Savior Simulator

Chapter 381 Add some color (please subscribe)

Chapter 381 Add some color (please subscribe)

For all the armor and weapons mentioned above, Gao Fei unceremoniously put forward requirements on the quality - they must be refined products.

Mr. Colt may not be able to afford a full set of enchanted equipment, but a full set of refined equipment is no problem.

Gao Fei made this request not to pretend to be coercive.

With a "refined" prefix in front of the weapon, you can add an extra 1 point to the attack roll.

Refined armor is lighter and more durable than ordinary armor.

In the early stage of the game, compared to rare and expensive enchanted equipment, moderately priced and well-stocked refined equipment is more cost-effective.

In addition to the above-mentioned equipment, Gao Fei also specially told Mr. Colt to buy a bottle of magic potion that can resist electric shock.

Mr. Colter took the list and went shopping.

Goofy returned to his room and used the special ability of the "imitator" to adjust the order of attributes to match the tactics.

After some weighing, the attribute configuration is: Strength 14, Dexterity 18, Constitution 16, Intelligence 12, Perception 19, Charm 10.

In this duel, Gao Fei focused on the "priest mask" and "druid mask", so the perception attribute should be the highest.

The next highest stat is Dexterity, which doesn't make sense at first glance.

Priests wearing heavy armor generally don't need high agility, 14 points are enough.

The reason why Gao Fei configures 18 points of agility is not to increase the dodge bonus on defense, but to increase the hit and damage of the pistol.

Attack rolls and damage modifiers for shooting weapons are based on the Dexterity attribute, it doesn't matter if you wear heavy or light armor.

If the agility is too low and you can't hit your opponent with a shot, it's pointless.

The physical attribute is related to the upper limit of health, no matter what occupation it is, it should not be too low. Gao Fei has allocated 16 points to ensure that he will not be killed by the opponent.

If the strength attribute is too low, wearing heavy plate armor, you can't even walk, let alone fight.

It is not necessary to have too much strength, and the configuration of 14 points is just right.

In Gao Fei's tactical plan, there is a high probability that the charismatic profession will not be used, and it doesn't matter if it is a little lower.

If a mage wants to cast n-ring magic, then his intelligence attribute must have at least 10+n points.

Goofy's "mage mask" also follows this rule.

Before the battle begins, Gao Fei needs to switch out the "mage mask" first, bless himself with 1 ring of "mage armor" and "shield", and configure 12 intelligence points to ensure that buffs can be added.

After getting ready, Gao Fei spent an astrolabe energy to quickly skip the long rest and the subsequent cutscene.

As soon as the screen changed, the time in the game came to ten days later.

The agreed time for the duel is at two o'clock in the afternoon on weekends.

Goofy and the Colt family arrived at the duel field on time in a carriage.

The referees and notaries sent by the court have all arrived to greet Mr. Colter.

They are both old colleagues, and everyone expressed deep sympathy for Mr. Colter's unlucky lawsuit. When they learned that he was going to entrust his apprentice Musk to fight against Levant, they all showed surprise expressions.

These court employees have all heard about Musk, knowing that he was an orphan from the bottom of society. He passed the judicial examination at the age of 15 and became a trainee lawyer.

It stands to reason that there is no need for such a bright-minded and promising young man to get involved in this duel and play with his own life.

There are no legal provisions in the duel field. Musk is only 15 years old and looks like an elegant scholar. Against a swordsman like Levante who kills without blinking an eye, isn't it a literal "scholar meets soldier" who is looking for a dead end ! ?
The audience on the sidelines who came to watch the excitement were all discussing in private.

Some people even suspected that Mr. Colt adopted Musk with the greatest malice, and he had no good intentions from the beginning.

Forcing this poor young man to fight in a duel is nothing more than a plan to sacrifice his life to protect himself from disaster.

Just when people were discussing, a gorgeous open carriage came galloping.

Another protagonist of this afternoon, Levante Montague Sandwich, was sitting in a carriage, wearing a wide-brimmed hat decorated with ostrich feathers, waving to the crowd on the side of the road, full of style, just like a man in micro-clothes. Prince on tour.

As soon as the carriage started to decelerate, Levante stood up, raised his cloak gracefully, leaped up from the galloping carriage, like a soft swan feather, gliding in the air for more than thirty feet, and finally landed smoothly in the center of the field, immediately Win applause.

"You fucking pretender! Just wait and see how long you can run wild!"

Gao Fei sneered secretly, and opened the astrolabe to check the details of this guy.

Levant is indeed a level 7 "Wind Elemental Warrior". He is wearing a blue cloak lined with a set of exquisite chain mail shirts. There was also a small buckler strapped to it.

As for what other magical items are hidden on his body, it is not yet apparent.


Thanks to the high agility attribute, plus the armor and shield, Levante's comprehensive defense level is 19, which is not bad.

In terms of professional abilities, Levante chose the fighting style "Sword and Shield", and also mastered "Elemental Affinity", "Elemental Weapons (Electric Shock +2d6)", "Elemental Display (Airflow Barrier)", and "Slashing" , "first aid" and "offensive like a tide".

In addition, Levante is also good at three specialties, namely "dexterous movement", "jumping proficiency" and "weapon proficiency".

When Gao Fei was observing Levante, the other party was also looking him up and down.

Levante didn't pay attention to this brat at first.

After all, the opponent is too young, has neither a strong background nor any dueling record, no matter how you look at it, he is a scapegoat pushed by the old man Colt to make up the number.

However, when he noticed that the sapphire ring on Gao Fei's right middle finger was exactly the jewelry that Miss Lisa wore when she attended the prom, jealousy burst into his heart!
With a malicious sneer on the corner of his lips, Levante walked up to Gao Fei in a big way.

"Hey! Lawyer boy, what should I call you?"

"Good day, Mr. Sandwich! Musk Justice is at your service."

Gao Fei ignored the other party's frivolous attitude and responded politely.

"Listen, Musk, it would be a shame if the two of us wereted this wonderful afternoon just fighting."

"What's your opinion?"

"I suggest adding a lottery head, which will make our duel more exciting." Levante took a deep look at Gao Fei's ring, and continued: "The party who wins the duel has the right to pick up what he wants from the opponent's corpse What do you think of any spoils?"

"I guess it's a good idea." Gao Fei replied calmly.

"Very well, my friend, enjoy the last days of your life!"

Levante laughed and turned and walked back to the sidelines.

(End of this chapter)

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