Savior Simulator

Chapter 380 Changing the Ring

Chapter 380 Changing the Ring
The strength attribute of Killer Vine is 1 point higher than that of Black Bear, and more importantly, it has a built-in immunity to electric shocks, and the sky beats wind elemental warriors!
The slight fly in the ointment is that the killer vine moves slowly and cannot keep up with the pace of the wind elemental fighters. Only when it is used unexpectedly can it receive miraculous effects.

Gao Fei told Umberto and Lisa about his own set of fighting strategies.

Lisa couldn't find anything wrong with it for now.

Umberto also appreciated his strategy, but still told Gao Fei not to underestimate the enemy.

"Just now I asked someone again. It is said that this kid Levant has a unique skill. He can jump from flat ground to the roof of a church 60 feet high with a single leap."

"Ordinary level 7 wind element fighters definitely don't have such an exaggerated jumping ability! If Levante suddenly jumps up in the duel arena, you have to be careful!"


On the way home in the carriage, Lisa took off her ring and put it on Gao Fei's right middle finger.

She knew that the "imitator" could imitate multiple professions, but it would be very troublesome to match the appropriate equipment for each profession, and what was even more troublesome was to quickly change the equipment on her body.

In the duel arena, the opponent will not give you the opportunity to stop changing equipment, which will become a fatal shortcoming.

The "storage glove" can only quickly change weapons, but it cannot hold a full set of armor.

Miss Lisa's magic ring "Masquerade Ball" has its own storage space, which can be used to store and quickly wear costumes and armor, which can just make up for the shortcomings of imitators.

Gao Fei accepted Lisa's kindness, thanked her gratefully, and made a solemn promise: "After the duel is over, I will return this magic ring to you with my own hands."

In fact, he was expressing his belief in victory to Lisa in a subtle way.

If he loses to Levante, he will most likely die directly on the duel field, so it is impossible to talk about returning the ring with his own hands.

Lisa shook her head and smiled lightly: "What are you thankful for? You are fighting for me. I should thank you. This ring is my thank you in advance."

As she spoke, she held up the holy emblem and prayed devoutly.

"My lord Pelor! I will definitely bless you to defeat Levante in the duel and return safely."


·Dress-up ring "Masquerade Ball" (Extraordinary Magic Tool)

Overview: The sapphire inlaid on the ring has its own storage space, which can be used to store a complete set of equipment (including armor, weapons and shields), and the change can be completed by chanting mantras.

Synchronization Progression: Depends on career level
Initial Phase: Stock up on a spare set of gear.

Level 1 Synchro: Level 3, store two sets of equipment.

Level 2 Synchro: Level 6, storing three sets of equipment.

Level 3 Synchro: Level 9, storing four sets of equipment.


This magic ring can hold up to four sets of equipment, which just correspond to "heavy armor" occupations, such as warriors; "medium armor" occupations, such as rangers; "light armor" occupations, such as thieves; and occupations that cannot wear armor, such as monks , Mage and Warlock.

Gao Fei's level 4 imitator has only reached the level 1 coherence standard, so he can only use this magic ring to store two sets of equipment for the time being.

Fortunately, I can still wear a set of equipment on my body, and two spare sets in the ring are enough.

When Goofy and Lisa got home, it was already dark.

The Colts were terrified that they could not be found, and they were relieved to see that they had returned safely.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Gao Fei proposed to the Colters that he intends to fight Levante as Mr. Colter's agent.

At first, the couple were greatly surprised by this, and even suspected that the young man had gone crazy.

It wasn't until Gao Fei shot a cool "colorful jet" in front of them to show his strength a little bit, and Lisa guaranteed that the couple reluctantly accepted his proposal.

"Musk, you didn't have to get involved..."

Mr. Colter looked at the young students with complicated emotions.

He could see that Musk offered to fight for him mainly because he wanted to repay his kindness, and there was also Lisa's factor.

In any case, these reasons are not enough to motivate a young man with a bright future to risk his life unless he has something more worth defending than life in his heart.

For example, you must repay your kindness, such as duty bound.

The judge was deeply moved by the young man's courage and sense of justice, and decided to promote Musk as his partner after the duel, no matter whether Musk wins or loses, as long as he comes back alive.

If Lisa is willing to marry Musk, Mr. Colter will prepare a generous dowry for his daughter.

However, before the duel, Mr. Colt did not intend to disclose these plans, lest they disturb the young man's mentality and add to his worries, which would hinder his performance in the duel field.

"Musk, just tell me what weapons and equipment you need, and I will prepare them for you." Mr. Colt said.

Gao Fei had already drawn up a list, and was worried that he would not have the money to buy equipment, so he stopped being polite to Mr. Judge, and took out the list and handed it to him.

He prepared three sets of equipment for this duel, corresponding to no-armor occupations, light-armor occupations, and heavy-armor occupations.

The equipment for a non-armored profession is the casual clothes you usually wear, as well as simple weapons such as sticks and daggers, so you don't need to buy them specially.

Equipment for light armor professions, including a set of mail shirts and a small buckler.

The chain shirt is the light armor with the best overall performance, defense +4.

The oak-skinned buckler only increases defense by 1 point. The advantage is that it is small in size and light in weight. It can be tied to the outside of the left arm to block weapons and arrows without hindering the normal movement of the left hand.

Gao Fei already had daggers and rapiers suitable for light armor occupations, so there was no need to buy them.

The final highlight is the heavy armor, which is also the most expensive set of equipment.

First of all, you need a set of refined full-body plate armor, including a helmet and a lined armor suit, with defense +9.

Although the defense of plate armor is high, it is too heavy, which seriously hinders flexibility.Therefore, when wearing plate armor, you can only get 1 point of agility modifier in defense at most, and refined or enchanted plate armor is +2 agility modifier.

This also means that if you choose a heavy armor melee class, 14 points of agility attribute is enough, and a higher agility attribute cannot provide a defense bonus.

With plate armor, of course, it must be equipped with a large shield.

Goofy needs a tower shield, defense +4, and it can also be used as a cover when necessary to resist the enemy's arrows, bullets and spell bombing.

As weapons for the heavy armor profession, Gao Fei chose the giant sword and mace.

The greatsword has a base damage roll of 2d6, the highest of all cold weapons.

A mace has a base damage of 1d6 and is a simple bludgeoning weapon intended for clerics who have no martial weapon proficiency and cannot hold a greatsword.

Finally, Gao Fei also added a piece of equipment that represented the highest level of weapon manufacturing in this era to the list - the magic crystal revolver!
The magic crystal pistol has a range of about 60 meters and a base damage roll of 2d6, which is comparable to a giant sword. It is suitable for use with the "priest mask", reflecting the power of Timothy's god-given weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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