Savior Simulator

Chapter 340 Overlord's Battle Roar

Chapter 340 Overlord's Battle Roar
Wait a minute... can't you?This is the end?
Complete a Der! !

Get away!I still have a lot to do!

What about squeezing the red soul?
It's already 2021, and your broken game doesn't support open world and free exploration, is it plausible? !


Although Gao Fei was very reluctant, he was forcibly kicked out of the No.1 perspective by the system, so he had to give up resentfully.

After completing this transitional chapter, Goofy's Berserker will be upgraded to level 12, with HP+11, and the added attribute of 1 point will be added to his strength. After becoming a dragon, he can just make up an even number.

The newly acquired professional ability is called "Battle Cry of Overlord".


Battlecry of the Overlord: Spend 1 battlecry; dispel negative mental states from allies within 60 feet and cause "shock" to hostile creatures that fail their Will saves.The biological weapon in the "stunned" state falls and cannot act, and can make a new will save every round until it passes.


Compared to "Bloody Cry", "Overlord's Cry" is obviously more powerful, but unfortunately, the difficulty of saving this ability depends on Charisma, and Gao Fei's Berserker's Charm attribute is only 16 points, which is 17 points when converted into Will DC. It's embarrassing to say whether it's low or not, or whether it's high or not.

If Gao Fei can't get the magic tool that greatly increases the charm attribute, then the value of "Battle Cry of the Overlord" is mainly reflected in dispelling the negative state of mind.

As for the group "shock" effect attached to the "Overlord's War Cry", it can only be used to scare miscellaneous soldiers, and don't count on boss-level characters with high will saves.

The reward profession of this chapter is the "bear warrior" of the old man Siegel.It's no problem to rate the overall strength as A-level, but unfortunately, there is still an S-level "Dragon Warrior" on the head, who has been robbed of the limelight.

Choose one of the three reward feats, "dexterous movement", "proficient in critical strike" and "strong mind and body".

Gao Fei couldn't help but choose "Proficient in Critical Strike" in seconds!
With this specialty, coupled with "Burning in Rage", the tactical system of "Holy Ax Critical Strike and Beheading" was formed.

However, at the last moment, he restrained the impulse.

"Proficient in Critical Strike" is indeed very good, but this is a basic specialty without any prerequisites, and the probability of appearing in the reward list is usually relatively high.

"Strengthen the Heart and Body" is a high-level specialty, and the probability of appearing in the reward list is relatively low, and you can only learn "Strengthen the Heart and Body" if you get "Strong" first.

Gao Fei's Berserker module has the last four chapters left. If you miss "Strengthen the Heart and Body" here, you may not have the opportunity to get this feat later.

As for other modules, such as "Duel Agent", you have to learn "Strength" before you can get "Heart and Fitness". From the perspective of enriching the list of free specialties, this is tantamount to wasting a reward opportunity.

"Forget it! Anyway, I didn't get the beheading weapon in reality, it's safer to learn 'Strengthen the Heart and Body' first!"

Goofy finally made a decision.


Strengthening the mind and body: Gain the proficiency items of toughness, reflex, and will saving throws. If you are already proficient in a certain saving throw, the relevant checks will be counted as double proficiency corrections.


Gao Fei's Berserker class comes with proficiency in fortitude saves, and later learned "Iron Will" to gain proficiency in will saves.

Now that he has learned "Strengthening the Heart and Body", he can get the proficiency item of the reflection saving throw. At the same time, the two saving throws of toughness and will that he has mastered can also be counted as double proficiency corrections.

There is another situation to consider.

All true dragon races, such as five-color dragons and metal dragons, are born with full saving throw proficiency.

When Gao Fei turns into a red dragon form, he can also awaken this hidden talent of the dragon clan. Combined with "strengthening the mind and body", even the reflex save, which he was originally least good at, can be counted as a double proficiency correction.

Especially in reality, Gao Fei's main profession "Tiangong Special Police" does not have any type of immunity that he is good at, and the proficiency of immunity depends on the sub-professional.

As long as Gao Fei configures "Strengthen his mind and body" in the column of free specialties, no matter what sub-profession he switches to, he will be able to get full exemption from proficiency items, so that he can better deal with various unfavorable situations.

At the end of this chapter, Gao Fei also got a "trophy", which is the engagement ring that Eve's sister personally put on him.

The wedding ring turned out to be a piece of magic equipment, on which was fixed a level 1 magic spell called "Ritual Art".

While the wedding ring couples are within 30 feet of each other, they gain the blessing and gain a +2 sacred bonus to armor.

If the marriage is broken, or if one spouse dies, the spell's effect will also disappear.

The blessing effect provided by the "Ritual Technique" is only effective for a couple.

If a person marries five wives according to the religious customs of some desert countries and wears five wedding rings at the same time, the blessing effect cannot be multiplied by five times.

Gao Fei felt that there was such a restriction in the game, mainly to prevent players from taking advantage of loopholes and trying to increase their defense levels infinitely through bigamy, and it was also a tactful way to express support for monogamy.

This doesn't mean that Tiangong's game design department is conservative and pedantic.

In fact, the game does not limit the gender of the parties to the marriage contract.

Regardless of a man and a woman, or same-sex couples, wearing a wedding ring blessed with "ritual skills" will receive the same blessing.


It was 09:30 in the evening when Gao Fei got off the assembly line.

After waiting for ten minutes, Jiang Feng and Ma Yun also quit the game.

The two cooperated tacitly, and in less than two hours, they got through Chapter 4 of the Berserker module, and both rose to level 5.

The three of them went to the restaurant for supper together, and then went to the training hall to digest.

Xiao Ma is very ambitious, and he really followed Jiang Feng to practice martial arts.

Jiang Feng taught very seriously, starting from the most basic warm-up movements such as leg presses and stretches, and asked Ma Yun to do it according to the standards she proposed.

"You can't cut corners in warm-up activities, otherwise you will be easily injured during strenuous exercise." Jiang Feng told Ma Yun, "When I was training in the provincial Sanda team, there was a talented teammate who played because he was lazy for a while and didn't warm up properly. In the game, he was seriously injured and forced to retire."

"Wow! Is it so serious?"

Student Xiao Ma was frightened, so he hurriedly stretched his legs hard.

She is not interested in basic training such as zama stance, and concentrates on learning somersaults.

I have to say that Xiao Ma has a good figure and is very flexible. With Jiang Feng's little guidance, she quickly learned cartwheels, and she can do somersaults with her left and right hands, like a small windmill. Roll up and down.

Gao Fei watched from the side, laughing and complaining: "Let the richest man wear a puppet costume and pretend to be a monkey, and do somersaults on Tiangong Square. I will beat the gong next to him, maybe I can get some rewards."

"You are English, French, Italian, and Russian, and you lack great virtue!" Jiang Feng rolled his eyes at him, and said angrily, "Come on, groom officer! Idle is idle, let's practice!"

(End of this chapter)

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