Savior Simulator

Chapter 339 Flying Bear

Chapter 339 Flying Bear
The old man Siegel doesn't mind losing to Barcelona, ​​but he can't lose too ugly!

If he was beaten to the ground with a blunt punch by a silly boy like Basaka, the layman would not know the way to do it, and would think that he was a waste of fame, and the old father-in-law would not be able to lose face!

The giant bear incarnated by Siegel Valli suddenly let out a roar that shocked the arena, and started "burning with anger", and the bear's paw slammed hard at the head of the red dragon.

This palm slapped Gao Feitian's spirit cap firmly, causing his head to buzz, so he didn't pass out on the spot.

Holy crap!Father-in-law, you don't talk about Wude!

He didn't even say hello, and suddenly he did it!

"Burning in Rage" plus "Proficient in Critical Strike", Siegel's attack comes with a 20% critical strike rate. The palm just now triggered a critical strike, and the damage was tripled!
Not only that, the old man Siegel also activated the "knowing blow" at the moment the attack hit, maximizing the basic damage dice of the bear's paw, and after superimposing three times the critical strike damage, this slap was slapped on Gao Fei's head, After deducting 10 points of damage reduction armor, there is still 119 damage, who can stand it? !
Gao Fei quickly activated "Wild Instinct" to reduce the damage caused by the bear's paw slap by half. Even so, 60 points of health were still lost by a slap.

Gao Fei's mentality was also slapped by the old father-in-law.

Worth!I can't stand it!
If he continued to beat like this, he would get three slaps at most, and he would have to rush to the street on the spot.

Why don't we stand against each other here?
Don't be so deadly, hurry up and slip away!
Seeing that the situation was not good, Gao Fei quickly spread out his dragon wings and flew over the competition field.

Father-in-law, goodbye!

In the air, Gao Fei regained a little sense of security, and hurriedly patted himself with the "first aid technique".

With his current HP of nearly 200 points, the meager amount of healing from "First Aid" is just a drop in the bucket, and he can't get enough milk at all. He mainly wants to comfort his heart.

"Haha! Little guy, don't run!"

The giant bear in the form of the old man Siegel let out a rough laugh.

The magic cloak integrated into the giant bear's body turned into a pair of wide wings, flapping the wings and fanning the strong wind, even holding the huge monster into the sky, chasing down the red dragon.

The audience outside the arena was in an uproar, and they all looked up to follow the figures of the red dragon and the giant bear.

"Good guy!"

Gao Fei couldn't help but secretly marvel.

Sure enough, there are only wrong names in Jianghu, but no wrong nicknames!
No wonder the old father-in-law is known as "Flying Bear", this nima flies really fast!

Under normal circumstances, the physiological structure of the giant bear is not suitable for flying. Even if it grows wings, its air mobility cannot catch up with the red dragon.

However, while the old man Siegel was flying, he also activated his "dexterous movement" and performed "sprinting", which doubled his flying speed. He caught up with him in a blink of an eye, roared and threw himself at Gao Fei, and in the image of a giant bear, shot out A set of "Lion's Charge" that stunned cats!
Gao Fei dodged embarrassingly in the air, but he still got a bear's paw. Fortunately, this time he did not trigger a critical attack, otherwise the old father-in-law's set of "dexterous movements" + "Lion's charge" + "burning in anger" + "violent attack" " + "Big Slash" + "Knowing Blow" gorgeous combo, directly took him away.

Can't beat it on the ground, but still can't beat it in the air... What's the matter?
Gao Fei made up his mind, decided to adopt "Plan B", and blew the horn of counterattack with a roar, and activated "Rage" again in the red dragon form!
The so-called "Plan B" is to switch the "Rage Mode" to "Rage Mode", so that the 15 points of strength increased by "Dragon Rage" will be transferred to agility.

Gao Fei, who switched to runaway mode, dropped his strength attribute to 32 points, while his agility attribute soared to 30 points.

With the sharp increase in agility, Gao Fei's dodge bonus obtained through agility correction also increased to 10 points, making his defense level soar to 47!

Facing this defensive system that was both impregnable and flexible, the old man Siegel could not find any flaws, and all subsequent attacks fell through.

In fact, unless he rolls a 20 on his attack roll, there is no chance of hitting Goofy in a rampage state, and the probability of this happening is only a mere 5%.

Gao Fei didn't want to give his old father-in-law too many chances to win the lottery, so he also started "burning with anger", starting with a set of extremely skillful "three companies of migrant workers", and launched a fierce counterattack.

With the weakening of the strength attribute, Gao Fei's attack hit rate also had a significant drop.

But no problem.

After all, the old father-in-law's defense level is too hip, even if Gao Fei's strength attribute drops sharply, the attack hit rate can still be maintained at about 50%.

As long as there are enough attacks, a [-]% hit rate is enough to secure the victory.

Tit for a tooth + multiple attacks + homeopathic chop + offensive tide!

Including the counterattack, Gao Fei hit eight consecutive attacks in one round. The offensive was like a continuous storm, which made the old man Siegel breathless, tired of parrying, and reduced to a human sandbag.

Gao Fei hit five hits in a round of berserk attacks, and finally hit the giant bear on the forehead with the back of his axe, ending this hearty counterattack.

The reason why he used the back of the ax instead of the blade to attack Siegel was, of course, because he was afraid of triggering a critical strike. He couldn’t hold back his hand and accidentally chopped off the head of the old father-in-law.


The old man Siegel turned back into a human form, rubbing his swollen forehead, and waved his hands repeatedly at Gao Fei.

"Enough is enough, you've won! If you continue to fight, my old bones won't be able to take it anymore!"

The old man was not stupid, he saw that the other party was merciful, so he took advantage of the opportunity to get off the donkey, and took the opportunity to admit defeat before the scene was too ugly, not only saving face, but also appearing to be a high-spirited man.

After the contest, the old man Siegel publicly announced to all the clansmen:

"Basaka Olaf has passed my test and proved that he is worthy to marry my daughter!"

"One day, this young warrior, the heir of King Olaf, will take over from me the chieftain of the Vali tribe, lead you to overthrow the brutal rule of Gelmir, and bring all the enslaved people on this land Compatriots of the Aesir tribe, free yourself from the iron hooves of the frost giants!"

Amidst the cheers and blessings of all members of the Wali tribe, Basaka exchanged rings with Eve, who was crying with joy, and hugged each other tightly.

Compared with the political significance of this marriage, Gao Fei is more interested in the wedding banquet and the subsequent consummation of the house. Even if he can't stage a real fight, it's too dry to play a small game of "squeezing red souls" Addiction is okay...

It's a pity that the staff structure of Tiangong's game design department is too narrow, and it fails to grasp the pain points of players to provide immersive game experience.

Not to mention squeezing the red soul, Gao Fei received a system prompt before he even had time to take a sip of the wedding wine:

"You have completed the story milestone of this chapter, the energy of the astrolabe +1!"

(End of this chapter)

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