Savior Simulator

Chapter 419 Gunshots in the Darkness

Chapter 419 Gunshots in the Darkness
"Xiao Ma makes sense." Wu Xiaoqian picked up a piece of pottery, looked at it carefully and said, "These pottery statues are obviously funerary objects in the ancient tomb, and the corpses sealed in the pottery statues are dry and weathered. Judging from it, it’s been thousands of years, and it’s definitely not something that Hong Debiao stuffed in recently.”

"Miss Wu, I have a question. Are the bones in these pottery statues stuffed in after death, or were they forcibly smeared with pottery clay when they were alive, and sealed in airtight statues, where they were smothered to death?" ?” Wang Daqing asked.

Wu Xiaoqian didn't answer immediately, she squatted down to observe the remains of the bones, picked up a relatively complete arm bone, and showed it to everyone.

"Observe carefully. On the layer of dry skin attached to the arm bone, you can faintly see circles of tight marks, which should be the marks left by the ropes."

"There are also nails on the hand bones. Although most of them have peeled off, the remaining soil can still be seen. It can be seen that the deceased was struggling before his death, scratching the inner wall of the pottery statue, trying to get rid of the shackles, until he died of suffocation."

After listening to her analysis, the answer is self-evident.

"It's cruel to bury a living person, but to seal the person alive in a pottery statue is simply insane!" Jiang Feng said through gritted teeth.

"In the eyes of the master, the servants buried with him are not human beings at all. They are no different from cattle, sheep and livestock. The reason for all this trouble is probably similar to the ghost fetus in a pot we met before. It is related to some ancient shamanistic ritual, which has a special Religious significance." Wu Xiaoqian explained in as calm a tone as possible.

"From this point of view, Hong Debiao's destruction of pottery statues, although he destroyed a number of cultural relics, also liberated the martyrs sealed in pottery statues, which is not entirely a bad thing." Ma Tao said.

"Xiao Ma, don't rush to empathize with Crazy Hong!" Wu Xiaoqian said with a cold face, "Look at these broken bones, don't you think it's abnormal?"

"That's right! Hong Debiao opened all the coffins in the ancient tomb and took all the bones away, as if they were some kind of treasure. Why did he keep the five skeletons sealed in the pottery statue?"

Jiang Feng also found something suspicious.

Ma Tao scratched his head, thought for a while and said, "The five bound spirits we encountered before were probably transformed by Hong Debiao using the thousand-year-old resentful souls of the martyrs."

"The so-called Bound Spirit, as the name suggests, refers to the resentful spirit bound in a certain place. If Hong Debiao took away the skeleton of Bound Spirit, Bound Spirit must follow him. Of course, he would not stay in this tomb to stop us from hunting Hong Debiao."

"Brother Tao's analysis is well-founded and convincing." Gao Fei said with a smile, "Let me add two more sentences."

"Hey! Student Xiao Gao, you are so skilled in bureaucratic accent! Could it be that you are a senior student in the student union?" Wu Xiaoqian squinted and smiled.

"No! How can I be a leader with this piece of material!"

Gao Fei waved his hands again and again, a little embarrassed.

"Sister Wu! He doesn't call it bureaucratic, but eccentric!" Jiang Feng took the opportunity to add insult to injury. It hurts you, it's broken!"

Gao Fei rubbed his cheeks with a dry smile, took out five large sealed bags from the storage space of the astrolabe, and put the bone fragments in the pottery statue into the pockets respectively.

"Xiao Fei, are these bones also valuable as cultural relics?" Wang Daqing asked.

"Whether there is any cultural value, I dare not say, but this place is too dark, if the bones are left here, after a period of time, the bound spirits that we eliminated before may be resurrected with the help of the bones. "

Gao Fei stuffed the bag containing the bones into the astrolabe, and explained his intentions to his companions.

"Only by moving these bones out of the ancient tomb, burning them with a fire, or finding a place where the concentration of negative energy is not so high and reburying them, can their souls rest in peace and completely get rid of the soul-calling spell that Hong Debiao imposed on them."

Wang Daqing nodded knowingly, and was about to speak, when a gunshot suddenly came from outside the tomb!
Everyone looked at each other, and at the same time turned to look outside the door of the tomb.

The crisp gunshots echoed in the dark and closed ancient tomb.

Gao Fei immediately opened the astrolabe to investigate where the gunshots came from.

Helplessly, the ancient tomb is located a hundred feet deep underground, coupled with the strong negative energy shielding, which seriously interferes with the detection function of the Magic Satellite, unable to give a clear imaging picture, and can only vaguely detect two life signals.

"Two signs of life..." Gao Fei murmured, "The only living people in this ancient tomb are Hong Debiao and old Mr. Wu Xianyun, apart from us."

At this time, the gunshots sounded again.

Jiang Feng, who had the sharpest hearing among the crowd, was the first to recognize that the gunshots came from the south of the tomb, and the distance was not too far away, so he rushed out of the door.

Gao Fei, Ma Tao, Wang Daqing and Wu Xiaoqian hurriedly followed.

The tomb passage outside the gate is about [-] meters away to the south.

In one particularly spacious tomb, four coffins were opened against the walls.

Two tall and strong iron corpses were dragging the bones out of the coffin and discarding them in the center of the tomb.

There have been no less than forty or fifty skeletons piled up here, all of which were the remains of the ancients who had been stolen from the coffins along the way.

These skeletons have been weathered and decayed for a long time. They were already very fragile, and they were roughly discarded by the iron corpses. Most of them fell apart and piled up together, shining pale phosphorous fire.

Surrounding a large pile of bones, a complex talisman array is drawn with blood. The magic power of death in the ancient tomb is being extracted and gathered in the pile of bones, just like steelmaking in a furnace, which is promoting some extremely evil transformation.

On the other side of the pile of bones, near the gate of the tomb, two figures were confronting each other.

A white-haired old man in a Tang suit fell to the ground, fine beads of sweat oozing from his forehead, his left hand was covering his shoulder, and traces of blood dripped through his fingers.

Opposite the old man, there stood a middle-aged man with a slightly fat body and a gloomy face. In his hand, there was a pistol that seemed to come from an anti-Japanese drama, and a plume of smoke was rising from the muzzle.

The man's forehead was shaved brightly, and the half-length braid hung behind his head, and a copper coin was tied at the end.

Stranger than his hairstyle was his attire.

The yellow robe embroidered with five-clawed golden dragons looks like cheap props of the Qing Dynasty drama troupe, but the soft armor lined with gold silk is an out-and-out cultural relic of the Qing Dynasty. Swords are all stolen goods obtained from tomb robbers.

"Hong Debiao, you bastard! Just shoot me to death!"

The white-haired old man cursed angrily, instead of angering Hong Debiao, he provoked a laugh.

"Mr. Wu, I, Hong Debiao, don't study much, and I respect a learned man like you, but I'm not an idiot either!"

"Do you think I can't see that you are procrastinating on purpose, trying to provoke me and provoke me to shoot, so as to attract the group of Tiangong special police from behind?"

"I know exactly what your calculations are, but I still fired, and the bullet grazed your shoulder. Please take a little pain. Guess why?"

(End of this chapter)

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