Savior Simulator

Chapter 418 Hollow Pottery Statue

Chapter 418 Hollow Pottery Statue
Bound spirits can add their own Charisma modifiers to defense, providing a supernatural deflection shield.

Plus "proficient dodge" +3, agility correction +4, and the defense level of the bound spirit is 20.

Don't forget, incorporeal creatures also have a 50% evasion rate.

After a comprehensive calculation, it is not so easy to hit Bing Ling.

In terms of attack methods, the bound spirit is similar to the corpse monster, which can inject negative energy into the creature by touching it to cause necrotic damage and reduce the upper limit of the opponent's vitality.

The basic damage roll of the "Touch of Necrosis" of the bound spirit is 3d6, and an additional 4 points of agility correction and +3 proficiency correction provided by "weapon proficiency" are included. It is not a good feeling to be touched!

What makes Gao Fei even more afraid is that "weapon proficiency" also gives the binding spirit its own advantage in attack rolls. In addition, the incorporeal touch ignores physical armor and shields. Except for Jiang Feng, no one on his side can defend against the binding spirit. "Touch of Necrosis"!
Gao Fei's situation is better, "stand upright" makes him immune to the state of necrosis, Ma Tao, Wang Daqing and Wu Xiaoqian don't have such ability, being surrounded by bound spirits will be life-threatening if touched twice.

As soon as the binding spirits appeared, Ma Tao cast spells one after another to bless himself and all his teammates with "protection against evil". Then he raised his shotgun and fired two shots at the three binding spirits floating in front of him.

Iron sand spewed from the enchanted shotgun filled the tomb passage.

However, just as Gao Fei was worried, the dense iron sand passed through the bound spirit's body, failing to kill these incorporeal souls.

Fortunately, Wu Xiaoqian pressed the shutter in time.

The "group decree" is not disturbed by the characteristics of the incorporeal body, and directly fixes all the three bound spirits in front of the tomb passage.

At the same time, Jiang Feng had already activated the "Daylight Barrier" and turned his head towards the two bound spirits behind him.

Monk Yang Yan's "Stop Water Heart Technique" is immune to fear, and Jiang Feng's face remains unchanged when he leaves the protective area of ​​"Courage Halo".

Instead, the two binding spirits on the opposite side shrank and drifted away in fright.

Undead creatures have no sense of fear, and the reason why the binding spirit flinched was actually deterred by the strong light from Jiang Feng's body.

Like the corpse demon, the bound spirit also has the weakness of "sensitivity to strong light", and is uncomfortable under the illumination of the "Daylight Barrier".

Jiang Feng seized the right moment, raised his hand and blasted out a Yang Yan Palm, directly destroying one of the bound spirits, and severely wounding the other.

Goofy had already put on the second magic mask at this time.

He chose the "Masker's Mask", raised his hand and pointed at the bloody spirit binding, and blasted out a beam of "Magic Energy Explosion" strengthened by double magic.

"Magic Lance" greatly extends the range of "Magic Blast", and it can also count the Charisma modifier into the damage.

"Magic Explosion of Repulsion" doubles the damage die of "Magic Explosion" to 2d10, and adds the special "ramming" effect.

In fact, Gao Fei chose the "Witcher Mask" at this moment, mainly because the "Magic Energy Explosion" has its own force field attribute, which just restrains the incorporeal souls.

call out!
A blue-tinged purple shock wave, reminiscent of Guipai Qigong, ran through the tomb passage, hit Fu Ling's chest straight, and blasted him to pieces on the spot.

On the other side, taking advantage of Wu Xiaoqian's pinning of Bound Spirit, Ma Tao and Wang Daqing teamed up to attack, each taking out one of them.

Six seconds passed in the blink of an eye, and the "Group Edict" reached the time limit.

The only remaining spirit bound in the tomb passage was shot by Jiang Feng with a "hot radiance" as soon as he got out of the body, and then was blown back 10 feet by Gao Fei with a "magic explosion", leaving only a trace of blood.

After all, Binding Ling had 5 points of intelligence. Realizing that this group of outsiders was too ferocious to deal with by himself, he rushed to the wall of the tomb passage in a hurry, trying to escape through the wall.


Wu Xiaoqian pressed the camera button on her mobile phone in time, interrupting Bie Ling's movement through the wall.

Incorporeal creatures can pass through solid barriers only when moving, but cannot stay inside objects for long.

The moment he was immobilized, half of Binding Ling's body was already submerged in the wall, and the other half was exposed. The next second he fell into a stagnation, he was forced to pop out of the wall, and suffered 10 points of impact damage, and disappeared immediately.

This bound spirit was indirectly killed by Wu Xiaoqian, bringing her 1800 experience points.

Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, Ma Tao, and Wang Daqing also each killed a Bound Spirit, gaining an average of 1800 experience points each, which was not in vain.

Walking along the tomb passage, in front of you is the tomb where the binding spirit originally lived.

Gao Fei turned on the flashlight and walked in to have a look.

In addition to the three empty coffins in the room, there are also five clay statues against the wall, each of which is nearly two meters high. In good condition, it should be similar to the Terracotta Army of the Qin Mausoleum.

It's a pity that these Jin Dynasty pottery statues with great archaeological value have been destroyed by Hong Debiao who broke into the tomb first, leaving only half of the body standing in the dark corner.

Gao Fei approached the broken pottery statue, took a flashlight to take a photo, and unexpectedly found that the statue was hollow.

If you look carefully, there are still traces of fabric on the inner wall of the pottery statue.

These signs gave him a bad premonition, and he hurriedly turned around to call his companions over.

"Gao Fei, what did you find again?"

Jiang Feng was the first to run over.

"It's hard to say for the time being, the light here is too dark, you can turn on the 'Daylight Enchantment', and the light will be brighter to see clearly."

"Damn it! So you called me here just to use me as a big candle!" Jiang Nvxia pouted and blamed.

However, he obediently drew 4 points of true qi, opened the "Daylight Barrier", and illuminated the tomb as bright as day.

With the radiant illumination from Jiang Feng's body, Gao Fei peeped inside one of the broken pottery statues.

The line of sight touches the pale matter piled up at the bottom of the pottery statue...

For a split second, even though he was prepared and his "Iron Will" strengthened his courage, he still couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart!
"Brother Fei, what's new?"

Ma Tao walked over with Wu Xiaoqian and Wang Daqing.

Gao Fei didn't make a sound, took a step forward, hugged half of the pottery statue, lifted it vigorously, and turned it upside down.

With a clattering sound, clay fragments mixed with a pile of bones poured down from the cavity of the statue and scattered on the ground.


The last thing that fell out was a pale skull.

Face up to the sky, the eye sockets are hollow, and the jaw is wide open, as if making a silent accusation.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng, Ma Tao, Wang Daqing and Wu Xiaoqian couldn't hide the horror on their faces, and they couldn't help backing away.

Gao Fei walked towards another broken pottery statue, did the same thing, turned it over, and sure enough, he also poured out a pile of broken bones.

Before the five pottery statues were destroyed by Hong Debiao, each of the five pottery statues sealed up a complete skeleton.

What do these weird pottery statues indicate?
"Could it be that Hong Debiao did it again. After the murder, he stuffed the corpse into the pottery statue, practiced sorcery, and refined and bound spirits?"

Jiang Feng guessed.

"Hero Jiang! Although Hong Debiao is not a good person, he can't blame him for all his evil deeds. He shouldn't be responsible for this blame." Ma Tao shook his head repeatedly.

(End of this chapter)

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