Savior Simulator

Chapter 352 Ground Fighting

Chapter 352 Ground Fighting
Of course, Gu Siyi did not rule out another possibility.

Gao Fei exploded into a transformation in a passive situation, and performed a stunt that was enough to turn defeat into victory.

In fact, deep down in Gu Siyi's heart, she was looking forward to this kind of dramatic scene, so as to confirm her guess - Gao Fei is also her kind!
"If you still have any special skills that are at the bottom of the box, use them quickly, or it will be too late!"

While Gu Siyi made an attack, he did not forget to provoke the opponent.

Gao Fei was not affected by her taunt, and covered his face with sticks in both hands to prevent his most vulnerable eyes from being poked by her. At the same time, he watched her movements closely through the gaps between his fingers.

Seeing Gu Siyi raise his right arm, Gao Fei immediately bowed to dodge!

Gu Siyi's long arms flew over, like a flexible leather whip.

Gao Fei still couldn't dodge her attack, his shoulder was stabbed by his index finger, and the burning pain that followed was like being stabbed hard by an electric iron!
Gao Fei has long been used to this level of pain.

Before Gu Siyi could retract her arm, he grabbed her wrist and pressed down on the stick with her left hand, wrapping her arm around the stick so that it could not be retracted.

The audience on the sidelines cheered when they saw this scene.

"Well done, Phineas! Tie her arm in a knot!"

Ma Tao shouted excitedly on the sidelines.

Jiang Feng also raised his eyebrows, staring at Gao Fei without blinking, unable to hide his nervousness.

Gao Fei wanted to tie a knot to Gu Siyi's long arm, but the other party's skin was soft and smooth, just grabbing this snake-like arm, he had already tried his best, and he didn't have the energy to play "knotting" and the like Flower work.

The right hand tightly grasped Gu Siyi's wrist, and the left hand used a stick as a spindle, twisting her long arms to increase friction, Gao Fei exerted force with both arms, and dragged the opponent towards him.

The two people on the field seemed to be playing a game of tug-of-war, but it was Gu Siyi's right arm that was stretched three meters long as the rope.

The scene looks comical and eerie, like a painting of postmodern absurdity.

Gao Fei thought that Gu Siyi would try his best to break free from his pull.

However, Gu Siyi, who had more experience in fighting, made a choice that went against common sense—jumped up suddenly!
The moment the feet left the ground, the unsupported body was stretched to the limit and pulled by the arms full of elasticity, like a human bomb, it roared and shot at Gao Fei.

Before Gao Fei could react, Gu Siyi plunged into his arms, causing his chest to feel tight, his eyes to turn black, and his world to spin for a while...

Shaking his head, Gao Fei managed to overcome the dizziness, and when he came back to his senses, he found that he had fallen on the floor, and the stick flew far away from his hand.

Gu Siyi is like an octopus with eight claws, using both hands and feet, tightly wrapped around Gao Fei's body, skillfully using joint skills, trying to subdue him.

Gao Fei couldn't break free from Gu Siyi's grasp, so he turned around and pressed her down, restraining each other.

The two rolled and wrestled in the arena, and the scene looked unsightly, but anyone who knew a little bit of fighting skills could see that when the fight entered the stage of strangling on the ground, it was far more dangerous than the stage of standing strike!
The uppercuts and flying kicks look cool, but it's not a big problem to get hit once or twice.

But if the carotid artery is continuously compressed by the opponent with a "naked twist", I'm afraid it's really life-threatening!

The outcome of ground combat mainly depends on two factors: strength and skill.

Gao Fei's strength attribute is 18, which is 2 points higher than Gu Siyi's, and has a slight advantage.

As for skills, Gu Siyi, who is good at "joint skills", obviously has a greater advantage, which is reflected in the data panel as "proficient in grapple" - grapple gets double proficiency correction, and has an advantage in checks.

The two sides in the grapple state have to make a grapple check confrontation every round, and the winner will suppress the opponent for one round.

On the statistical level, when Gao Fei and Gu Siyi engage in grapple confrontation, the probability of Gao Fei successfully suppressing the opponent is about 25%, and Gu Siyi's winning probability is 75%.

If you successfully suppress the opponent, you can inflict damage equivalent to an unarmed strike.


From a simple comparison, it can be seen that when the two entered into a state of mutual grapple and suppression, Gu Siyi, who was better at ground joint skills, clearly had the upper hand.

In the grapple state, due to the tightly entangled limbs of both combatants, defensive armor, natural defense, agility modifiers, and dodge bonuses are all invalid.

All abilities based on "dodge", such as "intuitive dodge", will also not work - this is undoubtedly a bad news for Goofy!
Fortunately, his "tit for tat" still applies in the grappling state.

Even if he is suppressed by Gu Siyi, he can still launch an advantageous counterattack with a reaction action this round!

On the contrary, if he can successfully suppress Gu Siyi, he can beat the other party for nothing, which is a huge advantage!

Besides, his strength is stronger than Gu Siyi's, and his blood is thicker than the opponent's. If the two sides continue to consume, Gu Siyi will definitely not be able to hold on.

Gu Siyi soon realized that something was wrong.

Why can Gao Fei be suppressed perfectly by using the standard "cross-bolt", but the opponent can still resist?

Gao Fei's way of fighting on the ground, which seriously violates human physiology, made her shudder!

Later, she switched to the "triangular twist" and tried to change the posture to suppress Gao Fei, but it still didn't take advantage.

Gu Siyi gritted her teeth, she just didn't believe in evil!

She tried her best to suppress Gao Fei, and after a fierce scuffle, she finally locked Gao Fei's neck with a "naked choke". How can you still struggle now? !
I'm sorry, but Gao Fei was able to struggle, and he struggled more violently, like a catfish in a mud pit, thumping happily!

Gu Siyi had exerted all her breastfeeding strength, was so tired that she was sweating all over, her handsome face was flushed, but she couldn't control Gao Fei's thumping more and more, which made her unbelieveable.

Forced to be helpless, she had no choice but to pretend to strangle with all her strength, using herself and Gao Fei to block the sight of the surrounding observers, and put her lips next to Gao Fei's ear, whispering:

"Handsome guy! Give me some face and let me have a game!"

"There is no father or daughter in the battle, why should I let you?!" Gao Fei replied panting.

"If you don't agree, I'll kiss you. What will Jiang Feng think when he sees it?" Gu Siyi threatened in a low voice in his ear.

Hearing this, Gao Fei was stunned.

He had calculated thousands of times, but he never dreamed that Gu Siyi would use such a trick that would hurt a thousand enemies and hurt himself eight hundred.

"No... Sister Gu, I'm afraid it will damage your innocence, why bother!"

"Hmph! I'm going to fight for my innocence, and I'm determined to drag you into the water! The yellow mud is on the crotch, let's see how you explain it!" Gu Siyi sneered in Gao Fei's ear.

(End of this chapter)

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