Chapter 351

Don't look at the little girl Gu Siyi who has thin skin and tender flesh. In fact, her skin is very strong, and she has a steel frame that can't be broken.

Gao Fei didn't have any psychological burden to beat her hard.

From this moment on, the fight completely entered Goofy's rhythm.

Gu Siyi struggled to get up, and as soon as she retaliated, she was knocked down again by Gao Fei's "Tit for Tat" + "Proficient in Rush", and then she was beaten and kicked. She wanted to get up, and immediately took a round of attacks of opportunity... and so on. , as if caught in a never-ending nightmare.

Gu Siyi was beaten to the point of crying by Gao Fei.

Growing up so big, I have never seen such a rogue opponent.

This kid Gao Fei didn't know how to shoot. He was not so much a martial arts enthusiast, but more like a street gangster who fought badly.

His moves don't belong to any genre, not ancient martial arts, not karate, not taekwondo, not muay thai or jujitsu, if you have to compare them, it's a little bit like... playing arcade fighting games!

That's right!Gu Siyi figured it out.

Gao Fei's messy style of play is clearly using himself as a computer character in an arcade game to train his hands. He does something inexplicable, but it still works. Who can explain it? !

The bell on the sidelines saved Gu Siyi from this "Groundhog Day" nightmare for a while.

"It's time for the first game!"

Jiang Feng raised the phone with the timer set and shouted into the arena.

"The players on both sides stop!"

Gao Fei threw away the stick and stepped forward to help Gu Siyi get up.

"Miss Gu, I'm sorry to make you laugh."

"Bah! You've got a cheap price and you're being a good boy!" Gu Siyi shook off his hand angrily, and threatened fiercely: "You boy, wait for me, the next round will make you look good!"

Gao Fei saw that she looked like a cat with its hair blown out, he held back his smile and turned back to the sidelines.

"Brother Fei, you're awesome!" Deng Hui was the first to rush up and cheer, "This is the first time I saw someone beat my cousin on the ground, so I just hit her, she rolled all over the floor, it's so awesome Already! I officially announce that starting today, Brother Fei, you will be ranked second in my idol list!"

Gao Fei's performance in the martial arts competition was very competitive, Jiang Feng was very happy, and walked over to Deng Hui and asked, "Who is the number one?"

"Of course it's Brother Honglong!" Deng Hui said solemnly, "My admiration for Brother Honglong is like the unceasing flow of the surging river, like the flooding of the Yellow River..."

"Deng Hui! You traitor! Why did you go to the enemy's side?" Gu Siyi yelled at his cousin angrily, "Whose brother are you!"

"Oh, cousin! Sorry, I was too excited to notice you."

"Stop talking nonsense, get me a bottle of mineral water!"

"Okay! What about... the errand fee?"


"You're so stingy..." Deng Hui resentfully ran to get water.

After a short 5-minute break between rounds, Gao Fei and Gu Siyi returned to the field to start the second round.

After suffering a loss once, Gu Siyi learned to behave.

Before going on stage, she switched the "steel bone" mode to "soft muscle" mode, and punched Gao Fei from a distance of two meters.

The arms stretched like noodles, and the fists smashed towards Gao Fei's face with the sound of howling wind.

Gao Fei had already guessed that she would make such a change.

For him, Gu Siyi's soft muscle mode is more difficult to deal with than the steel bone mode.

In this round, he will definitely accept a more severe test.

Gu Siyi's punch from the air flashed across his head, and before Gao Fei had time to fight back, the opponent sent out another finger sword from a distance.

call out!
The slender fingers tore through the air, dragged the spring-like flexible long arms, swept across a distance of two meters in an instant, and poked Gao Fei's chest, sinking half of his knuckles.

Even though Gao Fei had launched the "Intuitive Dodge" in time to counteract half of the damage caused by the finger sword, this blow still made his heart hurt and his breathing was difficult-this feeling was like the so-called "acupuncture" in martial arts novels.

Gu Siyi succeeded in one blow, and immediately retreated.

The moment the sharp nails were pulled out from Gao Fei's chest, blood spurted out, staining the snow-white Dao uniform red.

Seeing this scene, the people watching around caused a commotion, with horror and doubt appearing alternately on their faces.

When Gu Siyi demonstrated "Flexible Muscle Finger Sword" in public before, the number of onlookers was relatively small, and most of them didn't see clearly what was going on.

Now hundreds of onlookers gathered on the sidelines, and Gu Siyi frequently used this trick under the watchful eyes of everyone, but anyone who was not blind could already see clearly.

Gu Siyi's steel bone hand knife is indeed sharp, and it can barely be explained by martial arts theories such as "hard qigong", which has not yet exceeded the scope of common sense.

However, her soft muscle pattern is different.

Those present were all college students, who had received systematic higher education and had basic knowledge of biology.

Anyone can see that Gu Siyi stretched his arm two to three meters at will. This behavior has seriously violated the physiological structure of human beings and cannot be explained by existing scientific theories.

Then people can't help but wonder, is the human physiology wrong, or is there something wrong with Gu Siyi?

Maybe... Is there a possibility that she is not human at all?

This terrible conjecture appeared in the minds of hundreds of people on the sidelines at the same time, lingering.

Gu Siyi didn't care about the strange eyes of the onlookers.

Now there is only one strong thought left in her mind, which is "win"!
She was very unconvinced when she lost to Gao Fei in the last game.

The most exasperating thing is not losing, but losing in a daze.

If Gao Fei is an invincible martial arts genius, and his talent is not good, even if he can defeat her with invincible on-the-spot reflexes and beast-like intuition, then it is justified.

Or Goofy is a mutant like her, good at some kind of magical superpower, and she can lose convincingly.

The problem is that until now, Gu Siyi still hasn't figured out how Gao Fei, an amateur martial arts enthusiast and a rookie who has only been trained for a total of two months, beat himself to the point of crawling all over the floor.

In terms of talent, it seems to be a little bit, but it is far from amazing.

When it comes to superpowers, Gu Siyi thought about it, but apart from being more resistant to beatings, he really couldn't see anything special about Gao Fei.

This contest was like a puzzle game for her.

It is of course important to defeat the opponent to save face, but what is more important is to break through the fog that shrouds Gao Fei and see clearly the details of this kid.

In order to achieve this goal, Gu Siyi reluctantly suppressed her violent temper, endured her temper, and dealt with Gao Fei at a distance as much as possible.

A pair of arms are like stretchable springs, constantly shooting out finger swords, and the wounds on Gao Fei's body ooze blood, like red plum blossoms.

This kind of "pirate" style of long-range white prostitution + wandering fights cannot cause Gao Fei a heavy blow to the ground.

But Gu Siyi believes that as long as he sticks to this style of play, it won't take long before Gao Fei's physical strength and fighting spirit will be exhausted, and he will finally win with points.

(End of this chapter)

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