Chapter 331
Yitian's challenge level is level 9, which is the same as the frost giant warrior Gao Fei met in King Olaf's tomb, but the overall strength is obviously better than the frost giant warrior!
Gao Fei quickly observed the relative positions of the six Yitian men on the opposite side, calculated the advance, and when they collectively approached within half a mile, he raised his hand and released the "fireball technique".

The fireball whizzed across the sky, hit the center of Yitian's horse team, exploded violently, and sprayed out a stream of fire.

Four Yitian troops were in the area where the fireball erupted, two of them were blown away on the spot, and half of their health bars were lost in an instant.

The other two Yitian soldiers were more vigilant, they realized that the situation was not good, they dodged in time, passed their reflex saves, they were only affected by the explosion, and they received 35 points and 28 points of damage respectively, which were not considered serious injuries compared to their strong vitality.

Yitian's men and horses are all well-trained professional soldiers. The next second they were bombarded by the fireball, they immediately dispersed, raised their refined longbows one after another, and shot large arrows towards Gao Fei!
With the specialty of "Precise Shooting", Yitian's horses have an advantage in attack rolls when using shooting and throwing weapons.

Gao Fei dodged three arrows, and the last arrow pierced his shoulder. Fortunately, he was protected by the dragon leather armor and the "Stone Skin Technique", so he only suffered a little flesh injury.

At this time, Eve also noticed that the enemy reinforcements had arrived, and quickly flew to Gao Fei's side, turning into a whirlwind, whistling and circling around him.

The subsequent arrows fired by the Yitian troops were all deflected by the whirlwind barrier and failed to hit Gao Fei.

The six Yitian men and horses shot another round of arrows and found that they couldn't break through the whirlwind, so they simply put away their bows and arrows and switched to their lances. The horseshoes trampled on the ice and let out a thunderous roar, and they went straight to Gao Fei to charge.

Gao Fei picked up the holy ax of Olaf, felt the powerful magic power pouring into his body through this artifact, and his fighting spirit rose accordingly. With a roar, he turned into a berserk, transformed into the form of a young red dragon, and flew into the air with wings fluttering.

Yitian's men and horses felt the awe-inspiring power emanating from the red dragon, and all of them changed their expressions.

However, these well-trained knights finally overcome their inner fear and continue to charge forward.

When they were within a hundred feet of the red dragon, they collectively leaped up, as if they had grown wings, walked in the air with their horseshoes, and stabbed the red dragon in the form of Gao Fei with their spears.

The "Skywalker" talent of Yitian troops enables them to glide in the air during the charge and attack enemies floating in the low sky.

In previous battles, they had used this strange trick many times to successfully hunt down the white dragons of the opposing faction, but the opponents they encountered today were not stupid white dragons.

Gao Fei had learned from Eve that Yitian's horses were good at volleying, so he prepared a mouthful of dragon's breath in advance, and when he saw them leaping up, he immediately opened his mouth and sprayed them, killing the six Yitian's horses who couldn't dodge in mid-air, All were shrouded in raging flames.

The young red dragon's breath spreads out in a 60-foot cone, dealing 15d6 fire damage.

The Yitian people and horses belong to the subspecies of cold creatures, and when they are breathed out by the flaming dragon, the damage is doubled!
The fiery red dragon's breath swept past like raging waves. Among the six Yitian troops, three who had been injured by the "fireball technique" were directly sprayed to death by Gao Fei. on the ground.

Gao Fei didn't leave the opponent a chance to breathe, folded his wings, landed like a fiery meteor, and launched a round of "dive and crush"!
Knocked away all the Yitian troops who were still in shock.

Counting the 4 points of strength bonus provided by the holy axe, Gao Fei's attributes in the red dragon form are: strength 41, agility 30, constitution 28, intelligence 8, perception 14, charisma 16!

With 41 points of strength, the difficulty of saving throws when he launched a collision and crushing reached 33, which was far beyond the reaction limit of Yitian's horses and horses. They were all shocked and fell to the ground in an instant, suffering an average of 36 points of impact damage.

One of the bloody Yitian troops was shocked to death on the spot!
The last two Yitian men and horses struggled to get up, surrounded the red dragon who had landed from the left and right sides, and stabbed with their spears!
Their resistance was heroic, and the timing of their counterattack was properly grasped, but in the face of the overwhelming strength gap, all their resistance became a laughing stock for manipulative arms to block traffic.

In the form of a young red dragon, Gao Fei has 15 natural defense points alone, enchanted dragon leather armor +12 defense, agility correction +2, and deducts 1 point of size penalty. The final defense level is as high as 38, which is only higher than Jiang Feng's martial arts. The monk is only 1 level lower.

What's more, he was wearing the "Stone Skin Technique".

Yitian's all-out attack failed to break through Gao Fei's defense, but provided him with an excellent opportunity to launch "Tit for Tat".

Gao Fei held Olaf's holy ax tightly with both claws, and took the opportunity of counterattack to launch "whirlwind"!
At the same time, Gao Fei felt that his arms were slightly hot, and the movement of swinging the ax was smoother than usual.

This familiar and indescribable feeling made him immediately realize that a crit had been triggered!

An ordinary weapon triggers a critical strike, but the damage is doubled. However, the giant ax in his hand is a "beheading weapon". Once a critical strike is triggered, it means that the battle is over early!
The red dragon holds an axe and slashes in 360 degrees!
The blood flashed, and two heads fell to the ground one after another!

Gao Fei changed back into a human form, waved off the remaining blood on the blade of the axe, turned around and walked over the corpses, and went back to join his teammates.

The battle on the pier was also over, and everyone took a short rest on the spot to heal their wounds, stop the bleeding, and relieve their fatigue. Afterwards, under the leadership of Eve, they headed towards Xiongwang Town.

On the way, they encountered an orc patrol team, and were easily annihilated by Gao Fei and his party like chopping melons and vegetables. By the way, they captured the orc cavalry's horses to serve as mounts.

Everyone rode westward all the way, across the vast snowfield, and finally arrived at the outskirts of Xiongwang Town when the sun was setting.

Bear King Town, the base camp of the Wali tribe, is actually a military fortress.

When Gao Fei and others arrived, the offensive and defensive sides were fighting fiercely.

Looking from afar, I saw thousands of orc infantry gathered into a torrent, launching attacks from both north and south directions at the same time.

Standing behind the infantry regiment were two Yitian horse cavalry teams, lined up neatly, holding large longbows, and continuously shooting arrows painted with "blazing glue" towards the top of the city to cover the orc infantry and ants attacking the city.

The great chief of the Wali tribe, Siegel, personally sat on the top of the city, and led the warriors of the tribe to line up the wall with large shields to block the arrows that came like meteors and fire.

Many fires broke out inside and outside the city walls, and billowing smoke and dust shot straight into the sky.

The roar of the giant dragon in the air attracted Gao Fei's attention.

Looking up, one could vaguely see two groups of white dragons fighting against each other in the sky above Xiongwang Town. The fight was very fierce, and sometimes the blood-stained dragon scales fell off like huge snowflakes.

(End of this chapter)

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