his hair, changed into a more formal coat, and went to wait for Jiang Feng at the school gate.

After a few minutes, Jiang Feng came over from the girls' dormitory. There were two girls with her, talking and laughing all the way, and glanced at the school gate from time to time, as if looking for something.

"Gao Fei!" Jiang Feng waved hello from a long distance away, and Gao Fei also nodded and waved to her with a smile.

"Yo! Did you change your clothes?" Jiang Feng looked him up and down, wanting to laugh but holding back.

"Jiang Daxia gave me the honor to eat with me. Of course I have to dress up a bit more solemnly. It doesn't matter if I am ashamed, but I can't make you lose face." Gao Fei asked her with a smile, "How is it? I'll tidy up a little, and I'm still a little handsome Bar?"

"Peel off two layers of your thick skin and you'll be even more handsome!" Jiang Feng made a gesture to kick his ass, but he didn't.

At this time, the two girls in Jiang Feng's dormitory also came over and looked at Gao Fei curiously.

Jiang Feng noticed the suspicion in their eyes, coughed twice, and introduced Gao Fei to them with a little embarrassment, and then introduced his two roommates to Gao Fei.

"You are Gao Fei. I often hear Jiang Feng talking about you recently. So you look like this!" Liu Yuxiu joked with a smile, "I heard that you are writing a novel, and we thought you were the kind of white-faced person with a very literary style. What about the scholar!"

"I was disappointed after seeing the real person?" Gao Fei smiled self-deprecatingly, "You should pay attention to it carefully. In fact, I still have a literary temperament, right?"

 Thanks to book friends: Fateholder11, reward 2000 starting coins this week; tce, reward 400 starting coins this week

(End of this chapter)

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