Savior Simulator

Chapter 370 The Lion Dance

Chapter 370 The Lion Dance
After becoming an ocelot, Goofy cannot hold weapons, and the minions are natural weapons, and the damage roll is only 1d4.

Counting the +6 agility modifier, without triggering a critical strike, it is impossible to penetrate the damage-reducing armor of the Yesh Hound at all.

This is where the "monk mask" comes into play.

The "monk mask" of the level 4 imitator provides three abilities.

In addition to "Body Protection True Qi", there are also "Battle Qi Strike" and "Martial Arts".

"Battle Strike" upgrades the minions into magic weapons, ignoring the damage-reducing armor of the Yehs Hound.

"Martial arts" increases the damage roll of unarmed combat to 1d6, and can use the bonus action to add an unarmed strike each round.

If a cat scratches someone with its paws, is it considered a "bare-handed" blow?
Of course!
So when Goofy turns into a leopard cat form, the damage dice of the cat's claws will be increased to 1d6, two scratches per round, the lethality is equivalent to dual wielding magic daggers!
Dodging the bite of the Yehs hound again, Gao Fei jumped three feet high, waved the cat's paw to aim at the dog's face, and it was two big slaps!

The first claw hit the face of the Yeshih Hound, causing 8 points of puncture damage. It screamed in pain, but the second claw missed.

Gao Fei frowned, realizing that things were not simple.

In ocelot form, the cat's paw has +8 attack roll, while the yezh hound has a defense of 17 and a hit rate of about 60%.

Gao Fei swung two claws, and it was normal for one of them to miss.

Of course, this problem is not difficult to solve.

The cat's claw can cause "piercing" damage, or it can be changed from scratching to scratching, and the damage type is changed to "slashing", thus gaining the enhancement of "weapon specialization (swinging)", and the attack has an advantage.

But Gao Fei has a better tactical choice.

Turning on "dexterous movement" to execute "retreat", Gao Fei avoided the attack of opportunity from the yeshhound, and climbed up a big tree.

Goofy squatted on the branch of the tree, turned his head and meowed mockingly at the Yehs hound under the tree.

"Stupid, you dog, you can climb trees!"

The Yehs hound looked up at the dense tree crown, shook its tail, and took a stance, intending to fly into the air and chase after Gao Fei.

Before he could fly, Gao Fei suddenly jumped down from the tree!

Like a dragon's "dive and crush," a cat jumping from a height of more than 10 feet counts as a charge.

Since it is a charge, the strongest talent of the feline beast "Pounce (Lion's Charge)" will come into play. This round of attack roll has an advantage, and the damage dice are doubled, from 1d6 to 2d6!

Gao Fei threw himself on the back of the Yehis hound, and punched out two cat-mao punches as fast as lightning!


"Martial arts" combined with "pounce", a pair of small cat claws, as lethal as the giant sword, both cute and fierce, two claws can knock out half the life of a Yehis hound.

Gao Fei jumped off the back of the Yehs hound, executed a "retreat" with "dexterous movements", once again evaded an attack of opportunity, Master Mao went up a tree!
Climbing to a height of more than ten feet from the ground, Gao Fei turned around and swooped down, another set of magnificent cat-mao punches, which made the Yehis hound bleed all over his face, hugging his head and howling.

Pounce + dexterous movement · Retreat, hit and run, open the distance and then kill the carbine.

This is a routine that Goofy learned from Dimitri the Lion and calls it "The Dance of the Lions"!
After two rounds of the "Dance of the Lion", the Yehshound's life had bottomed out, and it didn't dare to chase Gao Fei any more. It flew into the air in a hurry, stretched its neck, and let out a magical howl.

When Gao Fei saw it open its mouth, it guessed that it was going to use the supernatural ability "Terror Roar", and immediately switched the "Monk Mask" to the "Berserker" mask to activate "Rage".

Goofy's imitator has to go up one more level to learn the "Aura of Courage" through the "Paladin Mask" and be immune to fear.

Now you can only use the advantage of the will save provided by "Frenzy" to enhance your resistance to "Terrifying Roar".

Roar of the yezh hound, Will DC 12.

Gao Fei's current will save +6, coupled with the double dice, finally resisted the fear effect caused by the dog's bark without any risk.

As long as you successfully pass a will saving throw, you will no longer be affected by "Terrorist Roar" within the same day.

The Yehshound howled for a while, pulling its neck, and found that the wild cat was still standing there in good condition, with a normal expression, and suddenly felt cold, and hurriedly cast the "transformation spirit body", and its body turned into a phantom, intending to sneak into the spirit world .

Once the Yeshi hound completely escapes into the spirit world, it is equivalent to being invisible.

Gao Fei has not yet mastered the means of "seeing through invisibility". It would be too uncomfortable to deal with an invisible opponent and always be on guard against the opponent's sneak attack!
Thinking of this, he switched the "Berserker Mask" to the "Witcher Mask", got up and turned back into a human form, raised his hand and blasted a "Magic Explosion" strengthened with the "Magic Lance".

At this time, the Yehis hound had just escaped into the spirit world, and was already in an invisible state. Before it could run a little further, it was bombarded by the "magic energy explosion".

Most offensive magic cannot directly kill targets in the spirit world.

But magic with the attribute of "force field" is an exception.

For example, "Magic Missile" and "Magic Energy Explosion"!
The Yehis hound was almost killed on the spot by the "mana explosion", and no longer dared to pester Gao Fei, and fled to the depths of the spirit world in a panic.

After driving away the vicious dog, Gao Fei didn't have time to rest, and hurried to help Ma Yun deal with Eastna.

As soon as he took two steps, he saw Jiang Feng's berserker running from the other side of the woods with his tomahawk on his back.

"Goofy, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, the Nightmare Horse was killed by you?"

"That guy was hacked to the brink of death by me, so he fled to the spirit world."

"The same goes for the Yeshih Hound."

"Don't worry about those two lost dogs, hurry up and help Xiaoyun!"

Jiang Feng rushed ahead, followed by Gao Fei.

However, when the two came to the area where Ma Yun and Eastna fought, they were blocked by a transparent "air wall".

He could only watch helplessly as Ma Yun's protective buff was instantly stripped off by Eastna's 3-ring "Dispel Spell", and then he was knocked down by a series of roaring "magic missiles".

"Damn it! It's a plot kill again!" Jiang Feng stomped his feet angrily, "If the plot didn't force Xiaoyun and Eastna to fight each other, we would definitely be able to kill that witch!"

Gao Fei smiled wryly to comfort her to calm down.

"Estna is obviously a key NPC. If I'm not mistaken about the idea of ​​the game designer, this person will become the heroine's old enemy, and provide her with an incentive factor that will kill her if she doesn't grow up as soon as possible."

"If you just kill Eastna here because of your temperament, what kind of old enemy is that? The design intention of this character will not be reflected."

"Hey! I admit that what you said makes sense, but why do you have to design these unpleasant plots?" Jiang Feng said angrily, "I prefer not to use my brain, no emotional drama, no mental journey and character creation." , Kicking open the door and rushing in is a game of random killing!"

(End of this chapter)

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