Savior Simulator

Chapter 369 The Yehs Hound (for Subscription)

Chapter 369 The Yehs Hound (for Subscription)

"No way...Estna just left?" Ma Yun was stunned, "Is the old witch's daughter so reasonable? I thought she would turn her back on her!"

"If Eastna is really so talkative, could it be that the nightmare tricked us?" Jiang Feng suggested another possibility.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Eastna in the forest suddenly stopped, and turned her back to them, talking to herself.

"It's strange, why should I make a deal with you guys who don't know what to do?"

"If I want to get back my mother's relics, wouldn't it be easier to just kill you and get what I want from your corpses?"

The cruel words echoed in the forest, and Eastna turned around slowly, with a sinister smile on the corner of her mouth.

The smile affected the facial muscles, making her high cheekbones and aquiline nose more eye-catching, adding a bit of viciousness, and that pretty face also became distorted and ferocious.

What made people feel even more chilling was that Eastna held a group of unusually shiny fireballs in her hands.

Inside the small fireball, extremely dangerous blazing magic power is compressed.

"Get out of the way!"

Gao Fei pushed Ma Yun and Jiang Feng away without thinking, and fell down himself.

Almost at the same time, Eastna waved out "Fireball".

The sound of the explosion echoed over the forest, the grass was raging with flames, and the sand was flying.

Fortunately, Gao Fei reacted quickly enough to push Ma Yun and Jiang Feng away, saving them from the fireball bombardment.

Gao Fei also fell down in time, passed the reflex save, coupled with the special damage reduction effect of "Intuitive Dodge", the damage received was finally reduced to 1/4, and only 8 points of HP were deducted.

Dimitri the Lion also made his Reflex save, but the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow were not as lucky.

Nick the Tin Woodman was blown away by the fireball, and his heavy steel body fell into the mud pit, temporarily unable to get up.

Scarecrow Vita was the worst. Not only was the wooden skeleton supporting his body broken, but he was also ignited by the fire. He lay on the ground emitting black smoke, like a bundle of dry wood stuffed into the hearth.

When Dimitri saw the scarecrow was on fire, his concern for his friends overwhelmed his fear, and he jumped to Vita, ignoring the smoke from the fire, and desperately slapped the scarecrow to help him put out the flames.


Eastna chanted the spell again, creating a large sticky web, covering the lion and the scarecrow, immobilized for a while.

"Now there are only three of you left." Eastna turned around and looked at Ma Yun, Gao Fei, and Jiang Feng with a murderous look in her eyes, "There are also three of us here, exactly one-on-one."

Gao Fei took a step forward, intending to hold off Istna, who was the strongest enemy, so that Jiang Feng and Ma Yun could take the opportunity to kill the Nightmare Horse and Yehis Hound, which were relatively easier to deal with, and then the three joined forces to besiege Is turna.

The cunning half-blood hag seemed to have seen through his plan, whistled, and the yezhhound behind him sprang out, stopped Gao Fei, grinned viciously and bit.

At the same time, Eastna's nightmare horse also rushed towards Jiang Feng's berserker, preventing her from approaching her mistress.

In the end, only Ma Yun was left, and had to bite the bullet and fight Eastna.


Gao Fei activated "dexterous movement" and performed "sprinting", his movement speed suddenly doubled, easily dodged the bite of the hounds of the night hissing, and went around to hide behind the tree.

While the yezh hound was still searching for him, Gao Fei drew 3 points of magic power to bless himself with the "shield technique", and at the same time checked the yezh hound's attribute data.

This monster has 69 points of HP, 17 defense, and the attributes are: strength 18, agility 17, constitution 16, intelligence 5, perception 14, charisma 10.

Like other canids, the Yesh Hound is also good at "tripping" skills, has a natural sense of smell, and has mastered specialties such as "toughness", "vigilance", "proficient initiative" and "survival expert".

Yeshi hounds are immune to fear and charm, similar to nightmare horses, able to sneak into the spirit world and hide at will.

As a fey creature, the Yesh Hound also has 10 points of damage reduction armor that can only be penetrated by cold iron or magic weapons.

The yezh hound can fly, and it can also let out a magical roar once a day. Creatures who hear the roar will be terrified unless they pass a will save.

When a yesh hound attacks a feared creature, it deals an additional 4d6 psychic damage!

Just like its name, the Yeshi hound hates sunlight and only moves at night or in a dark environment. If it is exposed to strong light, it will be forcibly exiled to the spirit world.

The "mage mask" worn by Gao Fei happened to be "dancing light" among the four spells prepared today, and he immediately cast the spell to create four dancing balls of light.

He controlled the ball of light to gather around the Yeshi hound, intending to take advantage of the monster's weakness and drive it back to the spirit world.

However, the Yeshi hound was more alert than he expected, and the moment the light came on, it suddenly flew into the air.

The Yesh Hound was born good at flying, its pitch-black body blended into the night sky, and under the cover of the branches, there was almost no trace to follow.

Gao Fei looked up at the sky, searching for the traces of the Yeshi hound.

At this time, there was a sudden wave of magic power behind him!
He knew it was going to be bad, so he flew forward without looking back, rolled on the spot, and hid in the bushes.

At the same time, the Yeshi hound sneaked back from the spirit world, appeared behind Gao Fei's original body, stretched its neck, and bit it hard!
If it weren't for Gao Fei's 18-point agility attribute and fast enough reaction, he might have seen blood on the spot.

"You bastard, it turns out to be an old bastard!"

Gao Fei wiped off his cold sweat, decisively switched the "mage mask" to a "monk mask", and at the same time activated the "wild transformation" provided by the "druid mask". ocelot.

Leopard cats belong to small cats. After Goofy's transformation, his walking speed is 40 feet, his natural defense +1, the first three physical attributes become strength 7, agility 22, and constitution 14, while the last three mental attributes remain the same. Will become as silly as a cat by being a big cat.

In addition, after the transformation, he also gained two natural abilities of ocelots - "Sense of Smell" and "Pounce".

Although his body size has become smaller, Gao Fei's defense has greatly increased!
Natural Defense +1, Dexterity Modifier +6, Mage Armor +4, Shield +4.

Since he didn't wear cumbersome physical armor, Gao Fei also obtained the "Body Protection Qi" through the "Monk Mask", and the perception correction +4 was counted as defense.

Finally, add 1 point of defense reward for small creatures, and the overall defense level is as high as 30!

The attack roll of the yezh hound was only +6, and it rushed forward aggressively and bit it, but all the attacks were in vain, and all the attacks were easily dodged by the leopard cat in the form of Goofy.

(End of this chapter)

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