Savior Simulator

Chapter 41 Strangle the Winter Wolf

Chapter 41 Strangle the Winter Wolf
The cold blast from the winter wolf covered too much area, and Gao Fei couldn't dodge it at all. He simply charged forward against the biting cold air, slashing at the winter wolf wildly with ax after ax.

After turning on "Rage", Goofy's adrenaline rushes soaringly, his pain-sensing nerves become extremely dull, and the cold air from the winter wolf, as well as the pain caused by the fangs and sharp teeth on his body, can be tolerated for the time being.

But he knew in his heart that this kind of fighting style of exchanging injuries for injuries and killing each other could not last long.

The winter wolf has a natural defense of 5 points, which is equivalent to wearing a chain mail, and its health is nearly twice as high as his. The two sides hurt each other, and the first one to die must be the high-flying berserker.

Basaka is the protagonist of this adventure module. Once he falls, the current mission will fail, and Jiang Feng will also be forced to quit the game and start over after loading the file.

Gao Fei didn't want to hurt his friends, and he didn't want to miss the good situation. While dealing with the winter wolf, he used his brains to think of a strategy to break through the predicament.

The ferocious winter wolf on the opposite side reminded him of Jiang Feng subduing a lion with his bare hands in the Sevinia arena, and he had an idea and thought of a way.

Gao Fei roared, pretending to swing his ax with all his strength to attack, luring the winter wolf to dodge sideways, then suddenly threw away the battle axe, and rushed towards the winter wolf with both hands free.

Winter Wolf never expected that this savage would give up his weapon on his own initiative, he was stunned and had no time to dodge, and Gao Fei threw himself on him firmly, his neck was tightly strangled by the Berserker's strong arms, and he found it difficult to breathe.

One person and one wolf scuffled into a ball like this, flattening the grass, splashing a little blood where they passed, and it was impossible to distinguish wolf blood from human blood.

Gao Fei tightly strangled the winter wolf, he would rather die than let go.The two sides are close together, fists, feet and minions can't be used. While rolling and wrestling, they are also engaging in grappling confrontation based on strength.

In the berserk state, Basaka's strength attribute increased to 23, which was 3 points higher than that of the winter wolf, and he had a solid advantage in grapple confrontation.

Gao Fei quickly gained a dominant position, pressed the winter wolf under him, clamped the wolf's back tightly with his legs, wrapped his right hand around the wolf's neck and grabbed his left forearm, and pressed the back of the winter wolf's head with his left hand, Press down like a lever, unintentionally forming a substandard "naked choke" posture.

The winter wolf was tightly strangled by him, and its mouth full of fangs was useless, so it could only kick its legs and scratch desperately, trying to shake off the berserker on its back.

This fight has evolved into a protracted battle of blood and endurance between the two sides. The raging fighting spirit burned in Gao Fei's violently beating chest, making his blood boil. At this moment, he has nothing else to think about except killing the wolf.

The stalemate between the two sides lasted for more than ten minutes. During this period, Gao Fei's first "rage" reached the time limit, but he did not back down, and did not hesitate to activate the "rage" again, so that his own strength attributes continued to be maintained at the peak state.

Thanks to the "Perseverance" specialty, Gao Fei did not fall into exhaustion after the first berserk. He was scratched by the wolf's claws and bruised all over his body. He still maintained the "naked choke" state, and continued to exert pressure on the winter wolf. Finally, he strangled the ferocious beast until it foamed at the mouth, and passed out.

After confirming that the winter wolf had lost consciousness, Gao Fei endured the pain and stood up, picked up the tomahawk, raised his hands above his head, and with a roar, he tried his best to chop off the head of the winter wolf!
In this battle, he used the No.1 perspective to fight against the stronger Winter Wolf than himself, and finally won with difficulty.

Although there were many injuries on his body and the blood flowed profusely, his mood was extremely smooth, and he couldn't help screaming up to the sky.

After venting, Gao Fei staggered to find Jiang Feng, intending to help her deal with the remaining enemies.

After walking a few steps, he saw Jiang Feng's monk and Youhun first mate hurrying over.The two teamed up to eliminate four dire wolves and were looking for Goofy.

Knowing that Gao Fei had killed the most difficult winter wolf, Fred Lange's ghost showed a relieved expression. After thanking him and Jiang Feng, he revealed that he hid the treasure map and silver alchemy ointment in the In the tree hole of the big tree on the south bank of the spring, it slowly dissipated, and the soul returned to heaven.

At the same time, Gao Fei received a series of system prompts:
·Complete the end-of-life commission of the ghost Fred Lange and get 300XP experience!

·Achieving plot milestones, astrolabe energy +1 (6 channels/day)!

·The Berserker has been upgraded to level 4!Attribute point +1!Acquire the professional ability "Earth Shock"!

After upgrading the newly added attribute points, Gao Fei did not hesitate to add them to his strength, so that Basaka's strength attribute reached 20, and temporarily increased to 24 points after turning on Berserk!
Adding full power may not be the most reasonable strategy, but for Berserkers, it is impossible to show the aesthetics of violence without this.

Upgrading to level 4 is a threshold, and the high-flying Berserker finally learned the first AOE ability "Earth Shock".


Earth Shock: Once per round, initiated as a bonus action, stomp your foot or slam your weapon on the ground to create a shock wave that shocks all targets within 15 feet (5 m) of you, or falls if you fail your Reflex save. The DC of the save depends on power attribute.Berserkers themselves are not affected.


As a field control skill, "Earth Shock" is still very good, which just makes up for the lack of AOE moves of the Berserker.

Enemies struck by the earthquake need to make a Reflex save to avoid falling. The DC of the save is calculated as 10 + Berserker's Strength modifier + Proficiency modifier.

Basaka's strength correction is +5 in normal state, proficiency correction is +2, the save DC of Earth Shock is 17, and in the state of "Rage" is turned on, the save DC reaches 19 with the increase of strength, creatures of the same level, even Even a monk like Sumo who has high agility and is good at reflex saves has a 60% chance of being knocked over by him, not to mention those opponents who are not good at agility.

After learning this trick, Gao Fei will not be afraid of being surrounded in the future.

As many enemies as you want, as long as they are no more than 5 meters away from you, stomp down with one foot, and they will all climb for you!

In addition to the new ability obtained through the upgrade, since Gao Fei passed the level without loading the file again, he got an additional bonus specialty——"Vigilance" and "Powerful Attack", choose one of the two.

There is nothing to hesitate about, since you are a berserker, just choose "Powerful Attack" without thinking!

Common weapons fall into two categories.

The first type of weapon is heavier and can only use the strength attribute to calculate hit and damage, such as Goofy's battle axe.

There is also a class of weapons that can use agility instead of strength to calculate hits and damage, such as bows and crossbows, and lighter weapons such as short swords, rapiers, daggers, and throwing knives.

The "Power Attack" feat adds proficiency modifiers to weapon damage, but only for "strength" weapons.

As a berserker, especially a berserker who is good at two-handed heavy weapons, he can fully display the power of "violent attack".

 It's the last day of the National Day holiday, book friends who still have monthly tickets remember to vote, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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